View Full Version : Pet hate - what is it?

03-05-09, 11:20 PM
Go on then, whats your pet hate?

Mine is white people who think there black. Gets on my tits no end!!

03-05-09, 11:24 PM
i have so many i dont know where to start lol

03-05-09, 11:26 PM
i hate it when people ask you to do something but say for instance, do you wana just pass me that spanner instead of just saying pass me the spanner please because when they ask like that my answer is always no i don't want to but if you ask me properly i willlol.

and also they say "if you just pass me the spanner" then nothing else it just winds me up

03-05-09, 11:29 PM
Mike, I thought you were black

03-05-09, 11:29 PM
carnt think of any lol

03-05-09, 11:31 PM
other peoples pet hates :D

honestly though, people who dont check their lights and drive about for weeks with only 1 headlight!

03-05-09, 11:42 PM
man ive got so many things that p*ss me off so bad i literally dont know where to start well heres a few

when people drive under the speedlimit!!!

people that drive with thier fog light on!!!

little kids!!

when you pull over to give way for some one and they dont wave or say thanks any way!!

this is just a few ill stop before i go on forever lol

03-05-09, 11:49 PM
when people park their car over 2 spaces and theirs no other ones left.

when old people say "respect your elders", if i had any respect, i'd put you in a home.

people who coem to your house and nick "your spot" on the couch, and then look at you asif youve just told them to fcuk off, if i was there first, then its MY spot

when people in school say "novas are sh*t, really really sh*t",
thats fine, you can get the bus then.

the tounge twister "she sells sea shells by the sea shore",
why would someone sell shells on the sea shore? surely thats like trying to sell a bucket of mud in a field, it should be "she sells shoe soles by the sea shore"

i have many more lol

03-05-09, 11:49 PM
when people drive under the speedlimit!!!
Grr, those pesky people who obey the laws of the road! Grr

*shakes fist*

03-05-09, 11:50 PM
Slothsport1-what a rod

03-05-09, 11:52 PM
people that drive with thier fog light on!!

Yeah thats another one.......... really hacks me off, i could blind the sods with my main beams some day!

03-05-09, 11:55 PM
i usually do me get full beams on the *******s so when they look in thier mirror they may see you lol yea it really pisses me off that one lol

03-05-09, 11:59 PM
lol might start a campaign on my own removing peoples foglamps......... already pledged to take some lil ****ers ****ty escort apart where is stands cos he was beeping at my ol dear whilst she was walking down the road!! mind you im a vengfull lil bastid!

04-05-09, 12:01 AM
People who can't spell properly, can't is not ****ing carnt (yes my spelling isn't 100% but its better than most) cant is acceptable though.

People who drive at 30/40 on a 60 road :mad::cry::mad::cry:

White people who try to be black does my head in too.

All the stupid health and safety laws, Who makes kids wear safety goggles to play conkers? I never wore any and my eyes are fine...ish.

Can't think of more at the moment.

04-05-09, 12:05 AM
lol might start a campaign on my own removing peoples foglamps......... already pledged to take some lil ****ers ****ty escort apart where is stands cos he was beeping at my ol dear whilst she was walking down the road!! mind you im a vengfull lil bastid!

beeping at my old dear id have gone thrown a brick at the c*nt me lol

04-05-09, 12:21 AM
Mike, I thought you were black

I am. Blud lol

04-05-09, 12:23 AM
beeping at my old dear id have gone thrown a brick at the c*nt me lol

I would have however I didnt have a brick to hand.......... now all i gotta find is where the cnut lives

04-05-09, 12:24 AM
White people who try to be black does my head in too.

Yes bruvva! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOxNSNqvKiM)

04-05-09, 12:25 AM
wiggas = :tosser:

04-05-09, 12:28 AM
wiggas = :tosser:

Dude racism has no place in here, now go fcuk off an play with the white boys lol lol lol lol

04-05-09, 12:33 AM
thats not racism........ its what tim westwood calls himself...... however if it has been assumed as a racial slur i do appologize!

04-05-09, 12:36 AM
thats not racism........ its what tim westwood calls himself...... however if it has been assumed as a racial slur i do appologize!

Dude, sarcasm, googlerise it :thumb:

04-05-09, 12:39 AM
righto.......... my bad....... usually good with sarcasm........ in real life im the most sarcastic guy you will know (now is that me being sarcastic or genuine?? :D) however text sarcasm is more difficult to pick up on!

04-05-09, 12:42 AM
righto.......... my bad....... usually good with sarcasm........ in real life im the most sarcastic guy you will know (now is that me being sarcastic or genuine?? :D) however text sarcasm is more difficult to pick up on!

Ok mate I know I'm single an all but for real, I dont wanna know your life story an all that lol

Ya dig?

04-05-09, 12:46 AM
I dig holes if thats what you mean :D

04-05-09, 01:13 AM
anyway - back to the topic in hand.

There are days when I feel like that "grumpy old men" tv program...

Work - people who ask STUPID questions - I give stupid answers
Work- blokes who p1ss all over the toilet seat and dont wipe it up (we have cubicles only)
Work - blokes who p1ss all over the tiled floor and dont wipe it up (so when you go for a dump your trousers get wet with other peoples p1ss unless you wipe it up)
Work - bosses who havent got a feckin clue!

Home - the missus when I ask for something - like "pass me the butter" - and she says "and what have you forgotten?" and I'm like "what?" - and shes like "the magic word is..." and I'm like "pass me the butter B1TCH" - because she wants me to say "please".

AHHHHH!!! - like I didnt leave home to get away from nice manners and buy a house so I can do what I feckin want and end up marrying my feckin mother!

and finally - T0ssers who insists on driving so close up your ar$e he (alas it always is a he) may as well park his feckin car up your AR$E when they know FULL WELL thers no way you can go any faster because of the tractor in front of the 100000 cars in front of you!

and relllllllllllllax...

