View Full Version : Informative yet Factual Ramble thread for those without a sense of humour

06-03-09, 11:28 PM
I though I'd take it upon myself to start the aforementioned "sensible" thread to show any "special" users that the "PNG" user base does not condone Discrimination with regards to those who lack a sense of humour.

Take note:

If you wish to post in here there is strictly NO funny business, NO banter, NO jokes, NO laughing smilie's AND nothing at all that resembles in any way, shape OR form that the post implies, hints or even condone's any matierial that may be classed as:

Mildy Amusing
Minor LOL'age
Maximum LOL'age
Down right hiliarious

NO use of the phrase : LOL (upper or lower case) AFPMSL, AFPMSLCOPTER, ROTFL, ROTFLMFAO etc etc. Mature speak posts only please.

STRICLTY NO use of "Funny Catz" "Mildy Amuing Catz" or even "Catz" attempting to be funny in image.

The internet police are watching your every move.

Please, go forth and post away......

06-03-09, 11:38 PM
funny......this is muppet corner isn't it?

so i can ask....are you a ginger?

06-03-09, 11:41 PM
is the c.e.r.n reactor going to destroy the earth or provide a renewable energy source?

06-03-09, 11:44 PM
funny......this is muppet corner isn't it?

so i can ask....are you a ginger?

Factually no. Informativly yes. I am around sphincer after a vindaloo. Would you like me to host a little picture to prove that I am telling the truth and not attempting to make a mokery out of a very serious thread?

06-03-09, 11:45 PM
funny......this is muppet corner isn't it?

so i can ask....are you a ginger?
Could be classed as mild humour.

Mike, its your thread, I could delete?

06-03-09, 11:47 PM
no, because posting anything of a pornographic nature would result in your big ginger ar$e being banned from here......not what we want if we would like to continue a serious thread?

06-03-09, 11:47 PM
Could be classed as mild humour.

Mike, its your call, I could delete?

But if you delete said post, the alleged factual "ginger" comment wouldnt exist, therefore Lee, you could be classed as a Discrinimat for removing a comment made by a postee.

Ill have to let it slide else accusations of a "Nazi style" regime may get thrown around.

Thank for the offer anyway.

06-03-09, 11:47 PM
Would the aforementioned picture you may host as proof be colour or black and white, as b&w is hard to determine as truthful or not.
Also, i might add.....

Pictures, or please refrain from posting in this otherwise uninterrupted thread, thankyou!

06-03-09, 11:48 PM
no, because posting anything of a pornographic nature would result in your big ginger ar$e being banned from here......not what we want if we would like to continue a serious thread?

Point well put across.

This is a serious thread. Or did you fail to read the title?

EDIT: Do you need a sense of humour to view porn these days then?

06-03-09, 11:49 PM
Im actually interested to see if i can chat on this thread without being sarcastic.

SHall we talk about the economy?

06-03-09, 11:50 PM
anyone want to answer my query?

06-03-09, 11:52 PM
Economy & related Commodity Prices?

06-03-09, 11:54 PM
issuses with nuclear power? or the labour governments shortcomings?

06-03-09, 11:54 PM
Im actually interested to see if i can chat on this thread without being sarcastic.

SHall we talk about the economy?

Instant fail?

Disclaimer: This is not an entertaining or light hearted response, simply a factual and informative question as to the outcome of Lee's experiment concerning his posting and use of sarcasm on this thread. The poster holds no responsibility for any light hearted feeling around this post, as it is ill conceived and unfounded.

06-03-09, 11:54 PM
how many serious posts does it take before it gets moved to the 'spam' thread?

06-03-09, 11:56 PM
after calculating, id say 34

06-03-09, 11:57 PM
http://tbn1.google.com/images?q=tbn:v6i1hOyPkOR3RM:http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/The_wikipedias_serious.jpg (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/90/The_wikipedias_serious.jpg&imgrefurl=http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_wikipedias_serious.jpg&usg=__LvvnHbReQP2dh3nNSaB17mDJPLg=&h=768&w=957&sz=598&hl=en&start=7&tbnid=v6i1hOyPkOR3RM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=148&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dserious%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den)

Think i just failed?

06-03-09, 11:57 PM
Its open to negotiation. Personally, i'm of the view that this thread could possibly stay provided no one talks balls or goes of topic.

So it needs to stay serious, and no pictures of funy catz or Mikes ginger bum fluff can be posted.

And anyone who laughed at the above post has to leave, as it wasnt meant in jest.

Edit. And I actually wrote that without knowing the above poster would, in fact, post a pic of a funny cat.

06-03-09, 11:59 PM
Im ever so joyful that i didnt actually have a laughter based response to that cat picture as i really rather like it in here what what!

