View Full Version : Someone just went into the back of NovaNutter :(

03-01-03, 04:45 PM
Then the **** drove off. Will has his reg number so should be ok, its not bad damage, looks like the blokes foot slipped off the clutch or something.

grrrrrrr :(

Ben Ritchie
03-01-03, 04:52 PM
he drove off what a fcuking w**nker :evil: .
i hope he gets him nailed and to pay for the damage.
wot damage has actually happened to the car.
wots with the crashes lately firstly anton crashed
then carlton witnessed an ugly crash and now nova nutter
has had someone hit him. nova drivers are really having a bad time at the mo. :(

03-01-03, 04:53 PM
Phew glad to hear Will is OK its only minor damage. I dread seeing posts like this esp. if it was me that made the car faster :o

Hope Will gets the git done - maybe a drink driver?? Bastid :evil:

03-01-03, 05:04 PM
Sorry to hear that, hope he doesent have the long winded problems that normally come with that sort of thing...

esp. if it was me that made the car faster :o
Why do i picture a mad professor lol

03-01-03, 05:14 PM
seems like there have been loads of crashes lately! would be easy to blame the conditions but from what the crash victims have said it seems to be more down to bad luck than n e thing else!


03-01-03, 06:02 PM
Glad hes alright.
What a git driving off though.
Any update?

Chris LR
03-01-03, 06:40 PM
Bad luck m8, I bet it was a Volvo!

I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a crashing spree involving members!

03-01-03, 06:49 PM
Will- looks like I am probably gonna be breaking mine, so if you want a new rear end tell me.

03-01-03, 07:09 PM
OMG!!! :o I don't believe it, after getting his car back this happens :( As long as Will is alright and theres no major damage. Still a pain in the a**e though :(


03-01-03, 07:13 PM
Fu ck. it seems a bad time at the moment to be driving a nova!!!
Hope your alright Will mate, let us know how much damage there is.

03-01-03, 07:17 PM
Its only minor, probably needs a new bumper as its been pushed in a little bit but still... He got the reg plate of the bloke.

Hes got a bumper sitting on his other nova he can use...

Chris LR
03-01-03, 07:22 PM
What about the exhaust, did the other car hit above it?

03-01-03, 07:36 PM
:evil: cannae believe ANOTHER post

as said previous it seems everything happening lately though is some other CNUTS fault.

sorry to here mate

hope all is fixable :roll:

glad ur ok too u nutter

and CP m8 any mad plans to make a back to the future nova!?

03-01-03, 10:34 PM
Lol I just gotta work out how to make a flux capacitor work.

I like the idea of it tho. Just imagine the look on everyone's faces when I posted a quarter mile time of minus 1 second by getting to the finish line before I started! :lol:

03-01-03, 10:52 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: @ your avatar! Thats so true! The mad scientist is gonna rip my engine apart soon so maybe i'll be able to time travel at the end of it hehe

04-01-03, 12:25 AM
I've lost track - is that me before I nearly met myself when Marty came forward to the past or before I went back to the future after Marty came back as his Dads sons aunties brother in laws girlfriend who was his mother? Plus how did I manage to have a dream about the flux capacitor before I had even thought about it:? :?
Fcuk I think I'll have to leave this to Micky to sort out. All those who want to press the delete button say "Aye" :lol:

04-01-03, 12:36 AM
lmfao!!!!!! :lol: i loved back to the future

when u got to the finish line tho there would probably be a bunch of iraqi's in radiation suits waiting to blow yer nova to smitherines (like the car park scene in the first one but is actually becoming more and more plausable since we r probably goin to war with the fcukers)

04-01-03, 02:06 AM
aye :( My Bro going out there on the 26th :(

04-01-03, 10:19 AM
shiteeeeee!! glad ya ok will m8, what a bitch esp after the nova was looking so sweet, its a good job that the damage is minor and at least it can be fixed!!

do a reg check and go round this blokes with a crow bar :)!!

04-01-03, 04:43 PM
Thanks for all ur comments lads, i was in lutons bury park high street, by looking at all the cars there, it seemed this happens quite often, never taking my car there again.

I was at the traffic lights with my mate and felt this thud, got out went up to bloke "WTF was that, did ur foot slip on the clutch or were u just born dumb and stupid" opened the door to his car (rover) then looked around, lots of asians looking at me, me and my m8 were the only white guys within miles, got back into my car, next thing i know, hes reversed, up the curb and off down the bus lane, my m8 trys to type the reg into his phone, but having spoke to him earlier he didnt get it right, he wasnt abt the numbers, only got 2 of last 3 letters and he thought was E reg, i know 100% it was F reg, so :(

Damage wise: Rear bumper pushed back, iron bent, butttttt, no damage to actually chassis or boot at all, so new bumper shud sort i hope. I cant describe to you how angry i was,i got back in the car and chased the cnut down the bus lane in a rage, my m8 made me stop, was shaking as was so pissed off and stressed and traffic was a nightmare.

Thanks for all your posts, its nice to know i have people who understand wot a bastard it is, just after i got the engine and things were on the up, but hopefully i can repair it soon :)

Anton u got a pm

CP: Did u get the dvd boxset of back to the future for xmas? i did, i just love them films, they totally rule.

The doc hit his head and when he came to he had vision of flux capacitor, marty knew this in 1985 as doc told him, and then in 1955 he told the doc who had hit his head a few days b4 martys arrived so to speak, lol. thats how he knew he must have really come back to 1955 from the future cause there is no other way he wud know.

they are all good films, but number 2 is the cleverist of the lot as martys dad didnt act in the flim so they had to be very clver cutting parts from the 1st etc, tis clever shit for the 80's / early 90's


Chris LR
04-01-03, 07:13 PM
Just a thought about the reg of the Rover.

If you mess around with the online insurance quotes you can find out what reg plate belongs to which car? If you know it's a Rover and you know which model you'll be most of the way there. If it was petrol or diesel would help as well. I doubt you'll have got the spec.

04-01-03, 10:04 PM
"The doc hit his head and when he came to he had vision of flux capacitor, marty knew this in 1985 as doc told him, and then in 1955 he told the doc who had hit his head a few days b4 martys arrived so to speak, lol. thats how he knew he must have really come back to 1955 from the future cause there is no other way he wud know."

Yeah yeah thats what I meant ( I think :? ) lol.

It was on the telly again the other day. Good films and interesting idea.

Have you read Michael J Fox's autobiography? A remarkable bloke who showed great courage and deserves a lot of respect for how he dealt with serious illness