View Full Version : Most race wins, takes the title....

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 07:17 PM
For those that have no idea...they have announced a rule change in F1. Most race wins takes the title...:roll: :confused:

Outrageous rule IMO. So...a driver wins the first 9 races and goes on holiday for the rest of the season??!! lol

If you are not interested in F1, please dont post saying how crap it is blah blah blah...thanks.

17-03-09, 07:18 PM
Daftest rule I've ever heard of, season could be over not far past half way through.

17-03-09, 07:19 PM
ew. ecclestone fail!

declare shenanigans on f1!

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 07:20 PM
Link to F1.com explains it better...http://www.formula1.com/news/headlines/2009/3/9024.html

17-03-09, 07:20 PM
I use to love F1 but its starting to go downhill now as teams have dropped out and stupid rules like this :wtf:. That rule is utterly pointless

17-03-09, 07:33 PM
Another kick in the teeth for the lower teams. Motor racing championships have ALWAYS been run on a points basis. That grey haired tw*t needs to stop meddling with the rules and leave it to the team conglomerate to decide rule changes. The new cars are a testament to that seeing as it was the TEAMS who came up with the new concept, not the stupid dwarf. Hopefully he will be mown down in the pits.

By the way, Brawn F1 are going to pee all over everything. Button FTW. I dont think hamilton has a hope in hell this year, unless the McBoys have been doing some severe sandbagging, but then I said at the end of last season Honda were going to be a serious threat next year. Im a bit dissappointed with BMW's testing results as they were my other tip for the top.

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 07:40 PM
New rule makes a mockery of calling it a race (yes yes yes, some have said that for years before this!). Like Lee says, lower teams may aswell pack up and go home. The likes of FI will always be making up the numbers. Bloody damn shame if you ask me. This season, what with new rules and more for next year, looked to be making it a better sport. Not anymore.

17-03-09, 07:47 PM
OMG are you kidding me lol

this is the worst rule in the world
end of

17-03-09, 09:00 PM
I'd be quite farked off with driving my ass off for an hour+ coming 2nd 3rd 4th etc to achieve nothing against my name, how many drivers at the end of the championship are either gonna not be able to win it, or just have such low self esteem they don't have the self belief to push themselves to drive for a win! Crap rule :(

17-03-09, 09:18 PM
F1 = Fail
WTCC = Win

17-03-09, 09:20 PM
they still get the points, but the champion driver is the one with the most wins, but all of the other places are pointed & constructor points are still counted...

I had a row about whether or not f1 was boring....

most gp races last about 90minutes, and there is action at the start, then all the pitstops, then the overtaking, crashes, blow ups...etc...

a premiership game is lucky to have much more than 3 goals in 90mins but it is apparently exciting

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 09:21 PM
See, i sat and watched WTCC the other week....epic Yawn fest IMO. No "racing". BTCC, cant wait for that to start.

17-03-09, 09:24 PM
Aye, BTCC is by far superior to WTCC, although at the mo WTCC is only motorsport on TV worth watching IMO.

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 09:32 PM
WSB has started and MotoGP very soon. But if your not into bikes...yeah WTCC is about it. I have watched the odd bit of WRC, but that is fast becoming a yawn fest too.

17-03-09, 09:56 PM
make the sport a f*****g mocary, love f1 but this pissed me off today if we had this rule last year hamilton wouldnt have won the title despire being the most consisten driver (proven as he had the most points)

this will just increase team orders and make the sport less of a spectical, e.g. massa has a slow start and only has 1 win after 10 rounds but riakonen has 5 in the 5 riakonen wins massa could of finished second and picked up points in the other races, giving a much greater points total but if that was the case are you telling me over the rest of the season ferrari wouldnt tell massa to yeald to riakonen to ensure they win the title its a joke

17-03-09, 10:20 PM
excellent idea bernie:thumb: we will actually see hamilton trying to win sum races nowlol Cmon Kimi! fastest driver in f1!

