View Full Version : £2,000 for ANY nova?

16-03-09, 12:00 PM
Sell Sell Sell! (http://www.parkers.co.uk/News/News/February-2009-car-sales/)

What a fcuking joke :roll:

16-03-09, 12:04 PM
just more crap to want us to buy new cars. The amount of work that service people are doing is at its highest due to people repairing cars insted of buying new, and i dont blame them.

16-03-09, 12:05 PM
I heard it was going to be £2500. Fcuk the car industry. Everything else is being allowed to go to the wall so why should we give a sh!t about car makers?

There's more than enough cars on the road already and I'm not sure if it's mentioned in that article but older cars tend to be driven less so have less to do with 'global warming'.

The factories banging out all of these new motors with a 9/10 year life will make the hole a bit bigger though. lol

In the paper it said the incentive was to remove old bangers from the road and had a concourse mk2 Cortina pictured. :(

16-03-09, 12:08 PM
it says up to £2000

so i imagen we would still get like 100 quid if that

also just an idea, but say someone was offered 500 for every nova would this raise the buying/selling value of a nova to 500 quid??

16-03-09, 12:10 PM
That's what I thought. Surely there's stipulations though for you to trade the car in? If not there will be no such thing as a cheap runaround any longer lol.

16-03-09, 12:14 PM
There will always be cheap run arounds. So if you cant afford a new car. If your car is worth the top 2k then your only going to get a car of similar value? I know im not really with it this morning but meh.

/me goes back to bed.

16-03-09, 12:20 PM
I daresay the will be a myriad of finance operations falling over themselves to offer you loans to buy the government mandated brand new car every 9-10 years.

16-03-09, 12:28 PM
Isnt this pointless anyways, i thought the goverment wanted to take all cars older than 10years off the road. 2 words to them tho, Good luck.

16-03-09, 12:30 PM
^ They can and eventually will IMO. This dictatorship sorry democracy that we are forced to live in does whatever the hell it wants. As we are all aware the motorist is pretty much their prime target to milk without mercy.

16-03-09, 12:32 PM
^ They can and eventually will IMO. This dictatorship sorry democracy that we are forced to live in does whatever the hell it wants. As we are all aware the motorist is pretty much their prime target to milk without mercy.

we possibly think we have freedom but **** do we.
everything in the world relies on oil. no question.

the goverment can do what they like and if that is getting old cars of the roads then they will do so, weather it means higher tax on old cars, or something stupid like it being illegal to sell cars over 10 years lol

i hate this government

16-03-09, 12:32 PM
Yep < to limp.

Tbh tho if the gov had glasses on they would realise that the reason most people have old cars is because of costs, and usualy costs due to them llol

16-03-09, 12:51 PM
well if there giving 2k away might have to trade the vectra in on a corsa vxr

16-03-09, 12:51 PM
if that happens ill bury mine in the garden, fcuk the govt. my car is my car, they aint having it.

16-03-09, 02:24 PM
my car is my car
Except its not according to another thread on here. The DVLA own it, you just keep it. So the government DOES own your car lol

16-03-09, 03:37 PM
aye i posted that thread jack............ i was talking revolutionary :D

16-03-09, 05:02 PM
there doing this in germany atm and its supposedly working well towards kickstarting the economy, we all know it wont work over here as the governent will some how get the mitts on it

16-03-09, 05:08 PM
Even if they offered me £2000 on a new car, I wouldn't want it/be able to afford the rest. I don't want to take out the rest as finance on a new car. The only reason I run a £700 Audi 80 (and the previous Nova) is because it's easy and cheap to fix. If I bought a new car, I'd be tied to the main dealer network (more cost) and to get an equivalent car to the 80 (size and performance) it would have to be something like a new A4, which I clearly can't afford.
I won't even start on the whole carbon lifetime cost of running an old car vs a new car replaced every 10 years...
F*ck the car industry, maybe people should realise that there is good reason if a car company fails while others are doing alright.

Pistol Pete
16-03-09, 06:07 PM
I'll take the money. Quite alot of half decent cars around the 2k mark to be had IMO.

16-03-09, 06:11 PM
New cars though? It's a scheme to kickstart the auto industry, you don't do that by buying privately so your choice would be limited to new cars, that start at like £5k for a korean washing machine with 11" steelies

Pistol Pete
16-03-09, 06:13 PM
lol they havent thought this throught then really....banks are giving **** all loans to anyone, car finance companies cant offer finance...because banks are sitting on their bailout money! Dickheads...

16-03-09, 06:18 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Pete_58 again. :(

Epic ranting win though! lol

16-03-09, 06:24 PM
£2000 max for a car over 10 years old......

