View Full Version : Central Locking/Alarm Interface

07-01-03, 12:01 AM
I bought the central locking kit from Maplin, see below, because it was reduced from ?49.99 to ?14.99 :) but now i'm trying to find an alarm that will interface with it. Anyone used this kit and have any suggestions? I'm trying to balance cheap with effective (preferably around ?60-?70) but it must link in with the locking system!


Thanks for your help on this one guys, this has been bugging me for a while!


07-01-03, 12:44 AM
ring up an alarm company,there probley name one,but 2 b honmest,
just dont get remote start,
i had it,left the car in gear,pressed the button.............then started runnign zafter my car :roll:

07-01-03, 09:30 AM
i mean all the budget alarms like sparkrite and microscan do central locking interfaces. But your lookin at about ?70 for the alarm, then the interface is ?30 on top of that. If u can't afford that just get the alarm for now, then at least uve got central locking and an alarm, then at a later date get the interface for central locking then the alarm will work with it.

07-01-03, 09:45 AM
if u go back on to the link, and read at the bottom of the page it says something like .... people who bought this kit also bought..... then there is a remote locking interface listed, this will allow you to conect it to an alarm, give em a ring and ask em.

07-01-03, 09:48 AM
Microscan an213. Cheap but still has all the functions of a cat one and will do central locking. Get it from maplin

07-01-03, 01:30 PM
You might find that alot of Alarm places won't be intrested in wiring up or supplying you with bits for a central locking system. They usually recive the alarms and central locking units as a whle from the manufacturers. It might be cheaper and better in the longrun if you take your car to an alarm place and get them to fit an alarm to your car. Especially if you get a thatcham approved alarm, which may lower your insurance.


07-01-03, 11:22 PM
My car had a aftermarket central lockin kit fitted to it..... and now i got a alarm fitted. I dunno how it was done, i can find out though?