04-05-09, 01:32 AM
Go on then, whats your pet hate?

Mine is white people who think there black. Gets on my tits no end!!

Poor spelling. Also jews. :)

04-05-09, 02:38 AM
People that drive close to your ass

people with fog lights on

people who dont say thank you

taxi/bus drivers

barbie/orange girls

Saxo/106 drivers

people that think they are hard after a few pints

traffic jams


scooter riders

people who finsh your sentences before you do


windows sales people that dont take no for a answer

people that brake for no reason

Well that all i can think of for the moment. i want to go bed now. ill carry on tomorrow lol

04-05-09, 05:42 AM
people who drive whilst texting/talking on mobile (buy a hands free ya big tit)
people who change headlamp bulbs in there car, but put them in wrong so one has huge glare (it only goes in one fecking way! step away from the spanners...)
merc drivers...
kids in their saxo's/corsa's/106's etc etc who think they are the dogs dangly bits because they have a big bore exhaust

04-05-09, 07:44 AM
i hate when you are just about to go through a roundabout next minute some dumb air head women fly,s through cutting you up and nearly wiping you off the face of the planed and all existance and all you get is that smug stupid ooops tee hee look and a stupid wave from them and have the cheek to sit at half the speed limit for the next few miles after that f*****g ****s

04-05-09, 08:16 AM
people who don't use there f**king indicators ..like i know where your going.

Nick J
04-05-09, 08:45 AM
people who don't use there f**king indicators ..like i know where your going.

Agreed! on roundabouts especially when traffic is busy its a real pain.

04-05-09, 09:24 AM
Ah I forgot to add, I dislike Electricians.

04-05-09, 09:40 AM
Hmm, i have lots. here's just a few!

People who use motorised wheelchairs/scooters, when they have nothing wrong with their legs, then think it's a fooking car!

People who park in the parent spaces at supermarkets, and have no children (they will get a mouthfull!)

People who don't know how to use petrol pumps, come on ffs!

The lad next door with the worlds noisiest escort, who wakes my daughter up every night, about 10 minutes after she's just gone to sleep.

People who come up to me at work and say "excuse me, do you work here?"

People who let their dogs crap on the pavement.


Smokers who invade my clean air.

04-05-09, 09:58 AM
when old people say "respect your elders", if i had any respect, i'd put you in a home.

hahahahaha legend!

thats not racism........ its what tim westwood calls himself...... however if it has been assumed as a racial slur i do appologize!

Tim westwood is one of mine, a 40yr old white guy, in a shirts thats too big and jeans that are way to big. Your not cool, your not hip. And you arnt funking black.

People that blindy follow their satnavs.

People that have no common sence.

People that dont under stand speedlimits. Why do 50 in a 70, then 50 thru a 40?

People that dont say thank you.

Welsh Dan
04-05-09, 10:32 AM
People that smoke outside doorways "because its legal there". Its still not fcuking courteous when it blows back in. :mad:

04-05-09, 10:49 AM
^ didnt realise smokers were hated that much lol makes me glad Im on the road to quittyness lol lol

04-05-09, 10:51 AM
my biggest pet hate used to be Novalad.............

lets see, when i'm driving a lorry/tractor/jcb, the other road users who think my vehicle handles like a ferrari & thus I can stop or change direction on a sixpence when they try to cut me up.

people who think they are right when I am having a row with them in the street because of their crap driving..... like the bus driver in leicester last week who decided to hit me cos I couldn't let him out (ps. the solid white line means you can't cross it even though you are a bus driver)

fog lights in good weather.

those blueish headlamps that dazzle everyone.

the noise that wine makes when it glugs out the bottle.

Emergency service vehicle drivers when they aren't on a shout, they think they are god, jumping red lights, cutting you up etc. I once had a granny ambulance driver stick the blue lights on so she could do a 3 point turn then park up in the same spot........

sat navs.

people who never question anything they've been told, (ie the ignorant)

I'll be back later with more.......

04-05-09, 10:53 AM
Can see this being a top thread lol

Votes for a "legendary thread" sub forum lol

04-05-09, 11:07 AM
Oh my god

Where oh where do i start

Middle lane hoggers!!!!

People driving with foglamps on, IN DAYLIGHT!!!! Or even at night. Any time it isnt foggy full stop!!

People that continue to have their rear fog lamp on, even when im not that far behind them.

People who dont use their handbrake at traffic lights and dazzle me with brakelights.

People who have no manners, they cost nothing. Thankyou is not a hard thing to say, or gesticulate.

People who use big words, out of context, and dont even know what they mean.

My neighbour and his 1.0 nova with exhaustzilla, revving from cold cos he thinks hes uber cool at all hours of the day, then taking it all the way up the rev range slowly in 1st and 2nd gear as he leaves!!!

Immigrants, dole dossers, teenage mums that think its perfectly normal to get a kid to get a council house and not have to work!

Disrespectful chav kids

People that make jokes about you not being old enough to remeber things, or havent been working somewhere long enough to know things. Sorry i wasnt born sooner, ill just go and reprimand my parents for that shall i!

Stupid decisions made by middle management.

People who say Brought instead of Bought! CUNNNNTS!!!!!

Text typing, how fukking lazy!!

Facebook life story status updates! woop woop

The list is endless! My bloods boiling now! Nice one mike!!!

04-05-09, 11:12 AM
sorry, stoo. I sit at the lights with my handbrake on, but my foot on the brakes ever since some bloke decided to rear end me cos he didn't realise i was stationary.....

04-05-09, 11:16 AM
When i say im going to ring someone, or they tell me to ring them, and they dont answer the phone!!! like now!!!!!

04-05-09, 11:18 AM
people who don't finish their sentance - they just stop 2-3 words from the end! (queue the half finished sentance's!)

people who slow down when a lorry is coming towards them.

people who flash their light's etc after i've overtook them for doing 35 in a 50.

