View Full Version : Its started

28-04-09, 01:56 PM
RIP Pontiac (http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/news/default.asp?storyId=19818) :(

If I was Opel or Vauxhall I'd be worried right now.

28-04-09, 02:08 PM
GM is looking pretty fooked isnt it? last i read they are tryin to trade off some debts against shares or its bankruptcy time....

28-04-09, 02:08 PM
Bye bye smokey :(


Pistol Pete
28-04-09, 04:13 PM

28-04-09, 06:39 PM
RIP Pontiac (http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/news/default.asp?storyId=19818) :(

If I was Opel or Vauxhall I'd be worried right now.

id be worried to its not looking good at all!!

28-04-09, 06:43 PM
from what a remember tho isnt it vauxhall/opel holding GM together????

28-04-09, 06:43 PM
apparently, opel is being sold to a japanese company, and vauxhall has enough cash for 4 months. things look very bad....

craig green
28-04-09, 06:44 PM
Vauxhall are selling well in the UK (considering), so hopefully it rests more with Opel. Fingers crossed as we might end up like Rover & that would suck.

28-04-09, 06:55 PM
no, rover management sucked, lets not get confused. it was the government trying to safeguard jobs that caused that fiasco. anyway....

craig green
28-04-09, 06:58 PM
Maybe, but I just wouldnt own a Rover purely down to how odd it must be to not have any main dealers to buy gen parts from... or purely to have a car brand not in business.

28-04-09, 07:33 PM
Vauxhall are one of the UK's strongest sellers. I would imagine another company would have a punt on it if it got sold off ,provided whoever it is, isn't screwed themselves from the crunch.

My money is on ze germans. Which would be great :)

28-04-09, 08:15 PM
Cue an Indian firm to buy Opel/Vauxhall.

Joe Richardson
28-04-09, 09:10 PM
Vauxhall are doing well at selling motors at the minute,so hopefully they wont go bust:thumb:

29-04-09, 09:38 AM
My money is on a Chinese buyout. Its unlikely a jap company would buy them.

I reckon Vauxhall will be amalgamated into Opel and the Vaux marque dropped, the whole kaboodle sold as Opel. German cars have a better rep nowadays than "british" cars, quite the opposite from when GM decided to keep the Vauxhall brand

Pistol Pete
29-04-09, 10:02 AM
I wonder if they will shed weight and stream line (as RJ said drop the Vauxhall and go Opel). Saab has gone IIRC, Pontiac is dead, Daewoo/Chevrolet to be sold?

They have pulled out from the BTCC for next year in a bid to save money (a drop in the ocean compared to what they need to save IMO, but meh..)

29-04-09, 04:43 PM
From what we've heard...

Vauxhall makes a lot of money in the UK, but the grief in the US is sucking up the cash. And it has drained Luton of cash over recent years.

GM has pulled all motorsport worldwide - not to save cash, but to be seen to be doing the right thing. Execs arriving in court in private jets is a good example of doing the wrong thing.

If anything, Vauxhall may well want to cut loose from Opel - it certainly seems more stable and proffitable than the European arm.

Saab is indeed a dead stick. We believe it's been offered to a major Korean based car company and turned down.

Pontiac has to go. Clock ticking.

I'll give it a month or two before GM goes for chapter 11 in the US. It has no choice. for example... they are legally obliged to keep US dealers open and it would cost billions to close them down. But if they go chapter 11 they can close as many a they want with no penalty. Duh?! Why didn't they do it sooner and save more cash? Go figure.

GM has many more dealers than Toyota, but are selling considerably fewer cars in the US - the sums just don't add up.

Rick Wagoner might be seen as the sacraficial lamb, but in reality, he was a bunny in the headlights, and appeared to be making all the wrong decisions.

Oh... any takes on Chrysler going to the wall by the end of the year? £20 says they'll be gone.

As for Ford, watch the papers. Rumours are that it will all unravel quite soon. Similar story to Vauxhall - doing well in Europe, but pumping cash into the sick relative over The Pond.

One thing's for sure, Pontiac brochures and merchandise will be a hot collecters item on ebay in the next few years!