07-03-09, 12:00 AM
admin admits 'edit' shocker :eek:

07-03-09, 12:00 AM
Chris - Fail of the up most degree!! Humour being shown in this thread is a big NO NO!

EDIT: Im pleasently surprised that this thread has even 2 pages let alone 1 post!

07-03-09, 12:03 AM
I hope i have not lowered the tone of this thread

But did i fail by this much?

07-03-09, 12:04 AM
'funny cats' are not funny, fact......

cern is in fact a large financial black hole

07-03-09, 12:05 AM
I hope i have not lowered the tone of this thread

But did i fail by this much?

Chris, this thread is NOT a pish take. Have night on 13k posts worth negative Rep for making a mokery of such a calm and tranquil place.

07-03-09, 12:06 AM
Chris, I just laughed.
Not only have you let US down, you've let YOURSELF down!

07-03-09, 12:06 AM
I though I'd take it upon myself to start the aforementioned "sensible" thread to show any "special" users that the "PNG" user base does not condone Discrimination with regards to those who lack a sense of humour.

Take note:

If you wish to post in here there is strictly NO funny business, NO banter, NO jokes, NO laughing smilie's AND nothing at all that resembles in any way, shape OR form that the post implies, hints or even condone's any matierial that may be classed as:

Mildy Amusing
Minor LOL'age
Maximum LOL'age
Down right hiliarious

NO use of the phrase : LOL (upper or lower case) AFPMSL, AFPMSLCOPTER, ROTFL, ROTFLMFAO etc etc. Mature speak posts only please.

The internet police are watching your every move.

Please, go forth and post away...... i lost my sence of humour in the this forum a couple of days ago! if anyone finds please let me know because i,m really missing it.

07-03-09, 12:07 AM
i lost my sence of humour in the this forum a couple of days ago! if anyone finds please let me know because i,m really missing it.

Stay in this thread and you should never need to find it young sir. Take heed, pish taking DOES NOT slide in here.

I am actually quite enjoying such a calm & chilled out thread, please let it remain that way.

07-03-09, 12:08 AM
i lost my sence of humour in the this forum a couple of days ago! if anyone finds please let me know because i,m really missing it.

nope, I haven't seen it anywhere

07-03-09, 12:08 AM
Chris, I just laughed.
Not only have you let US down, you've let YOURSELF down!

I am merely trying to eliminate humour from this calm and tranquil place

07-03-09, 12:08 AM
i lost my sence of humour in the this forum a couple of days ago! if anyone finds please let me know because i,m really missing it.

We'll keep an eye out. Any distiguishing features? A mole? A birthmark? A skidmark?

07-03-09, 12:10 AM
i lost my sence of humour in the this forum a couple of days ago! if anyone finds please let me know because i,m really missing it.

It will be hiding alongside someone else's aswell bud, it will turn up i hope!

07-03-09, 12:10 AM
We'll keep an eye out. Any distiguishing features? A mole? A birthmark? A skidmark?

the final bit was considered mildly funny, please type in the corner for 5 minutes until you see the error of your ways

07-03-09, 12:11 AM

Please, EDIT post. Discrimination is being displayed which, in this thread, is not tolerated. It could potentially be factual, but its defiently not informative Spud.

07-03-09, 12:12 AM
Chris, this thread is NOT a pish take. Have night on 13k posts worth negative Rep for making a mokery of such a calm and tranquil place.

Why thankyou kind sir, i wish to call you other names but i don't think its right to post such fowl comments in here, i'm now on a distinguished road to enlitenment.

Why are so many skunks getting found near me, has anyone else got any or heard of any being seeing or caught by them?

07-03-09, 12:13 AM
It will be hiding alongside dave.gsi's aswell bud, it will turn up i hope!

ooooooo, bitchy lol

^^ oh noes, i laughed :p

07-03-09, 12:13 AM
Edited to show no discrimination but will you edit your quote accordingly please michael!

07-03-09, 12:14 AM
the final bit was considered mildly funny, please type in the corner for 5 minutes until you see the error of your ways

It wasnt meant to be funny. I was relating back to my school days when sometimes the only way to identify your shorts in a PE lost property box was a familiar skiddy.

I apologise if any mirth was enjoyed from said post.

07-03-09, 12:15 AM
apology accepted.

07-03-09, 12:16 AM
It could potentially be factual, but its defiently not informative Spud.

I forward my resignation from this thread and offer up my apology good sir!

07-03-09, 12:16 AM
ooooooo, bitchy lol

^^ oh noes, i laughed :p

David, your time has come to leave the fold :( you appear to have found your sense of humour & displayed it proudly. Its your call now old bean, stay in the calm, or go back out into the storm?

07-03-09, 12:18 AM
I forward my resignation from this thread and offer up my apology good sir!

