View Full Version : porting...... help! URGENT(ISH)

20-12-02, 05:39 PM
Hi all.

Basically i have a custom boot build and a 12" sub in a sealed enclosure.

Sealed enclosure is to exact air space requirements sub needs for a sealed enclosure. designed and built my box around a computer program - VERY trick!!!

problem is recently on a VERY VERY low note, on full blast, the box decided to get a tiny leak on me - very minute, can only see it when washing up liquid or PVA applied - get a tiny air bubble.

was wondering wether to get my build all out again or even try sealing it in car (god knows how)

or putting a port in

if i put a port in will it work?

it will stop the distortion noises i get from the enclosure vibrating slightly, but will the sub be ok or when it tries to hit a note will it flap about because there is no sealed space to compress the air........

thanks for reading


20-12-02, 07:18 PM
for you i give this one post :D

try filling the small gap with resin. if the sub distorts at very very low frequencies then fit a frequency blocker.

as for porting, its down to the sub really. if it says it can be in a ported box then game one. if nto then jsut seal the box up.

one way to stop the vibrations is to fill the box with a fairly open waeve cotton wool to help damp it a bit. or you can apply resin with iron grindings mixed in to the pannels. this will make them denser to prevent the vibrations.

there you go