View Full Version : 1.3 SR

03-12-00, 12:15 PM
I've just got my 1.3SR, it is dead fast,and I've had a few races in it already.
Any of you guys know what cars it can and cant beat in a race or two?!
Cheers, let us have your stories!


03-12-00, 12:34 PM
Try saxo VTR's!

03-12-00, 01:10 PM
dont try racing me! lmao

03-12-00, 01:21 PM
I used to beat most XR2's and XR3's in my old SR!!! now I have a GSi and it rules the world!!!! ha ha ha ha ha

03-12-00, 02:00 PM
Its beaten an SRI and its been close to a MGF this afternoon!
It has been specialist tuned and I think its been superchipped hence a small black box with a curcuit board and a computer chip in it.
Its well fast for a 1.3!!!!!

03-12-00, 02:21 PM
Correct me if i'm worng but i didn't think u could chip carb fuelled cars, coz they have no ecu?

03-12-00, 02:30 PM
As I say it looks like a chip, and it does affect the performance when its taken out, unless the engine has been modified, I dont know, I'm probably wrong, what else could it be, its towards the right side near the light, black with a wire running from it?!

03-12-00, 02:42 PM
lmao lancy, sorry it's not chipped, its not fuel injection, an ecu has about 100 wires(exaggeration) from it. And don't race lancy, he'll crack his cam!
Oh and don't race me either!(well you could try!)

03-12-00, 05:36 PM
It does have a few wires running from it going to different parts of the engine.
But it has no writing or label on the box to suggest what it might be!
:-) Anyone know?

04-12-00, 12:26 AM
i think u are probly talking about the ignition coil! that would affrect performance slightly!

04-12-00, 05:14 PM
Try getting a Haynes manual and reading it m8. Then look under the bonnet - there are just one or two telltale clues

04-12-00, 05:31 PM
Chris Chris Chris!!! It's the coil your talking about!!

Trust me....Dan.

04-12-00, 06:50 PM
Listen to me fool, theres no way in the world ur 1.3sr could do a 1.4 Sri. cos and i ain't been beaten by a 1.3sr yet. come to think of it i haven't been beaten by any other nova YET!!!

05-12-00, 09:52 AM
Well, if u did ur research u would find that there are two diff SRI engines 1. runs at 60 bhp!!! Only the multipoint injected engine is faster running at 82bhp!! So u think ure sri is fast? Race me in my sr when i put my twin 40's in!!

05-12-00, 12:42 PM
Novataker, you're wrong actually :) There was only one SRi, and that had the 82 brake MPi engine. The SPi engines were only found in 1.4 merits, luxes and shit. None had the 82 brake unit, that was exclusive to the SRi.

06-12-00, 03:29 PM
Look in the haynes manual, I'm only tellin u wat it says!!