View Full Version : Digi Dash Problems......

12-01-03, 05:31 PM
I have had my digi dash in for months now and had no probs at all.

but all it keeps doing now is clicking, sounds like a relay is clicking or something. and sometimes when it clicks it quickly flashes up with "288" like when you turn the ignition on.

and everytime it clicks the oil pressure light comes on in the top left hand corner.

need help fast as it is driving me crazy, anyone had the same problem.

12-01-03, 05:36 PM
i would say you got a loose wire there matey

im having mine out soon and soldering ALL connections - i went over a hump in the road today, caught my splitter and my digidash did the same as that also, turned off and came back on again so i have a loose wire somewhere :evil:

did u solder connections or crimp/connection block???

12-01-03, 05:46 PM
i soldered and heat shurnk it.

12-01-03, 06:52 PM
its something to do with either a bad earth or bad igntion live - where did you take these from??

12-01-03, 06:52 PM
when i start my car, before it runs smoothly, it judders a bit and is hard to start sometimes in this weather, with the engine the way it is, but when i accelerate and build my revs and clear the shit out in a morning, then the dash clicks like u say, the display doesnt change tho

i think that is something to do with the voltage it has, as my digidash reads 12 or just under, then when i rev the alternator kicks in and when that bar goes up, the click happens

12-01-03, 07:00 PM
i basically have the same problems when driving constant at around 3000+ rpm then it dont click at all but it clicks all the time when below 3000rpm.

i used all the original wiring from my car.

12-01-03, 09:55 PM
I think the clicks are from the mileometer mine clicks really loud could be that!
The 288 is spose 2 come on at the very start of ignition on it goes thru its sequence

13-01-03, 10:57 AM
Lockey has it right, that was what I was going to add, he beat me to it.... the nylon gears wear and start clicking, if it doesn't engage properly when you press the reset, that'll be it. No worries but gets on your nerves.

Lee H
13-01-03, 02:33 PM
If I thrash my car the dash changes itself into km/h then when I back of it goes back to mph!! :?

13-01-03, 05:41 PM
lol, Novax, the reset button is cream crackered lol
Btw, while were on the subject of digidashes, rev counter!
Mine only works from 1000rpm +
But af i drive 4 a bit, hit a pot/hole or something, it works ok, and then stops, i fiddled with the rev cable on the coil but no luck, so it seem like its on the dash ! could it be a break on the pcb?
Light is comin thru, just the bars aint lighting up!

13-01-03, 08:16 PM
The car shouldnt really go lower than 1000rpm! Think about it!

13-01-03, 09:07 PM
i spose, but even on the beginning sequence it dont light up

13-01-03, 09:16 PM
i spose, but even on the beginning sequence it dont light up

13-01-03, 10:23 PM
it should light up......... dont give your engine any gas, leave handbrake on try and pull away as if car would stall, the guage should go below 1000rpm then

13-01-03, 11:24 PM
you know what? I reckon you should all have stuck with the clocks lol! :P

15-01-03, 10:25 PM
Yeah, yeah, yeah! always hated the digi-dash in the Astra but think it looks so much better in my Nova. I liked the clocks too but this dash is so much sweeter.