04-05-09, 11:22 AM
Lol, this thread is great! Lol at you and your rage Stoo!

04-05-09, 11:36 AM
people who quote a million pictures and just add a smiley/few words at the bottom :mad: that really rattles me too!

(not particularly this post but get the idea!)

Jim Mcrae
04-05-09, 11:55 AM
When your driving down a narrow road and you pull over to let an oncoming car past and they ignore you no thanks what so ever. It's common courtsey surely

04-05-09, 11:57 AM
when people walk towards my obviosly preggers mrs and walk thru her like she wasnt even there!

04-05-09, 12:20 PM
when people walk towards my obviosly preggers mrs and walk thru her like she wasnt even there!

stop complaining, she is taking up the space of two people!!!!!!!;)

seriously, the other day, I was going thru a gateway to get my kids from brownies & this big lump of a woman was coming the other way & made the comment 'i thought it was ladies first', so I responded, 'it is & when I see one, i'll get out the way'.....

04-05-09, 12:48 PM

sorry, stoo. I sit at the lights with my handbrake on, but my foot on the brakes ever since some bloke decided to rear end me cos he didn't realise i was stationary.....
I hold the footbrake when I'm at the back of a queue until I'm satisfied the person approaching behind has seen the fact I'm stopped.

Tim westwood is one of mine, a 40yr old white guy, in a shirts thats too big and jeans that are way to big. Your not cool, your not hip. And you arnt funking black.
I used to think Tim Westwood was a complete cockmaster, until I stopped taking him seriously. I mean just imagine that Pimp My Ride UK is a p!sstake of the US version and it all becomes very very funny

Stupid decisions made by middle management.
Government departments FTL.

04-05-09, 12:48 PM
the one thing i really really hate is people that say,,,

ur cars **** mert itz a nova itz **** i race ya now me saxo iz wel faster comon ill race ya rond de bk lanes

its like wtf non of us have a license yet people want to use there own or borrow there friends cars just to race you becuase they think your cars **** lol

04-05-09, 12:50 PM
i race ya now me saxo iz wel faster comon ill race ya rond de bk lanes
Am I the only one who read that in a Jamaican accent? lol

04-05-09, 12:59 PM
Am I the only one who read that in a Jamaican accent? lol

04-05-09, 01:37 PM
I work in a shop and i hate that, I hate 99% of the customers, I hate the person who started this thread and every one who posted in it, **** you all! I hate everything and everyone.

General Baxter
04-05-09, 01:41 PM
when people park their car over 2 spaces and theirs no other ones left.

sorry dave but i have to, if i go in a 'normal' gap, i cant open the doors if i park between 2 cars lol

04-05-09, 01:48 PM
I work in a shop and i hate that, I hate 99% of the customers, I hate the person who started this thread and every one who posted in it, **** you all! I hate everything and everyone.

Oooer! whats got up your nose lol

04-05-09, 01:49 PM
I hate people who make silent farts then look around to see if anyone has noticed!

04-05-09, 02:10 PM
i hate that duck


04-05-09, 03:22 PM
I hate people who don't text back

I hate people that don't say thank you

I hate people who drive BMWs

I hate customers that don't know what they want (i work in a restaurant)

I hate attention whores

I hate people who fart and blame it on other people

04-05-09, 03:29 PM
I hate people who don't text back

I hate people that don't say thank you

I hate people who drive BMWs

I hate customers that don't know what they want (i work in a restaurant)

I hate attention whores

I hate people who fart and blame it on other people

I am a father of three, & it takes 1/2hr just to get them to sit down let alone decide what they want, then they need exact breakdowns of what the food is & will it go with ketchup etc... then I have the waiter/waitress decide to turn up before we are ready & I have to speed read the menu & try to work out what I need, whilst in my other role of peacekeeper.... and I leave a tip if they did a good job...... quite often I don't, because its amazing how often an order of 5 meals which is double checked at the table is wrong when the food appears......

I hate Restaurants

04-05-09, 03:36 PM
when people pour a glass of coke and squeeze the bottle, then do the lid back up with the bottle still squashed in lol lol

04-05-09, 03:41 PM
Oh my god

Where oh where do i start

Middle lane hoggers!!!!

People driving with foglamps on, IN DAYLIGHT!!!! Or even at night. Any time it isnt foggy full stop!!

People that continue to have their rear fog lamp on, even when im not that far behind them.

People who dont use their handbrake at traffic lights and dazzle me with brakelights.

People who have no manners, they cost nothing. Thankyou is not a hard thing to say, or gesticulate.

Immigrants, dole dossers, teenage mums that think its perfectly normal to get a kid to get a council house and not have to work!

Disrespectful chav kids

Stupid decisions made by middle management.

People who say Brought instead of Bought! CUNNNNTS!!!!!

Text typing, how fukking lazy!!

Facebook life story status updates! woop woop

Oh im soooooo glad you said those two in particular as it does my head in on both counts, mine are pretty much the same as yours too only with the inclusion of people who dont know the on a roundabout you give way to your right rather than just pulling out on you, and yes because its called a roundabout sometimes people use it to turn round, funny that isnt it!

04-05-09, 03:49 PM
I Hate The Attention Seeking Whores On This Site !

04-05-09, 04:07 PM
ASWs i agree!!

Agree with the roundabout thing too!

Highway code should be tested on every yr!

04-05-09, 04:18 PM
Hmmm, just thought of another one.....

People who dont understand that the for sale section on here is not a section to admire others parts/cars and post replies saying "oh thats nice i wish i had the money" ffs, if youre not buying or asking a serious question about it then dont fcuking post on it!

04-05-09, 04:27 PM
I Hate The Attention Seeking Whores On This Site !

i hate people that type with caps lock on!!!!

04-05-09, 04:33 PM
i hate people that type with caps lock on!!!!

I hate people that hate other people...