Fair comment. I dont have an issue if theres an apology and/or edit.

Continual pish taking/comedy/funny business etc (not pointing fingers just saying like) would result in ejection from my thread. Possibly?

07-03-09, 12:19 AM
Why are we all typing like toff's? jolly good show old bean, Keep up the good work Mike its all going swimmingly well

07-03-09, 12:26 AM
Why are we all typing like toff's? jolly good show old bean, Keep up the good work Mike its all going swimmingly well

Its called decorum, we are being polite & considerate, the very attitudes that helped make an empire

07-03-09, 12:28 AM
Its called decorum, we are being polite & considerate, the very attitudes that helped make an empire
But the nazi moderation empire was not built on such clean respectable values.

No point to the above statement, just informative yet factual rambling obviously.

07-03-09, 12:28 AM
has know one heard of any skunks in there area? we caught one just before christmas in a trap and i was wondering do you think they would of been released from somewhere? i think i have a pic on my phone which i'll upload

07-03-09, 12:30 AM
has know one heard of any skunks in there area? we caught one just before christmas in a trap and i was wondering do you think they would of been released from somewhere? i think i have a pic on my phone which i'll upload

wrong thread mate, head over to mine :p lol

i'm off now guys/gals, see you tommorow for more sensible stuff :thumb:

07-03-09, 12:31 AM
has know one heard of any skunks in there area? we caught one just before christmas in a trap and i was wondering do you think they would of been released from somewhere? i think i have a pic on my phone which i'll upload

please furnish the forum with a photographic image of please vacate the premises as it will not, in fact have happened

07-03-09, 12:39 AM
please furnish the forum with a photographic image of please vacate the premises as it will not, in fact have happened

RSPCA said we should of shot it
http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v330/226/16/557206730/n557206730_889382_2953.jpg (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=889383&id=557206730)

07-03-09, 12:46 AM
RSPCA said we should of shot it
http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v330/226/16/557206730/n557206730_889382_2953.jpg (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=889383&id=557206730)
like this one

07-03-09, 12:49 AM
like this one

Well that one was found round the corner from me, this one we caught in the trap:D and then there ws another 2 found round here!!

07-03-09, 12:51 AM
tbh i didnt think we had them here?

07-03-09, 12:55 AM
tbh i didnt think we had them here?

Neither did i till peppe le pue turned up!

07-03-09, 01:33 AM
for anybody lost there sense of humour look in here


07-03-09, 01:46 AM
^^it must be up there!!

07-03-09, 01:53 AM
id happily rehome mr skunk, we have a cat issue here.

07-03-09, 07:25 AM
We'll keep an eye out. Any distiguishing features? A mole? A birthmark? A skidmark?

as this thread is so serious i do hope hope your previous post was not an attempt to make a funny joke out of my name!!


07-03-09, 07:53 AM
/\/\ that very matter was discussed and verified earlier, and found to, in fact, allude to the condition of ones clothing in the physical education changing area.

07-03-09, 07:55 AM
Good morning mr mowgli, due to the increased amount of blood in my alcohol system compared to last night may i be allowed to partake in this fine thread once more?

After i have returned from a morning at work that is!

07-03-09, 07:59 AM
I would be quite honoured, sir. I will be traversing the midlands in my honorary position as familial hackney carrige driver, as my middlest offspring is booked into an animation workshop in that fine city of Birmingham.

07-03-09, 08:02 AM
Ooh that sounds delightful and i hope you all have wonderous amounts of enjoyment, i shall be drying off forty cars on the pitch at my my work and its oh so much fun i can hardly contain myself!

I shall converse with your good self upon my return as i must hasten to leave now, enjoy your morning good sir!

07-03-09, 08:03 AM
is the c.e.r.n reactor going to destroy the earth or provide a renewable energy source?

I have a theory regarding that.

I believe the C.E.R.N reactor (now known as "device") will create a big bang and start the whole universe from scratch... Technically starting us off on the same path again. So in theory the "device" is a time machine, but its actual use is somewhat limited

07-03-09, 08:06 AM
/\/\ as I stated earlier, at the moment, it is a financial black hole.....

07-03-09, 08:08 AM
yes but a financial blackhole isnt going to be enough to kick start mankind/the nazis again is it

07-03-09, 08:10 AM
stuart, they spent some serious money on it & it turned out to be a squib, then they got loads of funding to mend it, I think it is a job creation scheme for particle physicists during these troubled times.. did it ever actually get running & produce results???

07-03-09, 08:16 AM
to be fair, if its employing the world particle physicists, then who is there outside the "experiment" to say the data is of nothing.... ie they could simply lie to blag more cash

07-03-09, 01:27 PM
This whole time travel thing interests me hugely.

