View Full Version : sandblasting engine bay

31-03-09, 08:47 PM
right i am looking to get the front of my nova sandblasted ,arches, scuttles panels and engine bay, would sand blasting be my best option or would the wire brush and a drill be a safer option :wtf:

Pistol Pete
31-03-09, 08:50 PM
I'd say wire brush and drill. Sand blasting is all well and good, but if you have rust (not saying you do) it will blast through it!

31-03-09, 08:50 PM
I wouldnt, sand will get traped everywhere and if they beads are to big it can do alot of damage.
Paint strip the engine bay. Wire wheel on a grinder for sealer and bits.

31-03-09, 08:52 PM
its not rusty just want to have a bare metal respray on the front so i know its mint, whats best paint stripper to use

31-03-09, 08:58 PM

31-03-09, 11:11 PM
My mate had the front end blasted on his, came up spot on. If the person blasting it knows what their doing and uses the correct mediathen it won't cause any probs.
Can be a pain cleaning up afterwards but nothing a hoover doesn't sort.

31-03-09, 11:12 PM
Its what im going to do to mine. id rather it did make holes if it was rust there, so that way i know to sort it before it gets worse down the line after a respray

31-03-09, 11:14 PM
Id go for the wire brush an drill option:thumb:

31-03-09, 11:20 PM
But if you dont get it sand blasted as said use a wire brush on a drill. But paint on Nitromorse and leave for 5 mins then go over with a wire brush. But make sure you cover every part of your skin and have gloves on!

This is what mine looked like after a hour of going over it!


Pistol Pete
31-03-09, 11:23 PM
^ top job!!

31-03-09, 11:23 PM
Thats the way to do it :thumb:

31-03-09, 11:29 PM
if you have it sand blasted. put a bolt in any threaded holes it will stop sand/beads going into them and save alot of time with a tap and die set or air line at a later date. i would go for nitromose(sp) route put it on really think and leave it half hour or so and then use a petrol soaked rag for the main part and a wire brush or wire grinding wheel on a grinder for the more stubbern stuff.

31-03-09, 11:35 PM
Yes but you dont need it on think at all. just enough to cover the paint will be fine. And no point using arag the wire brush will get it off alot faster. it took me one hour to do the whole engine bay, crossmember and the inner arches and thats including going over with a dry cloth to get it back nice and clean.

31-03-09, 11:39 PM
there you go then i know when i used to use it alot if you put it on thick and leave it for a good half hour it used to was off with water

Pistol Pete
31-03-09, 11:45 PM
Water? On bare metal...Novas need no help to rust!!! But hey if it worked...

31-03-09, 11:48 PM
i used to be a diesel tech so it was always on the alloy housing of a diesel pump so it didnt matter

01-04-09, 04:58 PM
But if you dont get it sand blasted as said use a wire brush on a drill. But paint on Nitromorse and leave for 5 mins then go over with a wire brush. But make sure you cover every part of your skin and have gloves on!

This is what mine looked like after a hour of going over it!


i think ill go with that method me cheaper than getting it sand blasted!!

01-04-09, 06:09 PM
think i will go with the paint stripper, when i go to spray it do i etch prime it and then ordinary primer on top of that then