04-05-09, 04:49 PM
I don't want to start, as i don't think I'll stop! the list is huge, and the fact is i never use to be this way, it only get worse as you get older..

We always joke about women turning into their mum's etc, but **** i feel I'm some times as grump as my dad, and he's 64! lol

EDIT: Grrr here's one, the Mrs just text me asking me to call her (using and exclamation mark) so i think it's urgent, she dose this alto now..

So i ring up, ask whats wrong? She Say's have you eaten? Err not my diner why?
Don't suppose you want to go out then? Err can do i guess...
Then she Say's cant talk now got to cash up (she's at work) and hangs up!


04-05-09, 04:52 PM
I don't want to start, as i don't think I'll stop! the list is huge, and the fact is i never use to be this way, it only get worse as you get older..

We always joke about women turning into their mum's etc, but **** i feel I'm some times as grump as my dad, and he's 64! lol

I hear you on that one man, have some +Rep to make you feel better lol

04-05-09, 04:55 PM
lol read my EDIT!

would rep you back,but need to spread my love lol

04-05-09, 05:08 PM
i have loads of pet hates now, used to be such a chilled out guy but im always stressing now lol


the way everybody, especially the management, are retards. i have to slow myself down just to get along with them
customers who are rude, ie. use their mobile whilst being served or kick off with me because of the price of something :roll:
customers who arnt disabled tell me where and where not to park


women who cut roundabouts
women who cant pull out of roundabouts
women who stall on roundabouts
women who cant judge how a lorry takes a roundabout
women who have got to use a handbrake every single time they stop and take minutes to set off again
old people at any time on the road
lack of indicators
bmw drivers :eek:
taxis who get away with street racing
old people who stand by the road screaming at me for speeding whilst im going below the limit
old people who stare down the road at me, i pass them and when im at the top of the road i look in my mirror and they are still staring
potholes and speedbumps :roll:

vxr nurburg decals
letters on the boot to spell their name, wrong.
reg plates in windows with their name on it (mine doesnt count!)
young drivers who know nothing about cars but think they do
girls who knows nothing about cars but are sure they know more than you and tell you that you've bought the wrong car (ie. a corsa is the best car ever!)
the 'rat' look
people who just dont understand how to style a car and what will look good and what will look completly stupid!


cocky coppers
majority of women :roll:
words like sumfink, anyfink, everyfink. where does the K come from?
brought :wtf:

in fact, theres a lot of things that wind me up lol

04-05-09, 05:15 PM
people who sit in the middle lane of the motorway!!when nothing on the inside.is that there lane??

04-05-09, 05:22 PM
people who sit in the middle lane of the motorway!!when nothing on the inside.is that there lane??

cant believe i missed that one out. its my MOST hated thing ever. lane hoggers! the amount of times i have sat behind somebodys bumper flashing at them for 5 miutes before they realise what theyre doing wrong is unreal. its even worse when theyre in the third lane with nobody else around.

04-05-09, 05:29 PM
the 'rat' look

Oh you just got +Rep dude lol

04-05-09, 05:32 PM
what about queue jumpers at theme parks!!

04-05-09, 05:33 PM
i can barely stand it on camper vans let alone 2 year old audis and the likes. never forget the guy on CS who spent so much time and money on a really nice smooth looking corsa and then he put a rusty bonnet on. if i wasnt banned already i would of been banned with the comment i would of given him lol

and cheers, 4 blobs now Lol :thumb:

04-05-09, 05:34 PM
what about queue jumpers at theme parks!!

i actually hate the people who are too scared and let them jump the queue more tbh.

04-05-09, 05:36 PM
im not scared and cant wait to say somthing.you are right most people just look and mumble.i make it well awkward for them.ha ha

04-05-09, 05:37 PM
and cheers, 4 blobs now Lol :thumb:

Bugger i meant to check first cos im dying to be able to say "have another blob" rather than "+Rep" lol

04-05-09, 05:38 PM
Bugger i meant to check first cos im dying to be able to say "have another blob" rather than "+Rep" lol

i think i had it before anyway. just got 3 reps within a few minutes for some reason. im still yet to give out my first one, took me ages to realise what it was all about lol

04-05-09, 05:57 PM
i cant stand fcuking ian beal from eastenders and ronaldo that winking w@nker, id love to club both of them to death.

04-05-09, 06:11 PM
Hot under age girls...

General Baxter
04-05-09, 06:13 PM
being high up in a truck, in summer, and sitting on the drivers side, you cant see cleavage lol

04-05-09, 06:15 PM
i cant stand fcuking ian beal from eastenders and ronaldo that winking w@nker, id love to club both of them to death.

And didier Dogbreath

04-05-09, 06:29 PM
i think i had it before anyway. just got 3 reps within a few minutes for some reason. im still yet to give out my first one, took me ages to realise what it was all about lol

Its when you love someone but want to tell them secretly lol

04-05-09, 06:33 PM
when people remove part of or drill a hole in the exhaust, because it sounds "sportier"

General Baxter
04-05-09, 06:35 PM
when people remove part of or drill a hole in the exhaust, because it sounds "sportier"

oi my loons like that lol

sounds std till 4000rpm :thumb:

04-05-09, 06:38 PM
have you deliberatly removed part of the exhaust or drilled a hole in the exhaust to make it sound sportier??
Or is it a ss exhaust or somethinig??

marc novataken
04-05-09, 06:48 PM
rude/ignorant people
people who park in kiddy spaces with no kids, then have a go at me
people who are real down on teen parents/teenagers
traffic police
most old people
people that follow me and girlfriend around in shops
people that have a go about me parking in disabled spaces/kiddie spaces

04-05-09, 06:51 PM
rude/ignorant people
people who park in kiddy spaces with no kids, then have a go at me
people who are real down on teen parents/teenagers
traffic police
most old people
people that follow me and girlfriend around in shops
people that have a go about me parking in disabled spaces/kiddie spaces

Contradicting yourself arent you?

