View Full Version : The joys of winter.....

08-01-03, 01:45 PM
Dont you just love spending 20 minutes de-icing the outside of the car, then getting into the car and de-icing everything from the inside (damn those mouldy old seals) :?

For me this is as good as it gets !! Living on the edge of pleasure here people !! What more could I ask for ?? Christmas presents ?? Time off work ?? Snow fights ?? New Year alcohol consumption ??

No, No, No....gimme de-icing my car at 7:00am anyday of the week :lol:

08-01-03, 02:40 PM
haha lol m8 :lol:

god bless the clio heating!! certainly is one of the better heaters!!

...luke when we racing then boyo ??

08-01-03, 02:47 PM
Race ?? Me ?? Never !!

Would I do a thing like that ?? How about we race to Paris, first person to get there gets ?20 and (and you all thought ?20 was all that was on offer !!).....

.....i'll throw in some magic beans aswell. Rob if you hang your a*se out the window, you might increase ya BHP :lol: !!

I dunno mate, i really need to sort out the problem of getting my tongue stuck to the steering wheel each morning, then I'll think about a race :P

08-01-03, 03:01 PM
hahaha ok get ya heater sorted and we'll race to paris!!

lol hang my arse out the window, that wud surley comensate the aero dynamics of the clio m8!!

08-01-03, 03:19 PM
what aero dynamics of the clio ?? a caravan being towed up a hill by a moped could get more speed up with the aid of its aerodynamic ability :lol:

09-01-03, 01:34 PM
dunno wot u mean abt de-icing m8, i have one of those things called a garage at my uni house! :D:D:D:D:D

09-01-03, 02:12 PM
i had to spend 30 minutes getting hte ice off my car this morning. HALF AN HOUR!!! and thats just the windscreen and rear window and a small area in teh corner of side windows so i could see mirrors... it was about half an inch thick with ice... took me ages... i think someone was poring water on my car in the night, coming back every 20 minutes to add some more and make it nice and thick and hard.

Chris LR
09-01-03, 07:41 PM
Ahh yes, I keep the SR undercover, I only De-ice in the afternoon.

11-01-03, 11:42 AM
Muhahahaaahahaah :twisted:

The joy of owning a house with a garage :D


11-01-03, 10:47 PM
i got a screen cover takes 2 mins put on :)

12-01-03, 06:47 PM
wisewood said:

make it nice and thick and hard.

Had to be said

13-01-03, 12:10 PM
is it bad to leave your engine running while you de ice your car this in winter?

13-01-03, 12:27 PM
i wouldn't of thought so, i'd of thought it's be better, coz then u aint driving ur car from freezing are u, uve given it time to warm up, maybe im wrong?

13-01-03, 12:29 PM
you're right neil.

13-01-03, 12:49 PM
yey, thats once so far this year.

Chris LR
13-01-03, 09:22 PM
It's only wrong when you nip back in the house and come back out to find that someone has gone away with your car.

13-01-03, 11:48 PM
true, but it'll keep u warm casing after them.

14-01-03, 09:44 AM
nah my areas quite safe nobody would nick my car coz they know who owns it. and plus ive got a younger bro to keep a eye on it and scrape all the ice of it 4 me!

15-01-03, 12:57 PM
slave labour that is.