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31-12-02, 12:00 AM
Ok Its Like This

Saturday-Stopped outside me house, turned car key to off position & took it out, the engine was still running & all the clocks were still on as well as the anti hijack thingy. Only by removing the fuse outta the fuse box did the engine/clocks/lights & anti hijack go off.

Can someone help me with this as i dunno whats going on, someones told me its something 2 do with the anti hijack, somone else says its the ignition module on the bottom of the ignition barrell

HELP! :cry:

31-12-02, 12:15 AM
id say ignition barrel, i had exactly same problem etc etc

turns out my previous car had been stolen - always wondered why one piece of glass didnt have my registration on!!!

when i tuk the cover off underneath and had a look, the dodgy geezer selling me the car had zip tied the ignition barrel to the ign lock, and the whole thing to the steering colum - the steering lock pin had snapped to.


thieves break the box off and ram a screw driver in it and twist - so mine had lost the shape inside - im not saying yours is nicked, but it might have come off, loose, or maybe even worn.

01-01-03, 08:15 PM
Oh right, that puzzles me a bit as am sure the plastic barrell bit was changed only bout week ago as had a problem similiar with getting the car to turn off only diff was everything baring the engine went off but that was an earthing problem (apparently). :? & as a result hadda get the mechinic on it as didnt wanna fiddle with stuff i dunno bout & i think hes changed that plastic module over for a new one.

I'll go with what u say on it like just as a wondering though if its not that is there anything else it could be thats making this happen?


Manta Mad
01-01-03, 09:00 PM
I would agree with Mike, sounds very like that is the problem - they are a weak point but easy to change. Had a similar problem a while back on a neighbours Astra, which has the same ignition design.

02-01-03, 08:34 PM
Thing is......its working fine now! I didnt use my car for a few days as didnt need to just been for a quick scoot about in it & low & behold got home & now it turns off as normal?

I was confused b4 but now im very confused, why wud this happen? or is it just a quick nice spell before the barrell module packs up completely?Or cud it be something else thats made it go weird

Any idea would be a help on this sorry 2b a pain!

02-01-03, 08:46 PM
id say try the ignition barrel and see what happnes

02-01-03, 08:46 PM
well not the barrel itself just that little black switch on the end of the barrel

does your starter motor click?

04-01-03, 07:23 PM
Well alls still fine with it, the starter motor isnt clicking so far as i can tell.

Hopefully that will be the end of the glitch (although i'll wager money im wrong :cry:

Thanx for the help though

Chris S
05-01-03, 06:09 PM
I had the same problem when i went shopping a bit back. I pulled up took the keys out and the bugger was still runnin. I was searchin under the dash + fuse box but to know look. Then in a temper i wacked the steering wheel and the engine stopped! It did it again when i got home so i routed round for ages. it turned out that when i fitted my stereo back in the metal case was rubbing on the radio loom. The Ignition live and the Permanent live where touching resulting in the engine still running. :microwav:

06-01-03, 11:18 PM
funily enough the EXACT same thing happened to me, must be a natural reaction coz i did the same thing u did 2 stop it running lol.

Well looks like this not turning off thing is gonna be a problem (a rare one but still a problem) did it 2 me last nite when i went for some food, so i drove 2 a shop where i could park n the thing turned off :?