View Full Version : any idea how much a door weighs

09-03-09, 09:46 PM
hope some1 has a ruff idea i am terrible with weights and am looking to get a door by courier any one have any idea how much a nova door weighs. maybe some1 has been in my position before and knows the answer.
thanks reid:thumb:

09-03-09, 10:00 PM
Depends, is it just the door frame, or does it include glass? E/W motor? Trim panels?

09-03-09, 10:02 PM
that could have been a very good thing to incude lol sorry. just literally the frame

09-03-09, 10:20 PM
Hope it's got dents in it cos it will do at the other end either way lol

09-03-09, 10:22 PM
thanks for your advice but i need the weight lol. come on some1 must no or have a very close idea

09-03-09, 10:22 PM
15 kg is my guess as a mk3 escort cabby door weighs 20kg complete.

Count Vaux Alot
09-03-09, 10:25 PM
Its in my wip some were

Pistol Pete
09-03-09, 10:26 PM

Count Vaux Alot
09-03-09, 10:28 PM
18.8kgs without the door card so 25kgs should cover a complete door

09-03-09, 10:29 PM
nice one thanks. i can get my nice new clean door now

dhdev (Oli)
09-03-09, 11:01 PM
As count said, IIRC a complete door was 23kgs when I weighed it a while back.

10-03-09, 12:36 AM
without trying to sound negative reid - i wouldnt get your hopes up too much mate, like mk.999 said, couriers are brutal sometimes, and if it aint dented now, it most likely will be by the time it gets to you, it all depends on how many times it falls over in the van aswell as how well its been packed at the other end. lol

10-03-09, 01:18 AM
^^^ that man speaks the truth. i used to be a courier so know how stuff gets treated. unless its in a crate it will get dented. ask mr robinson

10-03-09, 01:20 AM
i just sent stuff by courier today and there was boxes everywhere like he had been hammering it and i was the 120th job off the day at 4pm lol. they were healthy wrapped so unless he jumps on them they should be safe .

10-03-09, 07:28 AM
so unless he jumps on them they should be safe .
And this won't happen because..? lol

10-03-09, 02:26 PM
even the pigions got threw about so a door stands no chance. yes we did deliver pigions lol

10-03-09, 07:28 PM
erm after reading this and everyone agreeing i am considering picking it up myself lol. its probably worth it want a good door not a knakered one. thanks people i have taken your advice