View Full Version : MOT (Oil)

12-01-03, 09:01 PM
My engine has oil all over it - i don't think its leaking, it was there when i got it but it doesn't go down too fast when i've been checking it... how can i clean it? It says don't steam clean and i don't wanna use a hose :p but it looks really dodgy when everything in the engine compartment is black. Also, i'd be able to confirm if it was leaking if its clean!


12-01-03, 09:10 PM
Get some engine de-greaser and spry it on, the bits you can reach use closts and wipe it off, will take a few goes but will eventually get rid of the oil. You can use a hose on hard to reach parts. Might want to take things off like the airbox to get behind the engine, but be carfull not to get water in the carb, elastic band and shopping bag usually does the trick to cover it up!!!

12-01-03, 09:30 PM
just cover up the electrics and get a stiff scrubbing brush on it. you will also need some engine degreaser and possibly a hosepipe. Do it when the engine is hot as it works much better!!

13-01-03, 12:23 AM
do you not need to watch putting cold water on a warm engine. cant it cause cracks??

13-01-03, 02:22 PM
y cant u steam clean?seems bit daft 2 me