Most people believe that its not possibole as we would have people from the future here now, BUT what if its only possible using something similar to a stargate type affair, where you can only travel through time where there is a portal? This would mean you can only go backwards and forwards if a portal exists, so technically we need to build a portal and someone from the future should come through it, hopefully with the information about WTF is going on with LOST at the moment.

07-03-09, 01:42 PM
damn, stargate was an epic tv series, i forgot all about that show...

16v Nova Kev
07-03-09, 01:44 PM
maybe a few peoples sense of humor got sucked into a black hole

07-03-09, 01:59 PM
stu, c.e.r.n is atm on shutdown, it will be operational in sept 2009 apparently. the magnets round the sides had moved slightly throwing it all to shizzle. how do i know? my mate is there atm.....

07-03-09, 02:11 PM
People start laughing or the ****ing cat gets it!

07-03-09, 02:48 PM
we cant people get angry......


07-03-09, 05:24 PM
This whole time travel thing interests me hugely.

Most people believe that its not possibole as we would have people from the future here now, BUT what if its only possible using something similar to a stargate type affair, where you can only travel through time where there is a portal? This would mean you can only go backwards and forwards if a portal exists, so technically we need to build a portal and someone from the future should come through it, hopefully with the information about WTF is going on with LOST at the moment.
Time is relative. Time travel therefore is relative as well, and quite possible if you delve into the realms of what is "real", especially when you consider normal human sense is only an illusion or snapshot of whats there.

Consider Hull. Now I'm about 270 miles away. The speed of light is approximately 671 million miles per hour. It will take 0.00145 seconds for me to see what is happening in Hull, ergo I am seeing Hull in the past. The Celica is pretty fast, so If I drive to Hull in 0.00001 seconds and then turn the HIDs on (which are very bright) and accelerate the light to double or triple the speed of normal light, I will have therefore appeared to have travelled through time as I would see myself, even though I would appear to be out of kilter with the time of the surroundings. So its entirely possible the light from my presence could be overlaid with the light of a dog in a park having a dump, but I digress. Anyway, there is a risk I may create a black hole in the process and spaghettify everyone.


It takes just under 8 minutes, on average, for the light from the Sun to travel the 92,580,000 miles to Earth. So, if part of the sun went out, it would take ~8 minutes for us to see it.

07-03-09, 05:29 PM
what you wanna come to hull for dude?

07-03-09, 05:32 PM
It was merely an example. I'm sure when travellers appear from the future they may pop up in Hull. Or not.

07-03-09, 05:34 PM
doubt it its a bit boring

07-03-09, 05:38 PM
Your usage of the "lol" emoticon implies humour, which is supposedly not required in this thread. I would suggest removing it so as to enhance the seriousness of your post and promote it as a legitimate (and factual) opinion.

I would remove it for you, but I fear I may be branded a Nationalist Socialist for doing so.

07-03-09, 05:44 PM
apologies mr jack, i had a moment of misjudgement. i have edited said post correctly, and feel i have let down png's sensible members. you sir, are as far removed from a national socialist as blatantly possible. how is the south of our great land this day?

07-03-09, 05:48 PM
dear sir's..

hereby i would like to participate in this thread. Although i am aware that my englisch spelling is not the greatest, and that could lead to some laughter from people who don't have an open mind for my foreign input..

07-03-09, 05:51 PM
participate away mr mayhem, i belive you will bring a strong manner of thoughts to the table.

07-03-09, 05:53 PM
Mr Mayhem, we welcome your valued input to this discussion. Fear not over the quality of your written word, as it is by far of a greater coherence than that uttered by many of the forum users for whom English is their primary language.

07-03-09, 06:01 PM
so, mr mayhem, seen as you are new to this thread, what topic would you like to discuss?

07-03-09, 06:20 PM
Mr Mayhem, we welcome your valued input to this discussion. Fear not over the quality of your written word, as it is by far of a greater coherence than that uttered by many of the forum users for whom English is their primary language.

That is an exceptionally well put statement mr jack, i would offer up some rep to be awarded to you but alas i cannot for fear of fuelling the rep only clique!

I am sorry but your post was appreciated (in a non-amusing way)

07-03-09, 06:22 PM
hello mr spud! how was work sir?

07-03-09, 06:26 PM
It wasnt very enjoyable as the stellas that forced themselves upon me last night were taking their toll on me so i was very glad to be allowed to leave once my alloted duties were carried out!

07-03-09, 06:39 PM
what kind of alloted duties did you have to perform Mr spudly?

The Simps
07-03-09, 06:54 PM
I currently have a case of the piles, its my first time. I've not bled but they are sore and painfull.

I've done some reading up and get conflicting views on treatment. Some people say i need to push it back on others say I'll need specialist treatment.

