View Full Version : Window replacement

16-11-00, 08:42 AM
I have had my right offside window smashed, and was gonna pick one up from a scrappy. Been told its easy to fit a new glass pane, with string? Do I need a sealer? Can anyone who's done this before email me some instructions? Cheers B

16-11-00, 11:26 AM
Right heres what you do, frome the inside of you car try to push out the window rubber all the way round the window (have mate on outside to catch though!) and then sit back in amasement at how eash it eas to get it out then take the window rubber and place aroun new window and in the groove run some string (plastic washing line i used) line window up and very carefully pull string so that the rubber seal pulls inside the car, go all the way round, easy!, you my have to make some sort of manipulation of the rooflining as it has a habbit comming lose and you'll have to take window out and start again