View Full Version : K&N causing Stalling?

15-01-03, 04:32 PM
Right, recently my car has been having problems and it comes on and off and you never know when it's going to do it. But what it does is this:

When you are driving and get to around 3000 revs sometimes the engine will splutter like it is misfiring or not getting enough fuel. (And this can happen in any gear) but anyway if you go down a gear to try and get the revs up the revs drop even more and the car stalls eventually.

However if you keep it in the gear and floor it then the revs slowly go up and once after about 4500 revs it clears up and goes fine but then will shortly do the same again. The only way to clear it is to stop the engine wait about 30secs and restart but it will soon do it again.

Anyway I talked to the guy who hadf it before me and he said he had problems in the winter and so put a tube from the exhust to the K&N to stop it getting too cold and a mechanic also said it may be the carbretter icing up because of the K&N but to me it doesn't seem the lickly suspect.

Any ideas? Has it happened to you?

Cheers Adam

P.S I have a 1.3 SR. (K&N Bolt on filter) I have changed the distributor cap, rotor arm, spark plugs, leads, oil filter and petrol filter to try and stop it to no avail.
Thanks for the help!

15-01-03, 04:38 PM
Yep, it's the cold weather.... We've had that with the SR Pete's running. The carb is getting cold air and is icing up. I bet if you leave it a minute and restart the engine everything runs fine.

For the winter run the original air box with the exhaust hot-air feed in place and it'll run so much better.

Injections don't suffer from this as it doesn't rely on the ventui (spelling) effect that the carb does.

Nova Full
15-01-03, 04:39 PM
Get a K&N Hot Air Kit (?12 approx) sorted mine out completley or probably cheaper to make ones yourself

15-01-03, 10:27 PM
Cheers guys your all STARS!! :lol:
That heat flow thingy is on order so hopefully that should do it!

Cheers again, Ad

18-01-03, 05:56 PM
Have you looked at the vacuum advance mech.??? it could be tatered...