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 10:22 PM

17-03-09, 10:26 PM
excellent idea bernie:thumb: we will actually see hamilton trying to win sum races nowlol Cmon Kimi! fastest driver in f1!

no we will see more accidents and possible deaths as people make last ditch attempts to get the win and cause dangerous accidents

17-03-09, 11:10 PM
no we will see more accidents and possible deaths as people make last ditch attempts to get the win and cause dangerous accidents

now that'd make it more spectator friendly :D lol

17-03-09, 11:25 PM
make the sport a f*****g mocary, love f1 but this pissed me off today if we had this rule last year hamilton wouldnt have won the title despire being the most consisten driver (proven as he had the most points)

but if the spa stewards hadn't been the three blind mice, lewis would have won it fair & square, thus he would have still been champ........

Pistol Pete
18-03-09, 09:59 AM
Please lol lets not open that can of worms again!!!

I was looking forward to this season, last season was great, but now i'm not so sure....

18-03-09, 11:49 AM
So we could end up in a situation where a driver wins 6 races but fails to finish the others, therefore, we could have a mid table champion? Fu*cking discrace if you ask me.

18-03-09, 07:56 PM
now that'd make it more spectator friendly :D lol

personaly i dont want to see people getting killed, overtaking great and i think the rule changes would of achieved this, we have to remember these cars can do 200mph and a crash at those speeds is very dangerous there is no insentive to be consistent and reliable with this new rule will just encourage people to take silly risks as it becomes win or crash trying, if i wanted to see death id move to iraq

Angus Closier
19-03-09, 06:59 PM
most stupid rule they could have made I say!ahh well us ranting wont change anything! lol

19-03-09, 09:27 PM
most stupid rule they could have made I say!ahh well us ranting wont change anything! lol

the worst rule they ever made was narrowing the cars, because the designers had to work very hard to make up in speed & the costs rocketed

20-03-09, 08:59 AM
Stupid rule.

If you reckon on 6 or 7 wins being enough to take the championship, you could see team orders coming into play after the first 3 races. If the same driver has 3 wins going for him after three races he's half way to the championship, even if his team mate has 3 2nd place and is only 6 points behind, he's miles away in the championship and will end up supporting him.

Considering the massive rule changes already in place for this season, why have they rushed through another half ar$ed ill-considered change before they see what effect the considered changes have had?

Ferrari has been very fast but fairly unreliable over the last few years. McLaren has been not quite as fast but very reliable. Wonder why the Ferrari-loving Mr Ecclestone has been so keen to push this rule through? It'd be great if Ferrari miss out on the championship because of this rule :D

20-03-09, 09:51 AM
the teams earn their prize money based on the points paying system......... what do you think will happen?????

Pistol Pete
21-03-09, 04:35 PM
lol and they have now made a U turn on this new points system, thank ****!

21-03-09, 08:45 PM
see, our thread was useful

Pistol Pete
21-03-09, 08:52 PM
lol indeed it was!

21-03-09, 08:54 PM
now all we need to do is work out the aero imbalance on the mclaren & we're rocking

Pistol Pete
21-03-09, 08:59 PM
IIRC Kovi posted some good times last week?

21-03-09, 09:07 PM
its either mclaren have a huge problem, or they were sandbagging...

I reckon the brawn might have been a touch on the light side to get sponsors sniffing round. ross brawn is a bit of a sly one....

I don't know if anyone else ever worked this one out, but when schumacher was winning everything with his amazing middle stints, i am certain they ran the car very light, so at the start, he was heavily fuelled, and could always run further at no.1 stop, then he'd get fueled light & run at 'qualifying pace' thru the middle, then at no.2 stop, they always took 13 seconds & whacked in tons of fuel, so they'd pass the weight test...... just a pet theory of mine.....

Pistol Pete
21-03-09, 09:10 PM
Hence the reason why i never really pay too much attention to testing performance. You never seem to know who is "sandbagging" and who has all out speed from their cars. Melbourne will tell alot IMO. Cant wait....

21-03-09, 09:12 PM
yup, i get up in the night to watch it live, even though I have a virgin v+ box, cos i can't wait.... i havent missed a gp since about 1997

Pistol Pete
21-03-09, 09:23 PM
You keener lol ;) I shall more than likely Sky+ it. On the beers saturday night....saying that i could watch it when i get in!!

22-03-09, 12:38 AM
the radio tells me this rule has been ditched for 09 and will possibly come into effect in 2010

Pistol Pete
22-03-09, 09:41 AM
Your radio speaketh the truth....