Would anyone like to advise me how they've got over such things themselves?

Thank you.

07-03-09, 06:59 PM
Just out of interest seeing as I have never experienced Pink Floyds, are they just like 'grapes hanging out of your ass' as has been described by many sufferers, or are they infact nothing like big green berrys?

Purely out of interest you understand, I am not extracting any humour or ridicule for your unfortunate bottom.

07-03-09, 07:00 PM
I currently have a case of the piles, its my first time. I've not bled but they are sore and painfull.

I've done some reading up and get conflicting views on treatment. Some people say i need to push it back on others say I'll need specialist treatment.

Would anyone like to advise me how they've got over such things themselves?

Thank you.

thankyou for sharing that with me, I had a plate of grapes offered to me as an hors d'ouvre... I fear that I will not be partaking of them now.

as for the time travel concept, any visitor to hull does actually believe that they have stepped back in time quite a distance.

07-03-09, 07:20 PM
ah, the piles issue, simps i had mine removed mate, its easier and better. mowgli, we arnt that bad up here, we are catching up to other cities.

The Simps
07-03-09, 07:27 PM
Just out of interest seeing as I have never experienced Pink Floyds, are they just like 'grapes hanging out of your ass' as has been described by many sufferers, or are they infact nothing like big green berrys?

Yes, like lumps around the edges of your asshole - I could post a pic?

I'm applying my anusol and using a cushion in the car etc. It really didn't help being round a clients last night sat at their dining table for 4.5hrs. They were solid wood chairs! :cry:

If they're still hurting by wednesday I'll go see the duck.

07-03-09, 07:36 PM
as for the time travel concept, any visitor to hull does actually believe that they have stepped back in time quite a distance.

alas, i recently had the pleasure of visiting Hull to partake with the dropping off of a mechanical item to a Mr.Slothsport, and i verily disagree with your statement good sir. i found driving through Hull a change of scenery, but fully up to modern standards i would expect of a township in 2009.

07-03-09, 07:56 PM
so, mr mayhem, seen as you are new to this thread, what topic would you like to discuss?

first of i would like to thank all of you for the warm welcome. it really fills my heart with joy, and i will have a beer in youre honour tonight.

my main interessed is in the economical situation.

i am aware of the crisis in the United Kingdom, and according to oure dutch gouverment, the crisis will going to affect us to this year.

my goal is to have an image of what me and my fellow countrymen are ging to have to go trough this year.

07-03-09, 07:56 PM
If they're still hurting by wednesday I'll go see the duck.
I would gracefully request clarification here - are you indeed, as I whole heartedly suspect, planning a visit to your local general practicioner? Or are your intentions more in the realm of a journey to the pond of closest proximity to expose your nether regions upon the inhabiting birdlife in said body of water?

07-03-09, 08:21 PM
my main interessed is in the economical situation.

i am aware of the crisis in the United Kingdom, and according to oure dutch gouverment, the crisis will going to affect us to this year.

my goal is to have an image of what me and my fellow countrymen are ging to have to go trough this year.

Well, I still have my house, my car(s), my clothes and recently no job, but a fat wedge of cash in the bank. I've never spent so much money as I have since being jobless.

They key thing to do is find the silver lining to every cloud.

As far as I can see when we go out shopping at the weekends, is that there are MORE people out buying stuff than ever before and seeing as banks arent lending as much money it leads me to believe folks arent as skint as the media makes out.

07-03-09, 09:22 PM
i feel that my intellectual (sp) abilities limit me in a way i feel i cannot partake in this thread.

07-03-09, 10:02 PM
Well, I still have my house, my car(s), my clothes and recently no job, but a fat wedge of cash in the bank. I've never spent so much money as I have since being jobless.

They key thing to do is find the silver lining to every cloud.

As far as I can see when we go out shopping at the weekends, is that there are MORE people out buying stuff than ever before and seeing as banks arent lending as much money it leads me to believe folks arent as skint as the media makes out.

This is because the media are great at blowing things out of proportion. If they were gagged the recession probably wouldn't have ben anywhere near as bad.

I watched a programme about some bloke in Weymouth who sells high end picture frames. Basically a luxury item which was amongst the few industrys which were slam dunked before many others. He said that he had experienced a steady decline in sales, apart from 2 days where his revenue went up unexpectedly. It turned out one of these days was when that plane went into the river in the US, and one was the devestation in Aus from the bush fires. Two days when the downturn wasnt on the front page.

Interesting isn't it.

Its also interesting that the banks wont give out loans when technically at the moment they would fail their own credit checks.

The Simps
08-03-09, 12:42 AM
This is because the media are great at blowing things out of proportion.

Example 1.

