View Full Version : Vauxhall engine codes

13-02-09, 02:15 PM
ive been having an argument with my tutor in college about the vauxhall engine codes. ive showed him this
but he still thinks differently. can somebody explain to me what the engine codes mean, if they are different to what's explained in that link. cheers

13-02-09, 02:18 PM
Exactly what it describes in that thread, perfect example shown! Just print that off and prove him wrong!:thumb:

13-02-09, 02:21 PM
i have, he just looked at it... and then said something about a c20 sej and he asked where the 'J' was in all of that. he wont be proved wrong though! lol

13-02-09, 02:24 PM
There's a quick guide to engine codes in Total Vauxhall near the car specs pages. Perhaps that'll say what J is (if it exists)?

13-02-09, 02:30 PM
he also seems to think that the C in C20XE means single overhead cam, and the X in X20XE (the ecotec one i think) means twin overhead cam. and that the X20's have been modified to make the C20

13-02-09, 02:32 PM
he also seems to think that the C in C20XE means single overhead cam, and the X in X20XE (the ecotec one i think) means twin overhead cam. and that the X20's
Completely wrong he is!! ;) Kick him in the nuts!

13-02-09, 02:37 PM
lol lol hes convinced hes correct though. and now hes getting annoyed with me because i keep showing him these replies and he just walks away. aparently because its on a 'forum' its all WRONG

13-02-09, 02:38 PM
J just means throttled output

Better list here.


13-02-09, 02:42 PM
To the tutor in college - you are wrong please listen to the person sitting next to you showing you the information that indeed proves you are wrong!!!:thumb:

13-02-09, 02:49 PM
Ah, english plain and simple lol

Show him a copy of TV aswell as it has them listed in the back, iirc the C in C20 stands for cat as in Catalytic converter!

13-02-09, 02:50 PM
hes ignoring me now. i think he was proved wrong lol

13-02-09, 02:50 PM
Ah, english plain and simple lol

Show him a copy of TV aswell as it has them listed in the back, iirc the C in C20 stands for cat as in Catalytic converter!

exactly. where the gte engine code begins with x because it has no cat! he hates me now.

13-02-09, 02:53 PM
GTE engine dont have an X you plum now youre getting it wrong lol

The GTE lump is E16SE iirc and the later GSi is C16SE

13-02-09, 02:55 PM
lol You both suck.

13-02-09, 02:57 PM
All of the work has been undone! DOH!lollollol

13-02-09, 02:58 PM
oh, i just saw a thingie which had nova gte engine, with an x in. sorry my bad but yea, either way it all makes sense. he doesnt want to come over and have a look at these posts now. i think i win lol

13-02-09, 03:01 PM
I'm sure he'll win when he gives you ****e results, or fails you. lol

craig green
13-02-09, 03:38 PM
C (as in C20) refers to euro1 emmissions.
X refers to euro2 or 3 IIRC. Z refers to euro4 emmissions.

Pistol Pete
13-02-09, 04:51 PM
Theres a thread in the articles section here that explains all this.

13-02-09, 05:05 PM
make him admit hes wrong, its the best feeling in the world :). I try to do it with the misses and when you manage to prove them worng ooooooo u love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13-02-09, 05:06 PM
LMFAO spud you turnip lol

As said, print the Article about engine codes out. Then proceed to screw it up and ram it down his throat :)

13-02-09, 05:09 PM

13-02-09, 05:12 PM
I take it was extremely incorrect then:tard:

13-02-09, 05:14 PM

13-02-09, 06:22 PM
the man wont be proved wrong. another example - you know the vacuum pipe thing (cant remember what its called) that is on the distributor of the carb engines that enhances the spark at idle/high revs [cant remember which]? I told him my nova didnt have it. he went mad! saying OF COURSE IT HAS IT! well probably not because its a crappy little nova! its got to have one! someones taken it off....blah blah blah blah BLAH!!
i told him it was singlepoint so shouldnt have one but he wasnt having none of it! he said he knows everything about vauxhalls and my INJECTION engine should have one! i swear to god, im going to kill the man. but then ill get chucked out of college oh no :(
ANOTHER example of his ignorance, we were standing over the engne of the cav we have there, 2.0 8v. my mate who also has a nova asked me if this cav rocker cover would fit his 1.2 engine. i said no, but alot of other rocker covers will. then HE comes along and says NO THEY WONT, what i dont know about vauxhalls is written on the back of a postage stamp...or something :confused: anyway i said to him i have a corsa 1.4 rocker cover on my engine and that fits fine. he (again) WASNT HAVING NOOONNEEE of it. then came the blah blah blah blah BLAH bit again. i just walked away. cant be bothered with people like that.

