View Full Version : recoving hard drives

29-03-09, 02:35 PM
right kinda dropped my exturnal harddrive worked fine for 5 mins and then wiped it self lol now asking me to format it which i havent done (yet) just wondering if theres a way to recovering it before i format it a and start again had 150gig on it lol so few files :)

29-03-09, 04:24 PM
i'm sure theres programs you could download, failing that, take it to a pc repair specialist (or PCworld if your feeling brave!) and see if they can revover the files from it

29-03-09, 04:26 PM
hmm depends on whats been damaged mate. ıf its been dropped the hard disk simply wouldn't need reformatting, damage has been caused on the dish ımo. I'd say a head crash is whats happened, as in the read write head has come into contact with the physical disk and scrathed it. Maybe having difficulty reading the drive therefore its saying it needs a format.

Does the hard drive still spin? Any noises?

Maybe one of them recovery utilities that search the hard disc. Give that a go.

29-03-09, 04:54 PM
yea the drive spins up and then it trys to find the files on it(the same sound) trying to recover a stuff with a free program got a feeling it will say yeh found all the 150gig of stuff but you have to pay 230£ for full version to recover it lol

29-03-09, 05:14 PM
Try find a free program or a trial version thats works fully for the trial period.

29-03-09, 05:22 PM
only 38hours left god dam all that porn

29-03-09, 05:24 PM
lol corr blimey lol

29-03-09, 07:11 PM
My dad's computer went awol recently and munched a 250gb drive. I recovered about 99% of the data with a program... But i've forgotten what its called lol think it began with g...

29-03-09, 08:18 PM
that is the most useless help ever lol ! go on his pc and look for a program being with g, go go go hurry