View Full Version : Steering Problem....

07-01-03, 11:40 PM
...well sort of.

a few days ago, my car started nocking when turning right out of a turning i felt a little nock on the passenger side front wheel.

I have just come home tonight and now when i turn left i get a load nocking/crunch sound not everytime i turn but most.

and sometimes when i turn left the steering sort of locks up and when pulled back to the right you sort of feel it jump back in place.

i Have only just realised that i am leaking fluid, but not sure if tranmission fluid or engine oil.

i will have a look in th emorning but wondered if any had an idea before i get to work.

08-01-03, 01:00 PM
wheel bearings make noises when turning. well knackered ones do. dunno bout losing fluid tho. sorry i cant help that much, jon

09-01-03, 07:20 PM
sounds like a well knackered CV joint

or a burst CV boot and loads of shit has got into the joint casuing it to grind

if its collapsed or full of shit u may also find it will get stuck so that could well be the issue

check the boot, if its not cracked or burst then either remove it and check teh CV or take it to a garage to have it checked out

if it IS burst u might get away with cleaning the shit out but its prolly gonna need replaced

Chris LR
09-01-03, 07:50 PM
Could be wheel bearing, When mine were going the noise stopped when I turned left.

I'd think it was more likely to be a CV, that would explain Fluid.

09-01-03, 10:40 PM
Yep CV joint - check Haynes. NB if its the CV joint it leaks shitty black grease not transmission fluid which is usually a clear red coloured oil