View Full Version : Alan's GSi project

01-02-09, 03:49 PM
I've owned this car for about 3 years now. Been on the road for 1 of those years then sat in my garage until i got my finger out. I knew the car needed some welding and unfortunately that is a skill i don't have. So gave the car to a guy i know to fix some odds and sods and fit some new panels (front panel, 2 sills, 2 rear arches and back panel) The sills and arches weren't really that bad but decided just to change them anyway. After having the car a couple of days, Simon (the welder) sent me some not so nice pictures of what he had found.....

this is the car in its former glory when i had it on the road




i'll upload pictures of how it is just now...please bear with me while i get them uploaded


01-02-09, 03:53 PM
Very nice, could do without that splitter IMO.


01-02-09, 04:02 PM

NSF wheel arch


just a little rot at the towing eye



solid as a rock


sealer was holding all the water in


clean metal


he managed to save my towing eye



new chassis leg


the other side looked just as nice!




i'm not really sure where that wire goes




nice shiney new leg


...and floor section

will upload more later tonight


01-02-09, 04:05 PM
Very nice, could do without that splitter IMO.


Its getting taken off. Don't know if i'll put anything on in place of it.

I've got a XE from a previous nova in the garage and the original 1.6 that was in the car sitting next to it. I've stripped the engine XE down, fitted new pistons and re seated the valves etc will probably put that in


jayme taylor
01-02-09, 04:06 PM
good fabrication and welding pal , keep up the good work

01-02-09, 04:14 PM
Great Fabrication. It's hard to believe just how rotten it was. It looked fantastic before you took it off the road.

Looking forward to seeing how you get on with this!

nova 2L 16V
01-02-09, 04:14 PM
i love the silk violet gsi nova and a mint one would be hard to find now. keep up the good work.any idea how many in that colour was made?

01-02-09, 07:03 PM
thanks, i was in awe when i seen what simon had done with the chassis legs, and it turns out they were just the first of many great fabrications!


boot floor corners were replaced




back panel back in place :)



when he cut the arch away the inner wing didn't reach the outer and nowhere seems to sell inner arches, so a little more fabrication



NSF wheel arch had crumbled away a bit so it was cut out and replaced


an old weld was ok, but the arch wasn't in the best of condition


i still can't figure out how he managed to shape the top section here :confused:


instead of trying to repair this section of wheel arch he decided to just chop it out

01-02-09, 07:12 PM


old arch cut out


new one in :D



just some stitch welding required on the OSF


this is the chassis leg under the drivers seat, totally rotten



that is quite a gap there....this section has been repaired but i don't have pictures of it yet



a bit more rot at the back


01-02-09, 07:16 PM
Jesus christ it's like the Titanic!! lol

Some excellent fabrication, however I can't help but think you should have sourced some new inner wings/turrets. Steve brought loads over on his parts trip.

01-02-09, 07:17 PM
Really nice work bring it back to life. Great metal fab too.

01-02-09, 07:20 PM
good look with this dude, good to see people taking on a challenge and giving novas a new life...most probably would of just scrapped it!! hope everything go to plan:thumb:

01-02-09, 07:21 PM
Jesus christ it's like the Titanic!! lol

Some excellent fabrication, however I can't help but think you should have sourced some new inner wings/turrets. Steve brought loads over on his parts trip.

i never knew these were sourcable, damn :(

01-02-09, 07:38 PM
Jesus thats alot of missing metal. Fair play for repairing it though, i know i certainly would have found a new shell instead. Is the welding at mates rates?

01-02-09, 07:38 PM
looks mint mate. nice fab :thumb:

01-02-09, 10:37 PM
Fair play for sticking with that mate, I scrapped my old Mustarrd Yellow SR and it wasn't as bad as that! lol Wish I new a welder with fabrication skills like that as I would of saved it :(

02-02-09, 07:10 AM
holy **** that is some amount of rust mate, i would have run a mile when started into that. welldone keep up the good work and dedication the fabrication work is awsome...

02-02-09, 11:21 AM
Good on ya for keeping it. I got rid of my mk1 with less rust than that.


02-02-09, 11:42 AM
bloody hell! Good work! Ive got to do pretty much the same to mine soon. What thickness steel did you use for the new chasis legs?:thumb:

02-02-09, 02:54 PM
Fair play Alan! that is one rotten nova, lol what is it with Silk Violet GSi's rotting really bad??

Im glad you have seen it repairable, as i decided to scrap my old Silk Violet, as i didnt know anyone to do the welding (here's my old one http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=87743 It had gone in all the same places your's has,just maybe not as bad)

My new re-shell on going project http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90109

Here's Mike's (mikec123) thread http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showthread.php?t=102130
Im helping him when i can, as i still feel guilty for scraping my old one lol

Good luck dude, hope it turns out a great re-build.


02-02-09, 06:32 PM
if that was me i would have acid dipped the shell... quite reasonably priced

much respect mate for having all that work done...nice one!!!

07-02-09, 06:07 PM
thanks for the comments guys

mikec, i don't know what thickness he is using but i will ask next time i go see him.

scott, i never knew how rotten the car was until i seen the pics. by the time i had seen them he had already finished the back end of the car. if i had known at the start i would have probably just scrapped it. your new build looks awesome

here is a couple more pics....


box section at nsf wheel arch


new sill spotted on


the inner arch wasn't reaching the outer so simon made this up to join them up


the inner arch bit in place


awaiting new arch....


nsf box section completed


primered up


nearside is finished :D


back on the ground

thats pretty much all the pictures i have at the moment, the car is finished but i am doing a engine swap for simon in his van so can't bring it home until the van is away. should have it home next weekend if all goes well and weather permitting!!


