View Full Version : NEW DOORS

29-12-02, 05:51 PM
A need a new door but a was wondering if u can buy a brand new door for an sri nova intead of getting a second hand one

29-12-02, 05:58 PM
i know u can buy new door skins cos there is a site on the net i seen them for sale. i cant remember what it is tho

29-12-02, 06:11 PM
i know that http://www.sel-imperial.co.uk/ do panels and stuff, not sure if they do doors.

Chris LR
29-12-02, 06:27 PM
Vaux can supply doors, so the spotty guy told me.

I think they're around ?250/?300. I got a mint 2nd hand one for ?20.

If it's just a case of passing an MOT stick some tape on it.

29-12-02, 09:40 PM
chris the MK one said 150 quid or sumfing,
remeber ya gonna have to pop rivet in ya window mechsium and all that crap

Chris LR
29-12-02, 09:49 PM
One drill 3 rivets 60 seconds tops.

Strip interior trim, strip rubbers, disconnect control rods, unscrew pillar lock and remove, slide out barrel lock, unbolt exterior handle and remove, knock out interior handle and remove, unscrew/unbolt regulating pillars and push out of the way, remove 1/4 light, tilt and remove window & strip remaining rubbers.

I've totally stripped and removed, replaced and refitted a door inside of an hour.

I paid ?20 for the door ?30 to have it sprayed black/grey, ?50 on side trim and SR sticker.

29-12-02, 10:30 PM
id say go with chris sr - no pint in spendin that kinda money on one door

get a s/h one - yes they are still about!!

and you could spend left over money on another door for tother side even or summat else

could have em sorted and resprayed for cost of new one

Chris LR
29-12-02, 10:36 PM
I got mine off a 1990 Mk1 and placed it on a 1992 Mk2.
I'd suggest new pins, they're less than ?1.

If that helps answer any other queries