View Full Version : [b]Help needed: Mesh grille & LED washers[/b]

04-01-03, 09:34 AM
I have recently got my hands on a nice mesh grille and some led windscreen washers. Only problem is, im having trouble fitting them. With the mesh grille i managed to stick it on with no more nails which i was told was the best way to fit a grille, however, the grille fell off whilst i was driving and its now hanging on with elastic bands! Does anyone know the best way to stick a mesh grille on a mk1? Then we come to the LED's i know how to connect the washer jets but i do not know how to connect the negative and positive, is it best to connect to the battery and make a switch or can anyone help me finding the sidelights? I know where the lights are but really dont want to electricute myself! Any suggestions please help on both topics!
:D :)

04-01-03, 11:17 AM
I can help you with the LED washers. DONT BOTHER!!!!

04-01-03, 12:30 PM
Haha i agree dont bother with them. They were the first things I put on my nova when it was completly bog standard and to tell the truth i dunno why i did. I musta been pulled about 4 times for them (luckily different cop everytime so no fine!) so i dont use them now. Not worth it mate.

Ben Ritchie
04-01-03, 03:22 PM
i think the washers look pretty crap.
you will get pulled a lot of the time by the coppers.
nae point paying more in fines then it cost to buy the washers
i get pulled a lot in my nova from the police for no
reason in aberdeen. its shit.

04-01-03, 04:14 PM
fit the washer jets, just don't power them cos they look pretty nice in the chrome but as soon as they light up u look like a tit lol

as for the grille, i find cable ties or small self tappers works for me

04-01-03, 11:47 PM
There's big ?70k Jeeps and shit driving round with neon washers where i live!

Anyway, if you've got neons inside and under the car, and it's totally kitted up in a mental oriental manner, you might get away with neon washer jets.

05-01-03, 05:13 PM
I think this guy is wasting our time to be honest.


05-01-03, 10:38 PM
well thanks for the replies i take it nobody wants to aid me in fitting them! and jim i think ur name was u need to learn to shut the fuck up you absolute tosser! when u have something of value to say post but until then keep ur cakehole shut. :)

05-01-03, 11:55 PM
I was told u can get away with white light on ur LED washers is this right??

06-01-03, 06:50 PM
Me a tosser? I'm not the one that attached a meshed grille with no more nails. You need to see it from our point of view. We've had lots of people coming on and taking the p**s recently. This is the first time I heard of someone using an indoor DIY product to mesh a grille. I meant no offence, but in future don't be so abusive, especially not to senior members.


07-01-03, 05:14 PM
Woza you cock sucking mother fucking nigger lover (NO OFFENCE to black dudes - respect)
We are here to help, but dont diss when someone gives advice!
Personally I think LED washers are absolutely SHITEN and more SHITEN with a big LED washer on top.

The only type of exterior lights which look good are headlights, indicators and rear lights. Unless you get a FULL proppa under neon kit and fit it to a properly maxxed car.

In future dont ask for help if someone tells you that you will get pulled or that it really doesnt look too good! People are open to their own opinion!


Sorry guys - what a tossa!