View Full Version : A weird one! Please read!

11-03-09, 09:16 PM
Ok, I smacked a Nova, just over one month ago. It had a 16sv 1.6 8v carb engine in it. I got it towed out of the ditch, inspected engine etc for damage, all I could see wrong was a dripping radiator. Nothing had come in contact with the engine. Sump undamaged.

The car started 1st go, hadn't leaked any oil so I drove it a mile or two to my uncles. I parked it up and it still dripped water for a good while after I parked it up, so I didnt run it dry of water. I had it lifted by a mate in a lorry, I drove it up onto the lorry, and drove if off the lorry into my driveway. Still at this point the engine was completely sweet running.

The car wasn't started since being parked on my driveway and I took the engine out and put it under a cover for one month.

I sold the engine to a friend a few days ago, for his corsa. He bought an SRi corsa with a rattley bottom end, so he put his C14SE head and injection system on my 1600sv block, and guess what... the bottom end I sold him is rattling and buring oil like fook with blue smoke, from first turn of the key. Somebody has told him it may be the gudgin(sp) pin.

Is this a stupid question, or is there any other explanation? The bottom end was completely sweet as a nut with no blue smoke etc the last time I had it started, now it seems that its fooked. Is this a coincidence?


11-03-09, 11:52 PM
was there any damage to the sump in the accident? The thing is after the bump you didnt really drive it far or for long so its likely any major issue didnt show up. I'm no expert on engines but if its been sitting for a while it will sound rattley and may smoke until its up to temp - it may just need a good service and an oil change.

My SR engine smokes and sounds v rattley at start up but that calms down once warm...

11-03-09, 11:55 PM
a c14se head on a 1600 bottom ending will be detting like due to a ridiculous compression ratio. the ratling you can hear is actually detonation

12-03-09, 12:11 AM
^what i was thinking.....

Why didnt he source a C/E16SE head?

12-03-09, 12:54 AM
thats a 13to1 c/r..... (ish) super 99 unleaded may help

12-03-09, 01:04 AM
also advancing the ignition may also help. still should really have the correct head on it tho

12-03-09, 01:09 AM
aye, but it will be a screamer if he gets it right....

12-03-09, 01:15 AM
Guys I can't thank you enough.

Ade - no sump damage, I know what you mean about starting from cold but from what he says this isn't normal! Cheers.

Burgo - I will tell him to advance the ignition then. He's on a tight budget so he is looking for the cheapest way out really.

Would this also explain blue smoke and buring oil though?

sloth - He said he did take it for a quick spin down the road to test it anyways as he felt he had nothing to lose, and he said it was an animal, said it was as fast as a 1600 16v he had before.

12-03-09, 01:20 AM
it will be, the grasser lads do it. advance the timing, and s=et it up properly...

12-03-09, 01:25 AM
Cheers dude! So would this also explain blue smoke etc?

Burgo ade and sloth rep'd

12-03-09, 02:00 PM
wouldnt explain the smoke but if his c14se was rattling then it wouldnt suprise me if the stem seals are shot on the head he has put on the 1600 bottom end...