Called in at mother & fathers friday lunchtime and they have the Daily Mirror. Headline was something along the lines of "Bank Of England announces 0.5% drop, lowest EVER in history and plans to raise £150bn by 'printing money'.

The first paragraph in the article then read something like "the Bank Of England won't actually be printing money, just using a technique called quantitive easing."

Then why the FOCK print 'printing money' in the headline!!!?? wtf??

Example 2.

When the government increased the compensation limit to £50k per person, so called "financial experts" were advising people to be prudent and if you have more than £50k with any one bank, cash it in and spread it around.

Not wrong advice but not enough detail. To the average Joe, if you had £50k in a barclays savings account and £200k in a barclays investment bond, thats £250k with Barclays, £200k too much. So people were cashing in there investments and spreading it into cash accounts with other banks.

What the "financial experts" failed to tell you is that investments have their own, individual scale for compensation. For example, investment bonds, 100% of the first £2k is guarranteed then 90% of the remainder with no upper limit! So if you had £1mil in a bond you would still get £900,200 back!

So with this unclear advice punters have withdrawn money from investments when markets are down, so probably at an unnecessary loss and drawn money directly out of business which brought the markets down further.

Rant over.

The Simps
08-03-09, 12:43 AM
I would gracefully request clarification here - are you indeed, as I whole heartedly suspect, planning a visit to your local general practicioner? Or are your intentions more in the realm of a journey to the pond of closest proximity to expose your nether regions upon the inhabiting birdlife in said body of water?

Doctors ;)

Not sure if its the hefty alcohol continent or not but doesn't feel so sore right now.

The Simps
08-03-09, 12:44 AM
my goal is to have an image of what me and my fellow countrymen are ging to have to go trough this year.

You're lucky bud - you're in the Euro!!

The Simps
08-03-09, 12:48 AM
A good thing about a recession is that the value of the pound plummits compared to other currencies. This makes it more attractive for other countries to buy our products. But wait, oh sh!t, Thatcher sold off everything, we have nothing to sell anymore!!

I admit Labour isn't brilliant but if the Tories get in, average Joe's like us are screwed! I speak to so many people who are going to vote conservatives on the basis of either "we shouldn't have gone into Iraq" or "we let in too many imigrants". It really wories me.

Maybe rant over now! lol

08-03-09, 03:00 AM
i like the valu of the pound now... costs me less to buy from you.

most dutch people are really down to earth, and dont let the media scare them about the recession. the only things that are in trouble are international compagny's.

08-03-09, 03:54 AM
Tory FTW.

Labour has little or no incentive to work hard, and earn a decent living, and havent exactly done anything to help the manufacturing industry either ;) who's idea was it to make an economy based on banking and finance?...... Labours, and look where that ended up for you ;)

08-03-09, 09:58 AM
The Euro conversion is something like £1 = 1.10 now. It always used to be around the £1 = 1.50 area, but around the end of December it came very very close to 1:1. Which is annoying, as my German Mosely Fetish Pr0n from the Interweb now costs more :(

plans to raise £150bn by 'printing money'.
Recall that happened in America and Germany in the 1930s

But wait, oh sh!t, Thatcher sold off everything, we have nothing to sell anymore!!

I admit Labour isn't brilliant but if the Tories get in, average Joe's like us are screwed! I speak to so many people who are going to vote conservatives on the basis of either "we shouldn't have gone into Iraq" or "we let in too many imigrants". It really wories me.
Too true! Labour can't sell anything as there's sod all left to sell lol

It would be interesting to see how the Tories had handled the Iraq/Afghan situation. Thatcher only had the argies to compete with, who, although were a competent fighting force, they weren't really a match in a straight fight. Same goes for the Iraqis in 1991, who mostly just ran away. Iraq and Afghan this time are considerably different theatres of operation and fighting.

Remember - the Labour cabinet made the decision to go to war based on advisors who were NOT part of the labour government. No doubt the Conservatives would have made the same decision, in fact they probably wouldn't have even consulted the advisors and just done whatever the US told them to.

I do agree labour should be a lot harder on immigration etc, but as has been said many a time, a lot of it is down to UK workers not wanting to do the low paid jobs. And the general gaffs are usually down to the civil servants (I'm talking management grade here, not the average joes in the offices) who are always there, no matter which government is in force.

At least Labour have a clear direction with where they want to go in Europe, where as the conservatives just faff about and argue... which will no doubt end up with us beign trampled over by Brussels. I'm sure dairy farmers would love to be limited to selling only five litres of milk a week at a euro-set price of 10p a litre.

08-03-09, 10:00 AM
Vote Burgo. Both factual & informative.

08-03-09, 10:03 AM
Who do you vote for when they are all full of sh1te and are full of false promises anyway?The country is completely shagged

08-03-09, 10:14 AM
Who do you vote for when they are all full of sh1te and are full of false promises anyway?The country is completely shagged
Extremist voting FTW.

