View Full Version : you do RON RON RON you do RON RON!

23-12-02, 06:44 PM
sorry about the subject title, couldn't resist!
was reading the post about the RON plugs and how you can change them etc etc... went to vauxhall to ask as i run on optimax or super all the time but mines a 95 plug. they said it is car specific, eg.. the plugs are only for different makes of vauxhall, and that it can't be done, and didn't stock them... no offence to vauxhall parts staff, but they wern't the most helpful people in the world(or clever) and didn't seem to want make a sale, so i thought i could rely on you lot to help me, so .....
1, can it be done?
2, is it worth it?
3,should vauxhall have them or is it a case of finding the right one in a scrappy or something????

and before someone says it, the other side of my plug is 91, not 98, i've already checked !
thanks people.

23-12-02, 06:56 PM
yes, go to a scrappy and find something like a vuaxhall astra 1.4i J/K reg, or maybe a cav, its simply a case of swoping the RON plug making sure the 98 is facing up.

my sister had a 93/95 plug on her corsa and i swoped it for a 95/98 and put it on 98 to run optimax seemed to do the trick ok :)

24-12-02, 01:04 PM
What is the advantage of swapping the ron plug to a higher number... what does it to for the car??? make it quicker or what??? :?

24-12-02, 05:09 PM
apparently so, it was in a post, prob a page back now.

24-12-02, 07:28 PM
yes it alows the engine to make the most of more octane in the petrol which makes the petrol burn beter and release more power

25-12-02, 12:22 AM
i cant remember exactly what it is but the ron plug is only an electrical resistor i think if i remember - we tried playing about with other various rated resistors from maplins ( i think they were resitors) anyway

what we found was un conclusive so just get a plug from another car as they say

to be fair to vauxhall staff, since i been signed up here since the dark ages and also 2 other forum - mesage groups, everyone says how CR@P they are, but i find if you chat to them a lil bit - especially the younger ones, interested in their cars, theyll help.

28-12-02, 01:17 PM
Ok so i have a nova 1.6 8V GSi what plug do i need to make it go as quick as it can and where would i find it?? eg what car??

Thanks People

28-12-02, 01:27 PM
if you have a nova gsi i very much doubt u have a RON plug, however if you do then you will have a K/L reg GSI and it will be on the bulkhead above the brake servo

28-12-02, 01:57 PM
Yeah i do have a K reg its the 1992 version though.. if i do have one though where do i get this ron plug what colour is it?? what car can i get it off of?? cheers

28-12-02, 02:15 PM
Your ron plug will probably be brown and it will be placed next to the map sensor on the firewall. Brown is the best one as far as i know, if you run super unleaded petrol i would recomend switching the plug over to 98 ron as this uses a different map in the ecu, this is a sportier map for the better grade off petrol.

28-12-02, 03:20 PM
this is true, however most of the later nova gsi's had what id call a bodged up system where they took bits from different setups and bodged them together, like they got the bosch airbox from the gte, and a different ecu, usualy seimens, then added a ron plug which wasnt found on the GTEs (found on Multec systems such as sri).
This can cuase many problems how its made and you might not be able to run on the 98, iv herd people having problems such as it cuts out at 4k rpm if they switch it over to 98.

it all depends on what parts they used to bodge it or you might be lucky and have a multec system!! :)

29-12-02, 06:16 PM
Ok so now we need some people to say if they have any ideas.. cuz i'm not sure what to do now...

29-12-02, 11:07 PM
just grab urself a ron plug and try it!!!

there cheap as chips and will fit in the little jonny pocket on your jeans if u dont wana pay for it!!!

03-01-03, 10:29 AM
i do have a ron plug in my GSi but i don't know wheter to try it or not because of the statement above saying that it could cut out at 4000 revs?? is this true?? where can i get one of these ron plugs?? chers ppl

03-01-03, 03:12 PM

There are three types
Brown: Unleaded
Green: Super Unleaded
Red: Four Star/LRP

Most cars with octane plugs will have a brown one. You can not make your car faster by putting a green one on and still runing unleaded. It will actually make it slower and it puts slightly less fuel in so without the higher octane number, your mixture will be lean you will loose power.

If you run on super unleaded with a brown plug your mixture will be slighty rich, so lean if off and you will have the same power as normal unleaded but do more mpg.

So the only way to make your car faster is to run a green plug with super unleaded fuel (or 100 octane GT100 racing fuel from Sunoco (only 80pence per litre but min ord qty of 250 litres)

The red plugs are wank so forget about them. Green ones ARE available from Vauxhall and i am waiting for a fax with a part number and a price.

You CAN make your own by using a variable resistior/potentiometer from maplin. I have one of each plug at home so i will get the multimeter on them tonight and post the values tomorrow. Your car will run without it though.

03-01-03, 05:12 PM
you can get super unleaded at petrol stations right?? so if you get the green plug and use that it will be faster???

03-01-03, 07:28 PM
its not gonna add u 15 BHP like an airfilter

but yes you will see a difference i would have hoped

04-01-03, 07:57 PM
15 bhp from an air filter??
which one is that like??

05-01-03, 01:01 PM
not sure about 15 bhp from an air filter but if you have a 1.6 GTE or GSI engine 8v then the pipercross filter will give you 10.5 BHP!!!!

05-01-03, 06:09 PM
didnt notice any diffrence at allkswitched the side over and put optimax in it ran a bit quiter but that was it. ive got an srikby the way

05-01-03, 06:22 PM
at 15BHP from an airfilter i was being sarcastic, but it appears like you say in total vauxhall thi smonth there are some really good airfilters about!

06-01-03, 08:46 AM
that blydstin one (or whatever it is) looks amazing. My mates ordering his today.