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14-01-03, 10:26 AM
Thanks for your help regarding engine cleaning methods lads, just wondering if anyone can actually send me some instructions on how to steam clean (and whether excess oil should be removed first) - and the bits of the engine to cover up...

Thanks in advance, Joe

14-01-03, 10:42 AM
wouldnt steam clean personally - promotes rust and the steam gets in everything (electrical!!!). If yer engines heavily oily best using GUNK to remove it - taken better part of 1/2 a day but the results are great. You do need to hose it down afterwards (use a jet wash) but all I did was cover the electrics with the ends of rubber gloves and use a rubber glove to cover the carb!

Dried it off with old rags and a hairdryer!!!

Looked mint afterwards - needed to replace some oil (regrease) though

PM me and I'll send you some pics if you want of before and after


14-01-03, 11:01 AM
can send them me as well if u want ade

webmaster@nova-land.com - plenny o' space there

thats if u can fit me in between wedding bliss and honeymoon :wink:

14-01-03, 11:28 AM
steam cleaning is good... most garages will do it for ?10-?15 just dry out the dizzy cap afterwards and take it for a drive to dry it off

14-01-03, 01:11 PM
will do mike!

May have to reduce them 1st.
