View Full Version : good night, found a bargin

27-03-09, 10:06 PM
hey guys

well tonihgt i went and picked up a towbar from ebay. it was in ipswich as well, where i live btw., and email asking what road etc and he lives on the same road as me, how weird. so we arrange tonight for me to go pick it up. i drive up there(long road) and he brings over the towbar chuck it in the boot and ask him if he has anything else, so he hums and hars for a bit and says i have a rear disced beam. wanna have a look. yehhh

so i have a ganders, he said its been sitting out side for a year or so, but i suspect it might be ok, you ca have it for 10 quid, yes 10 quid. so i bite his hand of and take it there and then. BARGIN

also on a side note, he has a ****ing mint astra mk2 possibly 30k on the clock, mint through out.

so i have now got it home. and undo the wheel bolts, and got a caliper offso its not to bad rusted etc.

i have some pics on my camera. will need to upload them

but i need to know what running gear its got, either astra, cav or cali.

i have the hand brake split etc.

lol a funny thing, i took the caliper off and the brake pads fell out, but left the main part in the caliper lol
any help would be very helpful for the strip down and rebuild etc.
like things i need to buy etc.

many thanks

27-03-09, 10:09 PM
soudns like a top find!

is it set up for a nova? or is it a cally astra etc rear axle?

27-03-09, 10:13 PM
nova rear axel, set up for a nova, he said he used it for ages

well i think its a nova anyway, about to upload some pics etc

27-03-09, 10:15 PM
nice one, sell me it for £11 and a pack of fruit pastles?

27-03-09, 10:21 PM
ok some pics






please give me any information you can. thanksss

27-03-09, 10:34 PM
please give me any information you can. thanksss

1. its rusty

2. its rusty as f*ck

3. it looks like it has things growing out of it/ living in it

i'm all out :thumb:

27-03-09, 10:48 PM
nice leaf

27-03-09, 11:11 PM
im not too sure on theese as ive never had any expierence with them but can the stub axle be removed from it ? if so i would just give it a good going over with a wire brush and replace the discs bit of grease and paint . dont be put off just because there is a bitt of rust lad .

27-03-09, 11:14 PM
Thats destroyed

27-03-09, 11:17 PM
looks like calibra rear discs,i think cav ones have a flat lip if that makes sense.
the pads will clean the rust off the discs if they are not too badly pitted.
or just take a disc down to a parts place and compare them.
the stub axles are the same through out i do beleive, just discs and shoes that vary! sure the calipers fit all discs too! could be wrong though lol

28-03-09, 12:02 AM
ok cool, good idea about taking to parts place etc.

and im not put of by a bit of rust, i just want to know what im gonna need to get it working again. like new parts etc. caliper rebuild kit? new calipers?

28-03-09, 12:06 AM
get all the rust ground back first as its possible the beam has rotted

28-03-09, 12:08 AM
get all the rust ground back first as its possible the beam has rotted

ok, will do, good idea befor i start sheding out loads for parts

any hot spots i shoudl be looking for, or just everywhere?

28-03-09, 12:11 AM
are the calipers 45s?
just give it all a good wire brushing off, the calipers im sure will be fine, maybe get a new set of pads for it. (if the pistons in the calipers push back ok when fitting the pads they will be ok imo)
and id take the discs off, check the shoes etc then see if the pads will clean the discs up! you'l be suprised! but its hard to tell the extent of the pitting etc.

28-03-09, 12:12 AM
ps, beam looks fine imo, just surface rust from what i can see! wire brush again!

28-03-09, 12:15 AM
give the thing loads of wd40, measure the mounts ect, if it is a modified nova beam then good find :thumb: the calipers and discs/hub thingy look's fecked imo

28-03-09, 12:19 AM
ok, i removed one caliper and there was no movement of pistons, only tried a little bit, but the pads seperated in half and one half fell out and the other halfs are stuck in there

are these calipers special ones for the rears? are they easy to come by

28-03-09, 12:29 AM
theres a number stamped on the side, 45 by any chance?
they come on everything rear disc'd pretty much.

28-03-09, 12:34 AM
dont forget the about the shoes inisde the disc/hub for the hand brake!

28-03-09, 12:41 AM
does anyone read the posts lol

28-03-09, 12:48 AM
lol it takes time to sink in dude. imho new disks pads and calipers and itll be reeet martin.

28-03-09, 09:15 AM
cheers sloth
will hope to get it apart tomor or something, going london today eeeekkk

28-03-09, 11:53 AM
id say the same as sloth me just replace discs pads and calipers! but as stated before get a wire wheel on a grider and make shure its surface rust!!

28-03-09, 12:18 PM
But as stated before get a wire wheel on a grider and make shure its surface rust!!


28-03-09, 01:01 PM
im wanting one off these like i want rear discs!! 20ltr brakes all round would help stop my little sr!! the breaks on her are fooking poo at the moment lol

28-03-09, 01:50 PM
just fit 2.0 fronts wudgey. i had a 1.2 with disks all round, and it was a bitch for locking up

28-03-09, 02:19 PM
tbh you wont really need it anyway. How many of the track lads have a rear disk beam. its mainly for looks. So i would strip it, clean it and give it a lick of black paint. then put it on ebay and make a nice bit of money back on it1 :thumb:

28-03-09, 02:43 PM
just fit 2.0 fronts wudgey. i had a 1.2 with disks all round, and it was a bitch for locking up

it is now man but its only the rears that lock lol i havent driven it for a while now so im wanting to get it sorted!! im thinking its a fault with the master cylinder i have changed the servo as it was fooked any way but that didnt help!!

any ideas pall??