View Full Version : Gordon Livsey

02-05-09, 07:20 PM
top bloke. swapped a set of softstars for his speedlines and bought some springs off me.

26-05-09, 10:46 PM
great guy to deal with, we met up a few weeks back, i bought a c20xe mount kit from him..

kept in touch, held onto the mount kit for me without deposit until we could meet and was a decent guy! thanks

shame it was pishing down though, didnt really get to chat much..was interested to hear about your nova..

26-05-09, 10:48 PM
top bloke swapped wheels with him also got skirts off him and will be doing a deal on a bonnet soon!

26-05-09, 10:53 PM
think he must of met you after he met me? he had speedlines and skirts in his wee fiesta..i was liking the colour of the sirts and wheels..looked nice!