View Full Version : Steering shite!!!!!

11-01-03, 03:53 PM
My shite steering wheel wont come off! Had this problem with last car and ended up giving up!

I have tried everything and I mean it! Wiggle, pull, twatting it, spray with WD40 etc etc, even twated column a few times! :o !

Still wont budge, the only thing which seems to have moved is the column slightly, moves up and down when pushed!

Any suggestions!? Tempted to just goto Vauxhall garage and give them ?5 to do it there and then!

I have spent HOURS!


Chris S
11-01-03, 05:09 PM
get someone to pull and wiggle steering wheel while you hit the column with a punch or summet. but dont bend the edges or you wont get the nut back on. :)

11-01-03, 05:26 PM
Could do that, but not over keen bout wacking column incase it collapses!

Will try, but Id put cash down on it not workin! Stupid vauxhall crap splines!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

11-01-03, 05:59 PM
twist off the nut untill its flush with the column.
Then hit the column with a half inch extension or somethin.
If ya take the nut off fully ya will end up havin to get the steering wheel surgically removed from yer head when it pops off!

11-01-03, 07:24 PM
take nut half off

get a lump of wood and place it across the wheel

get a big hammer

SMACK IT, should pop off, if not smack it some more

DO NOT SMACK THE COLUMN - u will end up collapsing it

11-01-03, 08:03 PM
Sometimes they just dont come off and giving it serious grief can damage the steering column so it maybe best to get to a vaux garage and get them to use their special pullers on it

11-01-03, 08:17 PM
Well, like I said, the column has moved up a little and now can be pushed down a few mm and moves back up when released!

So I will probably give it a few more tugs and wacks on Monday morning and then if fails goto vaux garage down the road and get them to do it quickly!

Manta Mad
11-01-03, 08:18 PM
I had the same problem with a Manta years ago - gave up in the end. It would probably work better with a suitable puller.

Chris LR
11-01-03, 08:26 PM
1. Park on Suitably Steep Hill.
2. Attach Rope(s) and/or Chains to your steering wheel.
3. Attach Rope and/or Chains to lamp post. Leave plenty of slack.
4. Sit in passenger seat.
5. Take handbrake off.

Either it will come off, or you'll have a crash.

If you crash, Calmly call the Fire Brigade and they will have a tool that will get it off.

11-01-03, 10:30 PM
theres always one :lol:

and he didnt mean it so dont try it!!! :P#

give it a gud tug

oeerrr missus

12-01-03, 01:33 PM
Well i will tug it off tomorrow!!! LOL And if no joy, I will try vaux garage! If still no joy then I will have to get a new column and start over!! HASSLE beyond belief!

I will let u guys know! All I wanna do is put myu snap off kit on! Cost ?250 and can't put it on yet!


12-01-03, 02:39 PM
oh the joys i had with mine, i took it to cossvaux and they did it for nowt (a special job by someone i knwo there) they just tugged the f*ck outa it and it came off, had to put it back on again tho so i could drive home.

or u could go to vaux and get them to use their special tool.