marc novataken
04-05-09, 06:56 PM
i have a kid and disabled partner :p, probably should have made that clear lol

04-05-09, 07:02 PM
i have loads of pet hates now, used to be such a chilled out guy but im always stressing now lol


the way everybody, especially the management, are retards. i have to slow myself down just to get along with them
customers who are rude, ie. use their mobile whilst being served or kick off with me because of the price of something :roll:
customers who arnt disabled tell me where and where not to park


women who cut roundabouts
women who cant pull out of roundabouts
women who stall on roundabouts
women who cant judge how a lorry takes a roundabout
women who have got to use a handbrake every single time they stop and take minutes to set off again
old people at any time on the road
lack of indicators
bmw drivers :eek:
taxis who get away with street racing
old people who stand by the road screaming at me for speeding whilst im going below the limit
old people who stare down the road at me, i pass them and when im at the top of the road i look in my mirror and they are still staring
potholes and speedbumps :roll:

vxr nurburg decals
letters on the boot to spell their name, wrong.
reg plates in windows with their name on it (mine doesnt count!)
young drivers who know nothing about cars but think they do
girls who knows nothing about cars but are sure they know more than you and tell you that you've bought the wrong car (ie. a corsa is the best car ever!)
the 'rat' look
people who just dont understand how to style a car and what will look good and what will look completly stupid!


cocky coppers
majority of women :roll:
words like sumfink, anyfink, everyfink. where does the K come from?
brought :wtf:

in fact, theres a lot of things that wind me up lol
no numberplate stealing yaris's? thought that would of been top of ur list

04-05-09, 07:02 PM
Yeh, thats something that should have been mentioned lol

04-05-09, 07:03 PM
Running out of beer in the middle of a relaxing beer session, then realising your wallet is in your car along with your fleece and you gotta go out one way to get them then back through to go out to shop:cry:


Pistol Pete
04-05-09, 07:20 PM
Sooooo many!!


Muppets that cannot read road markings, or have any lane discipline
Selfish nobheads with sweet FA observance to what/who is a round them, middle lane hoggers, tail gaters...yeah 'cos it will make me move/go faster you prick! Roundabouts, yes the key word..ROUND!


People that want spoon feeding, dont have a ****ing clue what google is, piss poor FS ads with **** all details/pictures about what it is they are selling. Time wasters..here, ebay etc. People who paste what is going on in thier lives in their Facebook status. I dont give a flying **** what you had for tea, or that your depressed cos you and your other half have split, or that you are bored and have nothing to do. Text typing..you have a keyboard and no limitations...FFS use full words (correct spellings would be good aswell. Something does NOT = sumfink FFS!), lazy twunts.


It is just that. Its not something fun to do, or is it an excuse for kids to play. Baskets at eye level FTW on that one! Not an excsue for you to stand in the middle of the isle chatting to freinds. Thats what pubs are for, or got the cafe.

Other randomers, chavvy little nobheads, pissed up cocks who think they are rocky after 2 cans of Stella.

lol i'll stop there, beginning to wind myself up!

04-05-09, 07:22 PM
[quote=L33 LEG]words like sumfink, anyfink, everyfink. where does the K come from?[quote]

You not fussed about the f then?

Pistol Pete
04-05-09, 07:26 PM
lol ^ well spotted!

04-05-09, 07:32 PM
other peoples pet hates :D

honestly though, people who dont check their lights and drive about for weeks with only 1 headlight!

Mines been out for weeks!! Must replace that bulb!

My pet hates are badly applied self tan lol

04-05-09, 07:58 PM
My pet hates are badly applied self tan lol

is there such a thing as well applied self tan?????

Pistol Pete
04-05-09, 08:02 PM
Yeah. Makes fences look like new.

04-05-09, 08:27 PM
Yeah. Makes fences look like new.
lol lol lol lol lol

04-05-09, 08:36 PM
People who take up 2 parking spaces – one legend of a person had left a note on someone’s car saying ‘what a prize cock’
Drunken people
Men who try to impress me by being ‘ard innit – you’re a cock!
Totally stolen from someone else, smokers who invade my clean air!
The sound of spooning hot cheesy spag bol out of a bowl – it sounds like your rifling through someone’s intestines
The immigrants that shout ‘hey sexy sexy, you want to racy racy’ – I never have and never will even acknowledge you existence, go home!
Customers that come into my shop and talk to me like I have the IQ of 10! I have a degree ffs! Or the customers that try to remind me how to do my job! I’ve only been here 3 years ffs! Or the ones that tell me how much each sale item they are buying should cost in case it doesn’t scan up right on the till. I CAN READ!!!!
Oh and the fact that when I tell my manager I cant work a certain day, he puts me in anyway and then has a go at me when I tell him AGAIN that I cant do it because he has to alter the rota. I have belly dancing on Thursday night so I'm doing a 2 ½ hour shift this Thursday because he rota’ed me in!
Or when he doesn’t check the holiday books and rota’s in people that are on holiday so they don’t turn up and we are short staffed!

ok ended up a bit work oriented there lol

04-05-09, 08:43 PM
^^ have a hard time at work do we? lol

04-05-09, 08:44 PM
I work in Debenhams! Land of the rich stuck up people with about a 1,000 credit cards!

04-05-09, 08:47 PM
lol i understand now..i know how you fill.lol i hate customers who try and tell me how to do my job after there the ones who ask for the help.

04-05-09, 08:51 PM
Best example of that I had was a guy that asked for a conversion of a pipe length in mm to inches (I worked in wickes) when started talking through what I was doing, I said inches to mm is roughly 25 mm/inch he said "25.4 actually" well, wtf, do it yourself then lol

04-05-09, 08:53 PM
another thing i hate is any organisation with a customer service dept.....the whole purpose is to serve customers, and everyone in that company should do that....

