View Full Version : Left or Right ?

10-01-03, 12:46 PM
Drunken conversation in the pub led to this question the other day...

If you had only one arm.. which arm would you rather have, your left or right??? and WHY ?

so people... what is it to be?

10-01-03, 12:55 PM
I would have to keep my right arm coz I can tuse a mouse with my left so would find it hard to use comp wich means I may be out of work!

10-01-03, 12:59 PM
just forget about work... live on incapacity benefit for the rest of your life. :lol:

10-01-03, 01:23 PM
well i write left handed. but do everything right handed
bowling, texting, etc

then again left is good to change gear so ummm not to sure

10-01-03, 01:51 PM
I cannot believe that micky made no comment about Tilly doing "everything else" right handed. what is this place coming to?


I think i woul dhave to keep my right arm... simply because i have a messed up left wrist so no point keeping that one. :D

10-01-03, 02:22 PM
right hand allthough, i play snooker and pool left handed but with one hand that aint gona work neway, LOL :D

10-01-03, 04:33 PM
definately my right hand. simply soc im right handed and find doind everything with it easier.

10-01-03, 06:40 PM
keep my right hand, gives me many an hour of pleasure. :lol:

10-01-03, 06:42 PM
haven't you got 'someone else' who can do that 4 u? :lol:

Chris LR
10-01-03, 08:05 PM
Well of course u have Anton, Altho a bigger picture would be nicer! :lol:

10-01-03, 08:07 PM
shut it u tart!

As Grant Mitchell would say: "I'll put you through the blender!" :D

Chris LR
10-01-03, 08:10 PM
Or as Phil Mitchell would say, 'Shut it Bruv!'

10-01-03, 08:12 PM
oi its FAMILY ONLY! clear off! :o

Chris LR
10-01-03, 08:14 PM

10-01-03, 08:15 PM
what happened 2 beppe?

Chris LR
10-01-03, 08:20 PM
I-a Don't-a-know-a

Maybe he's talking to RICKY!

11-01-03, 02:13 AM
i recon sonya ate them all!

11-01-03, 07:14 AM
jamie!!!!! I'll never forget yoooou!

11-01-03, 12:20 PM
we'll im left handed but doing most things right handed so be a toughy! think the right would have to go tho!

lol @ eastenders at xmas, how fuking crap......"ohh jamie dont die" blah blah blah !!

12-01-03, 12:27 PM
Right hand for the usual crap, but iv dropped a hydraulic ram on my middle finger so its no good for any flange-action for a few months!

12-01-03, 12:31 PM
id loose me left. i use me right arm for most things.

:lol: @ locky 'flange-action'

12-01-03, 04:19 PM
lol at flange action! hydraulic ram? sounds painful. i chopped the end of my middle finger off when i was little. caught it between a bkie chain and the bike cog, and with it being a bmx there was no slack on the chian so it was in tight. but they sowed it bk on and its all good. just cant feel the top half of my middle finger now. gr8 for party tricks.....