View Full Version : need a project...

02-03-09, 01:00 AM
well, my missus of nearly a year finished with me yesterday so im going for me retail therapy. i wanna build a project but im not sure what i want. got 3 things on my mind

Nova Xe, must be a 3dr mk1 stripped n cagged

Cav Xe, must be a saloon, preferably a 4x4,

or a mr2 2.0 16v iv been offered for £500. loads of new parts n what not and in really good condition

help :(

02-03-09, 03:42 AM
no mr2 for 500 is wise, thats dog territory mate. cavs are nice, in a huge barge type of way, and xe novas are liscense loosers mate, total opposites tbh. but at the end of the day, build what YOU want.

02-03-09, 07:47 AM
xe novas are liscense loosers mate
LMFAO pardon? XE Novas aren't THAT fast, and usually feel like they're going faster than they are. As opposed to the MR2, which if its anything like my Celica you'll be cruising along and suddenly realise you're touching a ton.

02-03-09, 07:49 AM
I thought you had been in mine mate lol.

02-03-09, 08:01 AM
you could always buy my gti...

02-03-09, 08:09 AM

02-03-09, 08:15 AM
I thought you had been in mine mate lol.
Yours isn't standard :p

02-03-09, 08:36 AM
oh yeah i forgot that lol

Pistol Pete
02-03-09, 10:11 AM
Another option...205 GTi??

02-03-09, 11:27 AM
xe novas are liscense loosers mate
Only if you drive like a toilet

Pistol Pete
02-03-09, 11:35 AM
..xe novas are liscense loosers mate..

lol surely any car can be a license looser??!!

02-03-09, 11:59 AM
yea they can be matey!! build a xe nova mate you know you want to lol

02-03-09, 05:47 PM
im thinking about getting the mr2, only cheap because he used it as a run around till he got his new car. shall i XE the more door mk1 :p ?

Ste L
02-03-09, 06:31 PM
lol surely any car can be a license looser??!!


never got any points in my xe nova, yet, driving a 1.2 corsa b, i got a speeding fine within a few months :roll:

02-03-09, 06:38 PM
£500 for an MR2?? Garantee the tagra roof seals are knacked (if its a T-Bar) only MR2 worth bothering with is, IMO, Gen 3 or above Turbo.

205 GTi is a good call though, really good cars TBH.

02-03-09, 06:41 PM
LMFAO pardon? XE Novas aren't THAT fast, and usually feel like they're going faster than they are. As opposed to the MR2, which if its anything like my Celica you'll be cruising along and suddenly realise you're touching a ton.

I wouldn't be so sure. Used to do a few trackdays with a friend who had a standard 2.0 16v MR2.

To be frank, it was rubbish. My 1600 T40 easily out powered it.

02-03-09, 06:43 PM
205's are french...enough said :p

02-03-09, 06:45 PM
205's are french...enough said :p


So is a 106 GTi, and as standard will rinse a Nova GSi. ****, like for like, a modified 106 or 205 GTi will keep up with an XE Nova round a track given adeqaute driver skill.

02-03-09, 06:52 PM
shall i XE the more door mk1 :p ?

Yes, in a word lol

02-03-09, 06:55 PM
bubba = pm mate

Pistol Pete
02-03-09, 06:57 PM
205's are french...enough said :p

Have you seen the Renault Clio 172/182/Sport/Cup thingy. That is the Hot Hatch of the moment IMO. The french (annoyingly lol) always got it right IMO and the rest played catch up.

02-03-09, 06:59 PM
Catch up indeed.

9.9% out of 10 people that slate French cars have never owned, driven nor even worked on one. Unfortunatly, the same applies with regards to Japanese motors.

02-03-09, 07:03 PM
iv driven a 106gti...cant because the pedels are to close together, and iv seen the engine bays...i dont like it...id have VW Vaux german all the way, although im really liking toyota atm

02-03-09, 07:06 PM
Never though to bend the pedal arms over then......

You dont like the engine bay?? WTF??? You are aware the a lot of Nova parts were made by French companys......in France.....

02-03-09, 07:08 PM
xe the saloon or ill tickle ya to death! stop funking about with toybaotas and gerrit done

02-03-09, 07:30 PM
Catch up indeed.

9.9% out of 10 people that slate French cars have never owned, driven nor even worked on one. Unfortunatly, the same applies with regards to Japanese motors.

you do realise that makes less than 1 in 10? lol

03-03-09, 12:43 AM
well, iv got the mr2 now, picking it up whenever, bung it in the garage till the nova insurance is up, then swap places with em an fettle with the more door :p

couldnt bend the pedel because it wasnt my car haha.

03-03-09, 01:28 AM
you do realise that makes less than 1 in 10? lol

was thinking the same lol

what are the plans for the mr2 then? any pics of it? i had a mr2 turbo last year, and tbh wasnt too keen on it.if it is for a project i would of stuck to a vauxhall, much cheaper to build and fix, and more fun imo as if the engine blows it wont cost a fortune.

03-03-09, 05:49 PM
nah not [pics yet aint picked it up, no plans for it at all...maybe clean it lol. ggoing to be putting the more door in a garage and playing with that as a project.