04-05-09, 08:53 PM
oh my fav is tailgaiters........ i like to put my rear foglight on to make them think im braking :D actually got one person to slam on the anchers doing that!! lmao

04-05-09, 08:56 PM
OH yeah my fav..... BRITTISH TELECOM annoying bastids!! call up after 6 end up speaking to someone in india (REALLY obviously in india!) who insits that their name is steve and theyre in manchester! cant get a story straight, dont know what the hell they're doing & then spin you the longest line of grade a bs to try to get themselves out of the hole they got themselves in!

General Baxter
04-05-09, 08:59 PM
People who take up 2 parking spaces

oi again,

what if your car takes up the entire space with the doors closed?

04-05-09, 08:59 PM
People who dont clean up and leave there ****e at the back of them expecting someone else to pick it up after them

04-05-09, 09:01 PM
oi again,

what if your car takes up the entire space with the doors closed?

Get a hatchback! lol

04-05-09, 09:09 PM
another thing i hate is any organisation with a customer service dept.....the whole purpose is to serve customers, and everyone in that company should do that....

Debenhams doesn't have a customer service :D

Which means I have to deal with your **** as well :mad:lol

04-05-09, 09:14 PM
I hate people who post up a link to a for sale advertisement on car enthusiast forums saying its too expensive. Do you want me to lick your bag? What can I do about it!

People on the internets who come on and speak their opinion as if its fact. Its usually not.

I usually hate T4 presenters. Well, the male ones. Big messy hair and tight drainpipe jeans does not make you cool.

I hate people who piss all over the floor and toilet seat in public toilets.

I hate people who don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. This means that my clean hands have to touch that door handle after you. I have now theoretically touched your possibly infected penis.

I hate the type of pritstick that comes out in big lumps on the page. When using it for A Level Art (like right now), it makes it look like you have done a half job due tot he risen sections. PVA is good however its hard to get it to the edges without creating a mess on the rest of the page and and so the corners stick up.

I hate it when I'm sober and driving in my local town/picking up mates and some drunken dick comes over and brushes up against/walks into your car without regard. Drinking is ok, acting like a stain on my kacks is certainly not.

I hate it when you try to wash your car and Mr Rain pops along. Always starts to rain either when you are just starting to sponge it, or when your just about to chamois it, or just after you have chamoised it.

I hate also $lut stains that overtake and cut in abruptly - MY FCUKING BUMPER IS BLACK AND HAS JUST BEEN RECENTLY PAINTED!

People who flash at your for overtaking as if to say "you are a danger to the roads", when you have assessed the situation and conditions and made an educated judgement and carried it through without any danger.

edit - and no, my last two points do not contradict themselves.

04-05-09, 09:36 PM
there are LOTS of people here with lots of very angry people here :D

04-05-09, 09:37 PM
Lee rains good for cleaning cars.

04-05-09, 09:40 PM
I hate people who don't wash their hands after going to the toilet. This means that my clean hands have to touch that door handle after you.

I hate the type of pritstick that comes out in big lumps on the page. When using it for A Level Art (like right now), it makes it look like you have done a half job due tot he risen sections. PVA is good however its hard to get it to the edges without creating a mess on the rest of the page and and so the corners stick up.

people who dont wash their hands in the toilet really f*ck me off for that reason! as for the glue thing, buy some spray-mount, thats what i used in uni :thumb:

i wont even go into my pet hates, i'd be here for hours.....

04-05-09, 09:44 PM
Lee rains good for cleaning cars.

Yeah for actual cleaning but not for the drying :( :cry:

dave.gsi - yep spray mount is good but I haven't got any right now and can't get any tonight :( thanks

04-05-09, 10:10 PM
The immigrants that shout ‘hey sexy sexy, you want to racy racy’ – I never have and never will even acknowledge you existence, go home!

Joe Richardson
04-05-09, 10:19 PM
I hate snobs:mad:

I hate people who think they are something there NOT!!!!!!

Rant over:roll: lol

General Baxter
04-05-09, 10:21 PM
I hate people who think they are something there NOT!!!!!!

im a wotsit, do you hate me ?lol

Joe Richardson
04-05-09, 10:23 PM
im a wotsit, do you hate me ?lol


dont even know you mate:)

04-05-09, 10:23 PM
[quote=L33 LEG]words like sumfink, anyfink, everyfink. where does the K come from?[quote]

You not fussed about the f then?

from a chav typing point of view i can understand the F. at least fing kind of sounds like thing in some sort of way. but something and somethink sound completely different.

General Baxter
04-05-09, 10:24 PM
going to pv or nats, you will know me then ;) kissy kiss

04-05-09, 10:26 PM
I hate the person who started this thread.

Get fcuked @unty bollox.

Joe Richardson
04-05-09, 10:34 PM
going to pv or nats, you will know me then ;) kissy kiss

going to niether mate:(

04-05-09, 11:30 PM
Get fcuked @unty bollox.

Lmao subtle

04-05-09, 11:33 PM
my biggest pet hate used to be Novalad.........
lol:thumb: <3

05-05-09, 12:15 AM
Go on then, whats your pet hate?

Mine is white people who think there black. Gets on my tits no end!!


and noisy eaters, chop slapping pigs! i have been know to tell people in resturants to shut their f*** mouth when they eat lol

05-05-09, 12:18 AM
Get fcuked @unty bollox.
I <3 j00 RLY :D

New pet hate, My mother, bought some cookies and she likes to take one, bite a little bit out of it then put it back in the box why mam? ****ING WHY?!?!?!? EAT THE WHOLE ****ING COOKIE OR DON'T EAT IT AT ALL :mad::mad: :cry::tard:lol

05-05-09, 12:20 AM
another pet hate of mine is when I'm on holiday abroad & I see the 'english' family coming the other way. they are wearing replica england footy tops, there is at least one ginger & the dad is fat, bald & tattooed & walking like he is carrying 2 carpets. they are also sunburnt beyond belief

05-05-09, 12:22 AM
another pet hate of mine is when I'm on holiday abroad & I see the 'english' family coming the other way. they are wearing replica england footy tops, there is at least one ginger & the dad is fat, bald & tattooed & walking like he is carrying 2 carpets. they are also sunburnt beyond belief

lol i cant stand carpet carriers!