May get me about 10 Nova's and trade the lot for a newer motor :D

16-03-09, 06:35 PM
lol they havent thought this throught then really....banks are giving **** all loans to anyone, car finance companies cant offer finance...because banks are sitting on their bailout money! Dickheads...

banks have money to lend out, they have just been stupid in the past by lending to people who cant repay it. house and business wise

IMO now is the best time if your opening a business, loads of empty shops, and the right business coudl fly now. if ya had a very good business plan and have your head screwed on then you will get the money from the bank no doubt.

and to the above comment, buy 10 and trade them in lol

that is the excat reason why the "old" cars will jump in value,

16-03-09, 07:04 PM
i agree with mike,buy a load of old banger's and become richlol

16-03-09, 07:33 PM
Just go to a scrappy, and ask for everything lol

16-03-09, 07:35 PM
well, if the car manufacturers tried discounting their cars, and not demanding that the dealerships are more like a boutique with a cafe & creche attached, staffed by young smart things, and instead had a square of tarmac with a portacabin & a bald headed bloke called reg who knew how to haggle, they could cut overheads & sell cars cheaply...

Pistol Pete
16-03-09, 07:40 PM
banks have money to lend out, they have just been stupid in the past by lending to people who cant repay it. house and business wise

IMO now is the best time if your opening a business, loads of empty shops, and the right business coudl fly now. if ya had a very good business plan and have your head screwed on then you will get the money from the bank no doubt.

and to the above comment, buy 10 and trade them in lol

that is the excat reason why the "old" cars will jump in value,

Banks are not lending money. Hell, they are not even helping their customers. I applied for a payment holliday on my mortgage...got denied, no reason given. After much ranting, toing and froing i am getting one months break BUT they are charging me £99 lol :roll: :mad: :tard:

The banks, IMO, are still being very cautious..too cautious infact. They must start lending again because IMO they are at the root cause of the problems.

16-03-09, 08:09 PM
Banks are not lending money. Hell, they are not even helping their customers. I applied for a payment holliday on my mortgage...got denied, no reason given. After much ranting, toing and froing i am getting one months break BUT they are charging me £99 lol :roll: :mad: :tard:

The banks, IMO, are still being very cautious..too cautious infact. They must start lending again because IMO they are at the root cause of the problems.

your might of got declined for a number of other reasons apart from them having problems. person reasons etc.

yeh i think they are being way to cautious, but that is probably because they have been stupid in the past lending to people who cant repay them. like i said if ya have a very well paid job or a very good set out business plan i cant see why they wont lend to you. if people get turned down for a mortage or business then they are obs not suitable at the mo.

but yes i agree the banks do need to start lending to the more risky oppurtunities so people can start to spend money agian.

i also think that the News which is everywhere also scares people off because they show bad figures, bad news, the credit crunch is worst then ever blah blah. everyone only see's that and then stops spending.

17-03-09, 12:02 AM
well if there giving 2k away might have to trade the vectra in on a corsa vxr

You can get a corsa but you wont get a vxr and you wont get 2k off for the vectra. lol

The vauxhall deal is, you get a minimum of £1000 trade in. BUT, you have to buy a new car and it has to be the smallest engine possible for that particular model. I highly doubt you will want a 1.0 corsa or a 1.4 astra. The car traded in has to be taxed/mot remaining as well.

I dont like the way they are getting rid of old cars, its a waste. Not everyone wants to be in a car that looks the same as everything else on the road. Not all of them, but most new cars are ugly and boring, theres nothing interesting about them!

17-03-09, 08:02 AM
The funny thing is, people have been living way beyond their means for years. I seem to recall some statistic saying how if everyone's balances were spread out evenly, we'd each be in a few grand's worth of debt.

Now that people have REALISED that due to the media scaremongering, those that can have started to save money. Which is a GOOD thing. However, the banks have gotten into a rut of living off interest payments and charges. So the government are trying to get people back into debt to keep the banks going :roll:

Which is better, an unstable economy but £5,000 in your savings earning 0.1% interest? Or a stable economy but a £5,000 debt on 5% interest?

As I said to spud earlier, the conspiracist in me thinks this is all down to the banks trying to give out an impression they're broke as they're about to lose the "unlawful bank charges" case, so can use that to wriggle out of compensation payments.

Pistol Pete
17-03-09, 08:38 AM
lol but the banks arent ****ing broke, are they!!! Bailouts from the government should have sorted that. They have just sat on it. I spotted a credit card company specialising for people with poor credit ratings....APR was a staggering 30 something % FFS!!!!

17-03-09, 08:42 AM
I spotted a credit card company specialising for people with poor credit ratings....APR was a staggering 30 something % FFS!!!!
If the banks had lots of money, interest rates would be low on finance :p Ok, thats probably a loan shark company, but still. The government handouts are a drop in the ocean to them tbh.

17-03-09, 08:49 AM
There was a loan company posted up here a while ago that secured against your car, with a 430% APR... or something around that value lol