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25-02-09, 02:56 PM
hi some little gay chav tried to get in my nova last night and succeded, doesnt look as if the lock has been forced, i hope to dear lord i didnt leave it open but all the manual and books were all over the place inside i guess they were looking for the logbook, hid the radio gear aswell so they didnt find that but the parcel shelf had been bashed on the floor aswell as it looks like someone scrabbeled at the boot as the tail gait was locked. looks like someone scared them off as the door was left a-jar

Luckily i guess nothing was damaged, but will be more carefull in the future. im gonna have to get it on the drive enentually and has anyone got any recomendations for alarm system?

Just a post to let people kno in the cambridge area theres a nova steeling pikey around:wtf:

25-02-09, 02:58 PM
has anyone got any recomendations for alarm system?

Just a post to let people kno in the cambridge area theres a nova steeling pikey around:wtf:

I keep a shotgun at the end of my bed;) :thumb:

Pistol Pete
25-02-09, 03:02 PM
Lock it and dont leave the stereo face in that car would be a good start. Alarms are all well and good, but if they want it they will have it. Clifford, TOAD, to name but a few. I have a Clifford Concept 600 with a few goodies on my Nova.

25-02-09, 03:02 PM
lol good idea iv got a bb shotgun at the side of my bed.

25-02-09, 03:04 PM
Lock it and dont leave the stereo face in that car would be a good start. Alarms are all well and good, but if they want it they will have it. Clifford, TOAD, to name but a few. I have a Clifford Concept 600 with a few goodies on my Nova.

ok cool ile have to get one of them or similar wen i get a job, yeh i normally hide my radio face under the car shelf at the back but i will take it out now

tbh i think they looked at the rust on the door and arches and thought "fook that thats worth jack sh*te" lol

Pistol Pete
25-02-09, 03:13 PM
I have never understood why people with detachable face plates take them off and stick them in the glovebox lol

And when all said and done, if it was a couple of chavs after abit of fun, any car will do.

25-02-09, 03:17 PM
yeh good point i might have to leave my german sheperd in ther tonight! lol yeh well i always thought it would get it out of site, so they couldent see the radio throught the window

25-02-09, 03:24 PM
lol good idea iv got a bb shotgun at the side of my bed.

I normally prefer 56gram 3" magnum BB's myself, good for quite a few hundred yards just incase there running a little quickly:thumb:

25-02-09, 03:24 PM
The problem is the wishy washy government we have!

If you catch someone stealing/damaging/breaking in your property you should be able to kill them, end of!

I am 17, and since birth I have known wrong and right

The worst thing that happened to this country minus the goverment was to get rid of the death penalty!

Make an example of a few and the rest will back down!

Rant over

25-02-09, 03:37 PM
The problem is the wishy washy government we have!

If you catch someone stealing/damaging/breaking in your property you should be able to kill them, end of!

I am 17, and since birth I have known wrong and right

The worst thing that happened to this country minus the goverment was to get rid of the death penalty!

Make an example of a few and the rest will back down!

Rant over

And what happens if you get framed for something you didnt do and get sentenced to death? bet you wouldnt be pro death penalty then?

25-02-09, 03:39 PM
dam right hobbit

i would give them a good kicking but would not want to murder them

to be honest imo if you freely wish to kill people for such a minor thing you need putting in broadmoor

also you think crime was lower when the death penalty was in use if so you stupid lol all the crimes now have been happening since the beginning of time or rather cizilation

25-02-09, 03:57 PM
to be honest imo if you freely wish to kill people for such a minor thing you need putting in broadmoor

Just mame it lasts longer, then they won't come back lol

25-02-09, 04:07 PM
Bit o' light water torture?

25-02-09, 04:16 PM
Bit o' light water torture?

:D only if you ask nicely;)

25-02-09, 04:20 PM
wrap it in police tape.

25-02-09, 04:22 PM
clifford concept 650 dude top allarm!!

25-02-09, 04:25 PM
also toad Ai606 is good.

