View Full Version : A new year warning!

Matt Finary
28-12-02, 01:27 PM
Police are warning all clubbers, partygoers and pub regulars to be alert and cautious when offered a drink from any woman this new years eve. According to the latest reports, many females are targeting unsuspecting men with a new date-rape drug called 'beer'. The drug is found in liquid form and is widely available in back-street 'off-licences' and even some reputable pubs and clubs.

At parties and bars 'beer' is the drug of choice for female sexual
predators, who use it to persuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them. Typically, a woman needs only to ply an unsuspecting man with a small amount of 'beer' and then simply ask him home for casual sex. Men are rendered helpless against this devious approach and, after consuming 'beer', will enthusiastically perform quite perverse sexual acts on even the most unattractive women.

The after-effects of this drug are particularly cruel; after drinking 'beer'
victims later awaken with only hazy, vague memories of the previous
night, but suffer intense feelings of self-loathing and disgust. Occasionally, unsuspecting men are swindled out of their life savings in a familiar scam known as a 'relationship'. In more serious cases of long-term abuse, women have been known to ensnare men into an even more reprehensible form of servitude and punishment, referred to as 'marriage'.

Please forward this warning to every man you know and make sure that
they are aware of their nearest 'beer' victim support group. For your local
support group, just look up 'Golf Courses' in the yellow pages.

Matt :)

28-12-02, 02:19 PM
OMG, good job u told me about this. i'm going to stay well away from any females.

29-12-02, 01:52 PM
ahhhh so thats how they do it!!!! lol!!!

29-12-02, 09:50 PM
Lets see how many men can refuse a beer from a woman?????????????



Chris LR
29-12-02, 09:55 PM
Are you saying you've got beer Tilly?

Gimme Gimme Gimme

31-12-02, 10:39 PM

Too late for me - I'm getting married in 4 days :o was seduced, not by "beer" but by a far devious drink known as "alco-pop" - on the initial occasion my clouded memory recals the words moscow mule and hooch


I was wise to the "beer" routine and thought these "soft drinks" would be safe.

Oh how wrong I was


Matt Finary
01-01-03, 11:34 PM
GOOD LUCK Ade for the Big Day :D

Matt :)

01-01-03, 11:45 PM
Lets see how many men can refuse a beer from a woman?????????????

Would depend if i had the car with me...
and what she was like.