View Full Version : the smoke returns

13-01-03, 02:30 PM
well just got the car back,
and the smokes happening again,
if its cold,it doesnt smoke at all,
about a minute or so after it start,(so maybe when the auto choke turns off??????)it starts smoking,white smoke realy,its not drinking all,feul economy the same etc,not spitting crap out the zorst.
so ideas,because it isnt blue smoke.

13-01-03, 02:38 PM
Head gasket.

It doesn't do it when its cold because the water temp takes time to build. Once this happens pressure increases and it starts forcing into the cylinder.


Chris LR
13-01-03, 02:42 PM
Possibly Head Gasket, when mine let go I filled all 3 lanes of the motorway with white smoke.

If it's not Drinking water I don't know. Mine is currently drinking an expansion tank every 5 weeks and is leaking oil around the Head Gasket.

13-01-03, 05:27 PM
i reckon head gasket

13-01-03, 11:22 PM
2 b honest,since im going to new zealand 4 2 months on the 27,
i cant b botherd 2 re-MOT it,til i get back,
so il jus carry on using it,
cp i understand what ya saying,dont get me wrong,but if the head asket was the case,
wouldnt it be using oil or water,its not using any at all.its as good as new,runs fine etc.

14-01-03, 07:45 AM
Actually it was MC.

If you have a water jacket leaking into the bore, then you won't be using oil. You only need a slight leak of water to make that amount of smoke, it could be weeks b4 you notice a big drop in water level.

I've not got super powers, this is only a diagnosis from your description. If I had it in front of me I'd tell you for definate.

Whatever it is, I would recommend you sort it b4 leaving the car. If you leave water in the cylinders, you'll get rust, and bye bye engine.


14-01-03, 01:10 PM
my head has just let go and it was smoking white for a while - used to get sh1te out of zorst every now and again then one of the cylinders stopped working - the gasket was ok (no water loss or oil) - but the actual head warpped!

1.4 hear I come... :D

14-01-03, 04:15 PM
bollox,sorry mc i alwasy get u nad cp mixed up.
i understand what ya saying but,head gasket is about 250?(corr3ect me if im wrong),and to be honest,im skint,so i might just drain the oil,water etc,and leave it,

14-01-03, 11:04 PM
depends on the damage m8.

Head gasket is dirt cheap - its the head you need to check - need to check if iits warped, get it skimmed etc...

Get new valve stem oil seals etc... It worked out cheaper for me to get a new "recon" engine.


14-01-03, 11:25 PM
2 b honest its jus gotta stop smoking,the old bill are "aware" of me,
so basical an out brake light and they fuck me,
breathing on a police care=they fuck me
breathing=they fuck me
im probley just gonna wip the head off and hope for the best(i.e the gasket is fucked and the head aint)