25-02-09, 04:28 PM
You could also fit a main kill switch to the power lead which runs the whole electrics of the car at a cost of around £20.

25-02-09, 04:31 PM
If you want a alarm fitting PM me, not so far away and what i should do for a living lol

25-02-09, 04:51 PM
man thanks im might have to take you up on that offer wen i get one, hey did you drive through newport one saterday last month as i remember seeing a blu nova coming the other way and i was like hmmmm i wonder if hes on png lol i was in a red crappy one?

25-02-09, 05:08 PM
Bit o' light water torture?
Golden shower?

25-02-09, 05:30 PM
no lol

25-02-09, 06:18 PM
All of you lot need you mouths washing out (pun intended) lol lol lol

25-02-09, 06:28 PM
lol kelbelle how come you have bad rep or dont u know, and AWO6 could you give me a quote on fitting the alarm gear,

25-02-09, 06:34 PM
I've always wanted one of them steering bar lock thingys that give out 20,000volts, crispy car thieves in the morning lol

25-02-09, 06:36 PM
sounds good to me

25-02-09, 06:39 PM

you wouldn't take that off in a hurry!!!

25-02-09, 06:44 PM
Welcome to the world of nova ownership bud, they are disgustingly easy to get into and steal (and ffs dont anyone post up oh yes you do this to get in them as usually happens in this kind of thread)

Cliffords are imo utter dog muck and i wouldnt pay you to fit one tbh, toad Ai606 all the way as they never false alarm and do exactly what they say on the tin!

25-02-09, 06:46 PM
sounds pretty good mate and IM NOW A MEMBER OF PNG WOOP!

25-02-09, 06:48 PM
my cliffords never worked properly. wouldnt get another one

25-02-09, 06:50 PM
my cliffords never worked properly. wouldnt get another one

I rest my case lol

25-02-09, 06:50 PM
lol fair enough ile get a toad

25-02-09, 07:00 PM
lol kelbelle how come you have bad rep or dont u know, and AWO6 could you give me a quote on fitting the alarm gear,

Because sometimes I say stuff that pisses people off lol
But i try my best :) to be witty that is not a bitch lol

25-02-09, 07:02 PM
ROFL unlucky iv reped you anyway :)

25-02-09, 07:04 PM
All of you lot need you mouths washing out (pun intended) lol lol lol
You disgust me

25-02-09, 07:06 PM
lol jack your so blunt lol

25-02-09, 07:10 PM
AWO6 could you give me a quote on fitting the alarm gear,

Make sure its a fisher price my first car alarm one then lol

25-02-09, 07:13 PM
lol lol

25-02-09, 07:52 PM
You disgust me

:( you started it

26-02-09, 07:02 PM
May I ask whyyou recon the death penalty is a bad idea?

The lowest of the low are thieves? Murderers and rapists imo!

Theres more /\/\/\/\/\ i know but we dont need a list

Breaking into someone elses property in my opinion deserves the death penalty, i work a 38hr week as an aprrentice electrical engineer, why should I go to work for the F*&$%*" W"!£*$ to steal what ive earnt?

Theres the one statistic people always forget!

There has never in the history of man been a re offender who was put to death!

Rant Over again!

26-02-09, 07:53 PM
hmm i have a clifford 650 on mine and the f***ers still smashed in my front quater glass, popped the bonnet and ripped the alarm speaker from the inner wheel arch cut my wires and launched it into the next county... then realised they cant get past immoboilisers. why bother...really :(
set me back £66 for a new speaker :O expensive stuff but a must have.

personally, im gonna try toad this time not sure what the latest model is etc but give em a try eh.

26-02-09, 07:55 PM
kk thanks for the advise mate

26-02-09, 09:04 PM
Toad are good alarms, get one and a decent steering wheel lock.

The more you have the more it will put the chav's off bothing.