05-05-09, 12:27 AM
Carrying 2 sheep lol

George Dubya-Boosh lol

05-05-09, 06:27 AM
Good thread this, im with mike,

People who are white and act black, really cant stand it :tard:

05-05-09, 10:12 AM
people say i act black :(

06-05-09, 02:03 PM
People who drive up your ****.

People who stop at roundabouts when you can see from a mile away there is clearly noone coming. They are give way signs, not stop signs!

People who slup and/or bite their spoon/fork when they eat.

Stupid people.

People who go on about how hard they are but when they actually see/get involved in an argument they go and hide behind the nearest obstacle.

06-05-09, 02:31 PM
Range rovers/4x4s/ fake 4x4s, you dont live on a farm, your car has never seen mud and never will. go weigh it in and buy somthing that fits on the road!

Worst one is mummy dropping of a single kid to school, same people usual have no driving skills whatsoever

06-05-09, 02:38 PM
i hate foriegn lorry drivers who follow there satnav down a little country road when it is obvious that a 44ton 45ft long truck will not fit down single track country road then just sit there blockin the road untill someone fones the police :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: f*****f back to your own country and stay there
rant over

06-05-09, 07:34 PM
Im pretty easy going, but one thing I cant stand is people who are well and truely stuck up their own ass.

People who ask for an opinion, but if a negative one is given, they cant hack it.

Or people who are willing to rip the pee out of people all day and have no ability to take some back.

People who are convinced they are always right, and when prooven wrong, make lame excuses instead of just saying 'your right, i was wrong'.

People who know absolutely sod all about something, and try to create a persona of being some kind of guru when 90% of their information comes from Google! (yes that was aimed at someone from another forum)

Basically, people who seem to have a deep need to be loved by everyone, and everything they do is in some attempt to impress others.

Thats better :)

06-05-09, 07:36 PM
People who push poo. Sorry but no.

06-05-09, 08:02 PM
Lee, you forgot horse riders

06-05-09, 08:23 PM
i hate;
ex-mates who get £1k of labour for free then bad mouth you for something that isnt your fault.

powertrips, no matter who you are, or what you do, you were born covered in shiote, you go out that way too.

the cunnt over the road who parks opposite my dads disabled bay. he has 1 more chance, then i invite mr sledgehammer and mr petrol round.

wasters, who just drain the system.

single mums who arnt single, we do catch em tho....

ebay (cant belive no-ones said this yet) utter useless shiote, i ask for an address off a buyer now, if they timewaste me, i send crap in the post (real 100% sloth poo)

coppers, all of em, they should be shot.

old people, you smell of pi$$ and death, get away from me.

i have many many more, i'll be back....

06-05-09, 08:30 PM
Sloth has just been added to my pet hate list.


06-05-09, 08:46 PM
calm down you miserable lot

06-05-09, 08:56 PM
coppers, all of em, they should be shot.

Cos that would work wouldnt it, we all get short shrift off the feds at time to time but theyre only doing a job.

Much like the PNG "nazi's" funnily enough lol

06-05-09, 08:59 PM
ps i hate badmouther's who give oldtimer's a hard time if it wernt for them youd be speaking german!lol :p

06-05-09, 09:00 PM
"Anarchists" and people who can't deal with authority. Grow up, play by the rules and stop making out you're so hard done by, thats how society works. I was in London at the time of the G20 summit (for work) and some of the great unwashed bums and the tricks they were pulling were just laughable.

Mind you, the bankers waving £10 notes out the windows of the banks was hilarious lol

06-05-09, 09:01 PM
ps i hate badmouther's who give oldtimer's a hard time if it wernt for them youd be speaking german!lol :p

Give that man some well earned rep!

06-05-09, 09:14 PM
hey i wasnt bad mouthing all oldies, maybe i should have been more specific. i hate coppers due to my personal issues with em. im no anarchist, im a revolutionist. i mean oldies that just pi$$ and moan, and didnt see service.

06-05-09, 09:24 PM
im no anarchist, im a revolutionist.
I never said you were.

Mind you, they're the same thing tbh lol

06-05-09, 09:32 PM
Anarchy leads to revolution

06-05-09, 09:33 PM
Anarchy leads to revolution

that would be an anarchy fail tho surely

06-05-09, 09:34 PM
huh lol

06-05-09, 09:42 PM
My pet hates- ASWs (including Sloth)
- lazy people, especially lazy men
- watching films during the day, no matter how ill I am or how bad the weather is, it's a no no!
-Pathetic people who can't stand up for themselves
-People who are right up their own ass then turn round and say it's just a front to hide their insecurities and severe lack of confidence.
-I can't list the rest because I'll probably get banned.

06-05-09, 09:46 PM
Eugh, one other whih I can list... A proper 'pet' hate lol

I hate it when people get animals for a certain image. Like stupid sluts walking along with dogs ****ting in their handbags or scallies with their ugly little inbred, angry dogs. I don't really have any problems with the dogs, although I do think anything smaller than my knee isn't worth having, I have a problem with the owners, who probably couldn't give a toss about the welfare of the animal.

06-05-09, 09:52 PM
My neighbour has a dog that she doesnt walk, it gets left in the garden tied to the fence so has developed frustration barking to cope. She walks it now everyone in the street has shouted at her and the housing association came round and threatened to chuck her out if she didnt buck her ideas up lol

06-05-09, 09:56 PM
My nextdoor neighbours leave their dawg to roam free. He's a big, nasty thing too. I do feel sorry for him though, especailly as he's locked out most of the winter and curls up in the leaves to stay warm.