Remember a few years back when UKIP got a large proportion of votes? Thats what woke the mainstream conservatives up to the euro-scepticism of the British public.

08-03-09, 10:15 AM
Who do you vote for when they are all full of sh1te and are full of false promises anyway?The country is completely shagged

This is why I say vote Burgo!

Some say he has a fear of hairdressers.....

Others say he's just misunderstood.....

All we know is that he can make a Nova pickup truck in one afternoon!

08-03-09, 10:30 AM
...that the "PNG" user base does not condone Discrimination...

so i can ask....are you a ginger?

Having only read the first 2 posts i find the above offensive...

08-03-09, 10:37 AM
Recall that happened in America and Germany in the 1930s
and by labour in the seventies causing the recession that brought thatcher into power
and by our great friend & Zimbabwe's roads minister (cough cough), mr Mugabe

My dad told me what was going to happen if & when Labour got in for a second term. they would go after the people who traditionally voted conservative.....

So, farmers have been having a hard time on the EEC subsidies, rules thing, there is a huge pot of money that the farmers should be getting but the government will not sign up to it.. the Single Farm payment method of subsidies is a fiasco & if it wasn't for the fact that the world wheat price went up, the countryside would be a really sorry place to be.

Banning fox hunting but allowing councils to kill urban foxes, now there's an irony

Small business owners are now buried under paperwork & the laws have been changed so it is nigh on impossible to sack anyone.

if you live in a large urban area, don't own a house or a car, then the rules are fairly good, but if you live anywhere else, and thus more likely to vote conservative, then god help you.

For the record, I haven't voted conservative for years simply because I despise our local MP and keep trying to get him voted out... so much for fair politics

The Simps
08-03-09, 12:35 PM
They are all basically useless but at the same time have their merits. You're never going to please everyone - thats just politics. Its all about acting in the general wealth of the country.

When Thatcher came into power and sold everything off it looked great because all of a sudden we had a lot of money, but it was short term gain, long term pain. They weren't concerned about rising unemeployment levels.

Labour has little or no incentive to work hard, and earn a decent living, and havent exactly done anything to help the manufacturing industry either ;)

How can they help something that isn't really there? We're a services country now.

who's idea was it to make an economy based on banking and finance?...... Labours, and look where that ended up for you ;)

banking and finance has always been the corner stone of any major economy - money makes the world go round. Banks make up around 25% of the FTSE 100 (or did until 18mths ago! lol). The problems we are having are a result of greed. Bush's de-regulation of banking in America and the Tories over here gave the banks a lot of freedom of which it assumed a bank to then be responsible. :tard: This sparked off major lending between banks and ultimately they didn't care whether they focked each other or not, its all about pushing the numbers through. Risk assessment goes out the window.

The Tories want greater de-regulation of banking as they don't have enough freedom to make decisions apparantly :tard:

I do agree labour should be a lot harder on immigration etc, but as has been said many a time, a lot of it is down to UK workers not wanting to do the low paid jobs. And the general gaffs are usually down to the civil servants (I'm talking management grade here, not the average joes in the offices) who are always there, no matter which government is in force.

Immigration is a key part of todays economy, people have to face facts that we live in a multicultural society.

The fact is we are all living longer and there are more and more people on welfare, and you can't argue we have a good welfare state (albeit not always fair!). Someone has to pay for this - do you want to pay higher taxes?

The majority of immigrants will not be aloud in without a job to go to. When they are working they are paying tax & NI which is all used to fund people who are retired/on welfare NOW. The majority then leave 10-15 years down the line and then will never claim their state benefits etc. Its a win win situation. Germany takes in several times more immigrants than we do, purely for this purpose.

However, as with anything, there are always people who will exploit the system. The British empolyers who smuggle in immigrants and then pay them low cash in hand wages are only cheating their fellow Britons.

and by labour in the seventies causing the recession that brought thatcher into power
and by our great friend & Zimbabwe's roads minister (cough cough), mr Mugabe

My dad told me what was going to happen if & when Labour got in for a second term. they would go after the people who traditionally voted conservative.....

So, farmers have been having a hard time on the EEC subsidies, rules thing, there is a huge pot of money that the farmers should be getting but the government will not sign up to it.. the Single Farm payment method of subsidies is a fiasco & if it wasn't for the fact that the world wheat price went up, the countryside would be a really sorry place to be.

Banning fox hunting but allowing councils to kill urban foxes, now there's an irony

Politics is about pleasing the majority.

