View Full Version : JOKE

Chris LR
23-01-03, 04:47 PM
Ted walks into a bar, he walks upto the bar and notices a very large jar full of money, As the barman asks what he would like Ted asks about the money. "Thats the pize for our special challenge" the barman replied. "special challenge?" Ted Replied?

The barman asked ted if he'd be interested, Ted replies "Yeah, count me in I'm skint" So the barman goes through the challenge. "It's in three stanges....

1. You've got to go up to Andy the doorman and with a single punch, knock him to the floor cold.

2. I keep the Guard dog (Rotweiler) in the Cellar, and he's got a gold tooth, all you have to do is Remove the Tooth.

3.Finally, there is a little old Granny over the road, been alone for ages, you have to go over there and give her the night of her life, take her to bed and do what no man has ever been able to do b4 :wink: :wink:

So Ted agrees to the challenge, he stands up from the bar and walks slowly up to the 6ft 6 doorman, taps him on the shoulder and Smacks him on the side of the head, The guy falls flat to the floor and is out cold.

Then Ted goes down into the Cellar, As he finds the dog all kinds of noises can be heard, Whaling, Crying, Shouting, Swearing, Sobbing, Yelping, Howling from the Dog and Ted, This goes on for about 20-30 minutes, with Bangs, Crashes, Thuds, Smashes along the way.

Ted walks back into the bar, His clothes ripped and torn, his face bleading and bits of his hair missing, He sits down at the bar and takes a long drink. "Give up?" asked the barman? Ted replied "No, Where's this Granny with the gold tooth?"