View Full Version : Saloon boot Strength

General Lee
03-03-09, 12:33 PM

2 Questions,

Do you think the nova saloon boot will hold the weight of a 1.4 engine and gearbox?
Because i have no other way of getting one home.


Does someone do tow bars for the nova saloon?


Welsh Dan
03-03-09, 12:35 PM

Any local towbar installation place should be able to make one up to fit.

03-03-09, 12:55 PM
what about taking out seats and putting it there? probs more strength and more central weight.

my 1.2 hatch back lugged a 1.4 xe from heathrow to stanstad

General Lee
03-03-09, 01:09 PM
what about taking out seats and putting it there? probs more strength and more central weight.

my 1.2 hatch back lugged a 1.4 xe from heathrow to stanstad

Cool thanks,

The seats are already out and it's been freshly painted black. so don't really want to ruin it.

03-03-09, 01:09 PM
i put half a ton in my nova and it coped fine. altho i would recommend using this method to be honest as altho the boot is big its a awkward shape


03-03-09, 01:10 PM
You can get a off the shelf towbar, search on ebay i know there was a couple of there a while ago.

And i thought you was selling up?

General Lee
03-03-09, 01:22 PM
I was yeah, but i had a lond think, and i thought i would regret it because iv'e regreted lettin go of my last 5 cars. And had the feeling of the nova bug again.

03-03-09, 01:27 PM
Yes ive had a gte engine in the boot with the geabox. But DO NOT go with that way. its not a great fit as i found out, i should of taken burgo's advice

03-03-09, 02:02 PM
Here is how much room you will have



03-03-09, 02:17 PM
if you took the inlet and exhaust off and seperated the engine and gearbox it would go in a piece of piss. but thats alot of hassle compared to undoing two 13mm bolts to remove the front seat

03-03-09, 02:40 PM
yes and yes

IIRC (its been a while since I've been under the bum of a saloon mind) the chassis rails extend out longer than on a hatch.

Tow bars are available on ebay. If you search for Nova Saloon you should get a shop that sells them - saw one on there t'other day.

03-03-09, 03:36 PM
but your car is on ebay at the mo Nathan.

General Lee
03-03-09, 03:46 PM
Not anymore ernie, i kept changing my mind, and i decided to sell up. but i was looking at the work iv'e done and it hit a sentimental nerve and reminded me of my first nova when i was selling that. Basically i don't want to regret it. So i'm keeping it forever and ever and ever. So i'll see you soon i'm bound to need some advice or parts.

03-03-09, 04:23 PM
No probs and happy to sell them to you lol.