08-03-09, 12:44 PM
skunks, piles, time travel? 11 pages?

factual voice 'on'

shouldn't this be classed as 'spam' and therefore be moved to the 'lets get ready to ramble' thread? i know if myself and certain other members talked about said topics for 11 pages we would be shot down by the power of 'superstu' ....

http://www.google.co.uk/images?q=tbn:U_P4dPHtBANfaM::www.familycourtchroni cles

(please note, said picture of superhero is not actually of stuart,and is only used for illustrative purposes)

08-03-09, 01:22 PM
Politics is about pleasing the majority.

if only it was............

it is about a load of people who you wouldn't buy a used car off who feather their own nests for personal gain.....

The Simps
08-03-09, 01:48 PM
...whom we have elected and chosen....

08-03-09, 01:59 PM
Immigration is a key part of todays economy, people have to face facts that we live in a multicultural society.

The fact is we are all living longer and there are more and more people on welfare, and you can't argue we have a good welfare state (albeit not always fair!). Someone has to pay for this - do you want to pay higher taxes?

The majority of immigrants will not be aloud in without a job to go to. When they are working they are paying tax & NI which is all used to fund people who are retired/on welfare NOW. The majority then leave 10-15 years down the line and then will never claim their state benefits etc. Its a win win situation. Germany takes in several times more immigrants than we do, purely for this purpose.

However, as with anything, there are always people who will exploit the system. The British empolyers who smuggle in immigrants and then pay them low cash in hand wages are only cheating their fellow Britons.
This is true, unfortunately my previous statement felled me into the Daily Mail trap where everyone who isn't middle aged, white male with a Ford Mondeo and two kids living in a semi detached in Rotherham is clearly an evil immigrant/terrorist/rampant nazi homosexual/Max Mosly.

Another Random Razorjack Fact: Did you know, one of the reasons why British forces serving in Afghan and Iraq are liked more by the local populace than the Americans is because we employ locals on our bases. KAF is full of local Afghans who, lets face it, risk their lives to work on the base. Ok, its only menial tasks such as cooking and cleaning, but at least we're interacting with the locals and offering small scale local employment - unlike the Americans who keep all their workforce "in house" so to speak.

Multiculturalism is great, when it works (which one the most part, it does). However all it takes is a few small pockets of people to abuse the system, a sensationalist media network who take every opportunity to put every conceivable bullturd headline out that they can, and things start to go wrong. In the same way that religion is great, but lets not talk about that here as this will then no doubt explode into a 30 page rant lol

The Simps
08-03-09, 02:12 PM
I had a fun conversation with a doctor who was rambling on about how students shouldn't be allowed to get hardship loans to basically pay for boozing. The conversation went like this...

"I take it being a Doctor you went to uni?"
"Of course, 5 years in london."
"Guessing by your age I'd say during the 60s? Good time to be in london!?"
"Yes it was the 60s and a FANTASTIC time to be in London! We had a lot of fun, I won't say what doing, but we had a lot of fun!"
"I should imagine beer was still pretty pricey in London back then tho?"
"It was but we still found ways to get drunk and have a good time."
"Did you have to get a Student Loan to go to uni?"
"No, I had a grant."
"Did you have any debt when you left uni?"
"No, it was paid for by grants."
"So what you're saying is that you got your FREE education at the expense of the tax payers at that time but now that you're a tax payer you don't want your money even lent to student to get an education even tho ultimately what they "waste in the pub" they have to pay back whereas yours you didn't?"
"I still think its a waste of money!"


08-03-09, 02:51 PM
Did you know, one of the reasons why British forces serving in Afghan and Iraq are liked more by the local populace than the Americans is because we employ locals on our bases. KAF is full of local Afghans who, lets face it, risk their lives to work on the base. Ok, its only menial tasks such as cooking and cleaning, but at least we're interacting with the locals and offering small scale local employment - unlike the Americans who keep all their workforce "in house" so to speak.

the main reason they like us is that the british also buy local produce & materials....

the septics ship everything from the states in huge military transporters

09-03-09, 06:38 PM
skunks, piles, time travel? 11 pages?

factual voice 'on'

shouldn't this be classed as 'spam' and therefore be moved to the 'lets get ready to ramble' thread? i know if myself and certain other members talked about said topics for 11 pages we would be shot down by the power of 'superstu' ....

Please see rule 15 and the statement below it.

09-03-09, 06:43 PM
(please note, said picture of superhero is not actually of stuart,and is only used for illustrative purposes)

I'm far far sexier than that PHACKED

09-03-09, 06:45 PM
I'm far far sexier than that PHACKED
and you wear pink not purple

09-03-09, 06:49 PM
pink to make the boys wink.... so ive been told, by a honest source.

The Simps
09-03-09, 09:19 PM
talking of pink and wink - I've off to the ducks on wednesday :(

09-03-09, 09:33 PM
oh dear.......