13-02-09, 06:34 PM
just tell him to shut up and die

13-02-09, 06:37 PM
hes very short and very angry!!

short man syndrome

13-02-09, 06:40 PM
hes very short and very angry!!

short man syndrome

Was going to say that, but there are exceptions to that rule, my old boss definately had this but i have met a certain png member who definately does not have that and is one of the most comical and smile inducing people ive ever met...........

Please step up mr Dar:thumb:

13-02-09, 06:42 PM
When someone thinks they are an expert then there tends to be no telling them.....i still feel shut up and die would work fine

13-02-09, 06:42 PM
short man without the syndrome?

13-02-09, 06:44 PM
When someone thinks they are an expert then there tends to be no telling them.....i still feel shut up and die would work fine

HA HA shutup and die. the man is SO ignorant. im not saying he doesnt know his stuff about cars because hes a top mechanic, its just that he has such an attitude. and if you argue with him he just says SHUSH...ENOUGH.... and then if you carry on talking he screams. it scares me when he screams :(

13-02-09, 06:44 PM
short man without the syndrome?

If youre refering to my post about dar then definately:thumb:

13-02-09, 06:46 PM
i was going to mention, oh - are you on about dar?

(because ive heard hes short)

13-02-09, 06:48 PM
I had heard a rumour but i wasnt prepared for when i met him, i would say so as not to sound sizist, he isnt short just everyone else is profoundly tall lol

13-02-09, 06:52 PM
Dar isn't short, he's just concentrated lol

13-02-09, 06:53 PM
Yeah but you dont need to add water though lol

13-02-09, 06:59 PM
''vertically challenged'' - what most midgets or short people are

13-02-09, 07:14 PM
Oi. Boi'o's Teacher type person....

He's right, your wrong!

He's big, your small!

He's hard, your NOT!

Deal with it short stuff.

13-02-09, 07:17 PM
ha ha! lol i think he knows he's wrong. hes just not enough of a man to admit it!

13-02-09, 07:18 PM
hes just not enough of a man to admit it!

Being 4ft nothing Id imagine your correct

13-02-09, 07:19 PM
being 4ft nothing id imagine hes not much of anything. he has strange hair too. that is all

13-02-09, 08:06 PM
tell the tutor to go back to school and learn to listen

13-02-09, 08:41 PM
I'm worried that this is a teacher. You wanna ask him where he did his training, cause he didnt learn alot.

13-02-09, 09:02 PM
remember the old adage:

those who can, do
those who can't, teach
those who can't teach, lecture

tell him that advance retard vacuum hoses were stopped when efi & cats were fitted.......

ask him if he's heard of the lotus nova.... then sit back & enjoy his comment.. ps. it was made by a middle aged bloke who stuck a lotus badge on to be different....

then ask him about the 4th pedal...... it was fitted on works nova & astra rally cars to get round a rule about hydraulic handbrakes. he will scoff at that one...

basically, give him enough rope & he will hang himself.

13-02-09, 09:11 PM
he will just laugh. and then go to his office and cry lol WHY DID I HAVE TO GET BEAT BY A STUDENT hes that kind of person. HATES TO BE BEAT!!! lol

13-02-09, 09:22 PM
lol Just read through this place and havnt stoped laughing.

Sounds like one of those guys that thinks he knows it all and dont like to be wrong... What i call a w**ker, and yep i have called myself one before lol

13-02-09, 10:20 PM
ask him if bull**** is included in the curriculum

14-02-09, 01:50 AM
if i was near by id go have a chat with him, the mood im in....