Latest Toad is the C5 and its great :-)

26-02-09, 09:06 PM
yeh good point mate ile have to do that fo show

26-02-09, 09:24 PM
my cav has a clifford 500, and will also get 2 hidden switches and cdl aswell. if it still walks i will find them and they will dissapear. end of. i also have a shotgun (and the liscense) and a pickaxe handle by my bed, and a dog aswell. i'll happily maim anyone for attempting to steal my cars or stuff, and i have in the past. the sooner the nation wakes up and smells the gunshot residue the faster. (my opinion btw)

26-02-09, 09:26 PM
lol man im interested in what you have done lol?

26-02-09, 09:54 PM
I like the idea of the 3 strikes and your out idea. Commit three jail-able offenses and you get life.
Although I did hear about a man in canada who got jailed for life for stealing a lollipop lol probably one of those myths parents tell you tho

26-02-09, 09:57 PM
lol yeh its very likely to, however bear in mind.......... it is canada

26-02-09, 10:05 PM
Stealing a lolipop?


No just kidding, I am very very against policical correctness and the "But its the way they were brought up" if there parents where no good, chances are theyll be no good, so get the out of the gene pool imo!

26-02-09, 10:23 PM
MattBrown, the problem with bringing back the Death Penalty is that it is impossible under European Law.

taking precautions to stop people nicking anything is prudent.

I could create a simple car alarm in about 10minutes that would scare off any potential thief, and wake up the neighbourhood, probably getting the police involved, and will be doing on my own car when it is finally road legal.

most stuff done to cars is not theft, it is vandalism, the product of boredom...... getting kids to create stuff, not wreck it is the key to stopping this problem, but hanging one really is not going to stop them as it will be seen as 'hard' when the next one does it...

26-02-09, 10:29 PM
yeh there are always a pro and a con to any argument

26-02-09, 10:34 PM
we can pull out of europe at any time, its in the contract. we need to aswell, were an island for a reason...

26-02-09, 10:41 PM
Why is it a product of boredom?

"Im bored, I know lets go and smash his nova up he has just spent 3grand on?

I will stick to my guns!

Death penalty all the way!

Never has there been a reoffender!

26-02-09, 10:44 PM
dude u will stick to your guns untill ur framed lol, then you will think twice, i do know wat you mean tho it makes me angy, the main reason it happens is because of bordem and there parents hate them lol

26-02-09, 10:55 PM
lol lol

If theres 100% proof obv!

And tbh, if there that bored, the death penalty wont bother them lol

26-02-09, 10:59 PM
4 words: barb wire pull through.......

26-02-09, 11:12 PM
i agree with matt brown bring back the death peanlty

26-02-09, 11:22 PM
we can pull out of europe at any time, its in the contract. we need to aswell, were an island for a reason...
Don't get me wrong., I'm very anti-Europe, but thats an extremely short sighted statement. Britain would flounder if it wasn't for Euro trade and the fact we cling to the US like the ratty kid who stands behind the playground bully going "yeeeaaaah!" every time said bully threatens someone.

Britain hasn't been "great" for a good century or so unfortunately. We only won WW2 because of the Russians!

26-02-09, 11:52 PM
i see what ya saying jack, but i merely meant it as the first step to a better britain. i have to tone my thoughts down, as im pro revolution for britain, and anti royalist and anti government. no offence btw.

27-02-09, 12:20 AM
Rep added sloth sport!

Government are a bunch of lying thieving tossers imo!

But if you dont like it leave is the answer so were stuck!

27-02-09, 07:23 AM
Sloth, who do you vote for?

27-02-09, 11:06 AM
tbh if we get rid of the goverment, we will just be as bad as the arabs, its good that we have a government, it stopes willie people coming to power and shi*ing on every one lol and slothsport if your anti europe, anti royal, anti government who the hell do you want in power lol yourself? jokes man lol and wen u said barb wire pull through lol do you mean feeding it to a chav and pulling it out fast out of his ****? lol

27-02-09, 11:32 AM
willie people
ROFL pardon? lol

27-02-09, 11:34 AM
willie people lol, dick eds in other words LOL

02-03-09, 08:47 PM
lmao, ive just seen this again, cmax, id like a joit parliament with all partys making decisions. rj i vote liberal but only cos there actually doing something im my town.