View Full Version : Digital Dash problems

19-01-03, 08:53 PM
Ive been having probs with me digi dash! For a few months, the display goes mad when i first turn the car on in the morning but then after about 5 minutes driving its fine? And now last week the speedo went completely, so i dunno what speed i'm doing :?

Ive replaced the sender unit with a different one but i still have the same problem..

Any ideas? or am i gonna have to ripp the whole lot out again :roll:

19-01-03, 11:04 PM
either a wiring fault or some electronic fault with the dash itself

19-01-03, 11:08 PM
dry joint on the PCB?

perhaps when your heater has warmed up and also the duct behind it for your vents, it completes the circuit and bingo?

20-01-03, 08:20 AM
i had that problem with mine but i nver figured out what it was. I checked the PCB but couldn't see anything. Eventually i just got a new plug from vauxh and wired it all in again using solder, flux and heatshrink. Worked fine after that.