06-05-09, 10:05 PM
im sorry, i didnt realise being normal was an issue for you lynz.
would you like the number of a good shrink?


06-05-09, 10:06 PM
I know you had a good shrink, shame your 'grow' wasn't quite as impressive lol

06-05-09, 10:08 PM
hun, my "grow" is too much for you to handle.
little girls should stick to little toys. ;)

06-05-09, 10:09 PM
Easy children play nicely........... sloth!

06-05-09, 10:09 PM
My nextdoor neighbours leave their dawg to roam free. He's a big, nasty thing too. I do feel sorry for him though, especailly as he's locked out most of the winter and curls up in the leaves to stay warm.

Ring the rspca.

06-05-09, 10:09 PM
Anarchy leads to revolution
No, Anarchy leads to a bunch of smelly, unwashed, long haired bums who think its 1983 and reckon they can overthrow a government by ranting on the Internet and not voting.

Revolution leads to Anarchy, if only for a short period.

06-05-09, 10:10 PM
Sloth. HAHAHAHAHA... I've heard about you ;)

06-05-09, 10:13 PM
But sometimes you have to create anarchy in order to push one paradigm out and make room for another

06-05-09, 10:14 PM
www.thisisnotuniversitysofeckoffwithyour****edebat es.com (http://www.thisisnotuniversitysofeckoffwithyour****edebat es.com) lol

06-05-09, 10:15 PM
Lol @ lynz you go girl lol

06-05-09, 10:15 PM
He started it!
I probably couldnt create another reply as good as that, Im limited in my knowledge of philosphy. Only did one module of it and didnt listen much

06-05-09, 10:16 PM
www.thisisnotuniversitysofeckoffwithyour****edebat es.com (http://www.thisisnotuniversitysofeckoffwithyour****edebat es.com) lol
That site doesn't work for me

06-05-09, 10:19 PM
Sloth. HAHAHAHAHA... I've heard about you ;)
oh really? id love to know what youve been told, it would be an interesting read. pm me?:thumb:

06-05-09, 10:19 PM
Damn. It works fine for me :)

Another pet hate- People talking crap.

Pistol Pete
06-05-09, 10:36 PM
I know you had a good shrink, shame your 'grow' wasn't quite as impressive lol

LMFAO lol :thumb:

06-05-09, 10:45 PM
still no pm, all talk no action methinks.....

06-05-09, 10:46 PM
Put your spoon down please rob, lynz has done the same:thumb:

Pistol Pete
06-05-09, 10:47 PM
lol ze Nazis have spoken.

06-05-09, 10:48 PM
ok i'll disarm. group hug?

06-05-09, 11:00 PM
I love it when men get defensive about size, gets 'em everytime

06-05-09, 11:01 PM

06-05-09, 11:03 PM
I love it when men get defensive about size, gets 'em everytime

Doesnt me, i has below average but its big enough to fill a pram so who cares lol

06-05-09, 11:05 PM
i've had no complaints. but i do smash it in like a ram-raider in a carlton gsi at a post office.

06-05-09, 11:05 PM
The people you stop and flash to alow to come through and then they stop and flash for you. ridiculous"!

06-05-09, 11:07 PM
actual pmsl at this thread

06-05-09, 11:26 PM
now theres my pet hate girls without bladder control lol

06-05-09, 11:27 PM

06-05-09, 11:29 PM
studenty students who go on pissy rants and parades about some bloke who was put in prison in 1927 for something or summat lol

06-05-09, 11:31 PM
putting brought instead of bought in for sale threads

06-05-09, 11:32 PM
putting brought instead of bought in for sale threads


06-05-09, 11:33 PM
putting brought instead of bought in for sale threads

Almost puts me off bruying stuff

06-05-09, 11:35 PM
Almost puts me off bruying stuff

lol lol lol

06-05-09, 11:50 PM
when you make a coffee, and theirs no god dam teaspoons in the draw! so you end up using a big f**koff tablespoon lol

06-05-09, 11:51 PM
theres some good ones in here like just lol at quite a few posts lol

06-05-09, 11:52 PM
When I cook fish fingers and then realise the loaf of bread is mouldy so i just get stuck with 4 fish fingers for lunch :(

07-05-09, 12:09 AM
When I cook fish fingers and then realise the loaf of bread is mouldy so i just get stuck with 4 fish fingers for lunch :(

school girl mistake

07-05-09, 12:10 AM
when you buy a girl a drink and they dont have the decency to go home with you at the end of the night lol

07-05-09, 12:16 AM
lol /\
Its hard to know where you going once the Rohypnol kicks in

07-05-09, 12:17 AM
or at least nosh you off in the bogs....

07-05-09, 12:19 AM
lol /\
Its hard to know where you going once the Rohypnol kicks in

dam youve rumbled me before show season even starts lol

07-05-09, 08:24 AM
I've thought of another; women who ask if they look fat, and then when you say no, they go 'oh, you're such a liar!' etc etc. Why ask?!

And although I'm not fat I'm not stick thin, and I have a couple of friends who have the anorexic look and then they still go on about how 'fat' they are to me, when I'm blatently bigger!

07-05-09, 04:52 PM
pet hate for me is scoobys !!!!!!
carnt beat the feeling wen bullying and beating them in old novas

07-05-09, 05:08 PM
pet hate for me is scoobys !!!!!!
carnt beat the feeling wen bullying and beating them in old novas


07-05-09, 05:15 PM
My most recent pet hate is the fu*king retards you're gaurenteed to come across when using public transport.

Everytime I use the metro it's either chavs, some drunk fool who tries to talk to everyone and feels the need to shout out the name of each stop, some tramp that stinks of p!ss, some old body still living in the 60's, some rocker dude with their ipod on redicuously loud, some gay bunch of students, some prick on their phone having a conversation so loud that eveyone has to listen to it or some 'traffic support officer' that thinks they work for MI5 or something.


Definately need a bike for getting about...