View Full Version : Fibreglass bonnet broken in transit

hc coupe
20-02-09, 01:36 PM

Ok I've just recived my fibreglass bonnet and its broken :( Heres the worst bits of damage....

it cost well over 2 weeks work for me, I'm not really very happy ?

Should they give me a new one ? Any help would be great as I want to act on it now rather than next week :roll:

Thanks alot

edit: It was purchased brand new on the 19th February (yesterday) , and those are only the worst marks ,dose also have 1 or 2 chips and a few scuffs.

20-02-09, 01:39 PM
phone them up! it should be insured when they send things like that

20-02-09, 01:41 PM
The courier will have to pay for that through the insurance!;)

20-02-09, 01:42 PM
Ring them up immediately
Edit i presume it was wrapped and had fragile tape on?

20-02-09, 01:42 PM
Oh did the packaging have fragile on the outside?

20-02-09, 01:44 PM
I would definately contact them, you paid for an undamage bonnet and its not your fault their courier damaged it, I would be kicking off if they tried to dispute this

hc coupe
20-02-09, 01:54 PM
Yes it was wrapped up with fragile written all over it.It was sent out with Interlink I belive but as it came to work, I didn't sign for it ?

20-02-09, 02:02 PM
Yeah give Iain a call at eurorallye (i assume thats where u ordered it from) hes a nice chap, was really friendly when ive ordered bits from them, im sure he'll help you out with any claim you need to make against courier.

hc coupe
20-02-09, 02:21 PM
I've written an e-mail and spoken to the man at eurorallye. I just want to stress that it doesn't look like it was their fault, don't want to give EuroRallye a bad name lol !!!

Now I understand why the sponser on here didn't want to send the bonnet lol.

20-02-09, 02:25 PM
AG don't send bonnets for that reason! Iain is a good guy, bought a few bits from him. Luckily I didn't have problems with mine!

20-02-09, 02:38 PM
You might have a problem contesting that the damage happened in transit as the person who signs for it is supposed to check for condition/damage (ive worked as a multi-drop parts driver and the signature box says on it in tiny print "checked for quantity/damage" or words to that effect) so they can simply say well if it was damaged why was it signed for!

Good luck to you bud but i thought id best pre-warn you about that!

21-02-09, 08:58 AM
on a lighter note, once you have had a refund that repair is piss easy and will take no more than an hour with a brew and toast to sort lol.

Chin up fella :)

21-02-09, 09:08 AM
Surprised to hear you say interlink, i've used them for years for bigger parcels, and have never had any problems.

hc coupe
21-02-09, 11:22 AM
Well the company I bought it from has been very helpfull so I have sent them the bonnet back.

He did also say that he was surprised that this happened, as its never happened before in 5 years with interlink !!

Hopefully new one comes on tuesday


21-02-09, 11:23 AM
Result, well done bud im guessing you went down the polite phonecall/email route rather than just shouting abuse at them then lol

hc coupe
21-02-09, 11:29 AM
Well yeah lol, its not their fault it got damaged.

Wanted to get it put on over the weekend but never mind hey, always next week

Cheers for all your advise however.

21-02-09, 01:07 PM
agree with Rexy - its a bugger it got damaged but by the time youve gone through all the hastle of chasing for the refundm, returned the panel, got a nbew one (which may get damaged) you could have re-resined/filled the cracks/chips within a couple of hours.

I know whenever I've claimed for damaged stuff from couriers it takes an absolute age!

For the cost of a fivers worth of filler do you really wanna put yourself through the agro?

(although I totally get the principle of it).


hc coupe
21-02-09, 02:03 PM
I think if it comes damaged again, I may have to ask advice on fixing it. I was just worried that even though it was only a small chip, It did have a crack about an inch long (all be it only a hair size split) and I was worried that in a few months time it would have grown and grown.

21-02-09, 05:27 PM
simple fix for hairline cracks - just drill a small pilot hole at the very end of the crack - this stops it splitting further. Then just fill it.