07-02-09, 06:09 PM
Big respect for repairing it (Even if you didnt mean to lol)

Cant wait to see it all finished. Should last another 15years.

07-02-09, 06:19 PM
Immense amount of work gone into that. Did you take the axel off and have it blasted/painted too?

Any completed photos?

07-02-09, 06:22 PM
It's getting there mate, your mate's got some good skills as well!
Hope it all goes to plan mate, good luck.


07-02-09, 06:39 PM
Facking hell, some immense metalwork gone into that, i would of binned it after the first few rust pics lol lol

Top work.

07-02-09, 06:58 PM
Mmmm nice new metal, good work. Is the rear arch to be fillers still?

08-02-09, 09:32 AM
nice job you got going on there mate :thumb:


08-02-09, 09:34 AM
Jeeeez that's rotten! I can only echo others comments when i say full marks for perseverance! I'm sure, looking at the work carried out already, that it'll be superb when it's finished.

08-02-09, 10:02 AM
Has it lived in the sea for long.

Fare play for doing this and keep up the good work.

08-02-09, 01:05 PM
Ok buddy just send me a pm when you find out. Keep up the good work:thumb:

08-02-09, 02:50 PM
no completed photos yet. i've not even been round to see it for over a week now. just been too busy

the arches have still to be fillered, all that is getting done when i get it home.

Ernie, funnily enough i bought the car from someone in Greenock which is right by the seaside lol

thanks again for the comments

09-02-09, 11:45 PM
If it were me i'd have whipped that rear beam off and the tiebars and derusted and painted them while its in that current state, probably worth checking the beam isn't holey too if thats what the rest of the underside was like

10-02-09, 08:57 PM
fantastic work has been put into this shell..

good on you/the welder for even attempting to re-build it.. i know i certainly wouldnt of.:thumb:

i will be intersted to see how it goes. good luck with the rest of it.

13-02-09, 10:24 PM
the rear beam will be coming off when i get it home. will give it a once over then clean it up and get it protected. still not got the car home, his van is proving a pain to do and the weather just isn't helping me atall!!

can't wait to bring it home though...it is sitting in his workshop finished :)


13-02-09, 11:36 PM
all i can say is wow this is one hell of a project

14-02-09, 01:15 AM
:O my jaw is on the desk reading this. Your welder/fabricator has skillz! Fair play sticking with it. As has been said by many, I've scrapped one in 10 times better condition - feel guilty as again lol

+1 rep

16-02-09, 10:11 PM
any more photos mate?
did your welder mate give you a price for
the job, before he started on it?
did he know how bad it was?

great project mate :thumb:

19-02-09, 06:50 PM
got the rest of the pictures sent to me yesterday, just heading out now but i'll put some up later tonight ;)

we did have a price for the original work to be done but as he went along he found more rot so obviously the price went up a little.

will be back later with more photos!!


19-02-09, 10:20 PM
ok, here we go....

this is the drivers footwell, once again never knew how bad the rot was but simon was up to the challenge. the chassis leg was pretty rotten aswell with the years of jacking up it has taken. the outer bit of chassis leg is a piece of exhaust cut in half.
















will post some more tomorrow


19-02-09, 10:26 PM
Mental!! :)

20-02-09, 05:49 PM
some more,









20-02-09, 06:08 PM
Can't but applaud the workmanship

Jonny Martin
20-02-09, 06:49 PM
The work gone into this really is amazing, very impressed!

20-02-09, 11:36 PM
well done mate
keep up the good work
what ever you are paying for the welding work
its worth it
he's doing a fine job

21-02-09, 12:28 AM
Ouch thats a tonne of welding going on there! great to see it saved, maybe more people will get the welder out rather than buying another shell because the arches have started rusting! lol

Personally i'd keep the std engine, seems weird to restore a gsi to that extent and then put in a redtop.
Top work though and good on you and your welder for not giving up with it :thumb:

21-02-09, 03:36 AM
Thats epic! I will never again scrap a nova cos of the rust!


25-02-09, 06:52 PM
thanks for the replies guys

got the car back on sunday :D unfortunately it has just had to be covered up and left in the drive for now until i can clear the garage of some other work!

got some more pics i will put up later too :)


25-02-09, 07:06 PM
Where abouts are you from mate?

Well done again on the re-build.


25-02-09, 08:07 PM
Your a credit to the quest for perfection, pat your self and your welding friend on the back. Thumbs up and top marks, look forward to the end results

25-02-09, 09:53 PM
thanks sparkie

scott, i'm from east kilbride, just outside glasgow....

ok more pictures.....believe it or not it got worse!! simon said if he had seen this bit at the start he would have probably told me it wasn't worth fixing :eek:
but having gone this far no point in not giving it a go!!

its where the rear axle attaches onto the chassis, we reckon this was mainly due to trapped water behind some black gunk put on the car from a previous repair then the car sitting idle in my garage for a year and a half












Holey moley indeed!!! lol

25-02-09, 09:55 PM
Didn't know you were Scottish fella

You checked out the Scotland region ?

Some awsome work going into this car

25-02-09, 09:57 PM















25-02-09, 10:02 PM







and that all the welding pictures i have...well got a strengthening kit in too but we all know what one of those looks like!

vaughan, i messaged you a few weeks back. i've been added to the list of scottish members lol

at the very least i am over the moon with the welding thats been done, can't thank simon enough infact i'm still baffled at some of his work. how he has been able to see a shape from some of the sections he has cut out is beyond me. hopefully with these pictures i do nothing but enhance his reputation


25-02-09, 10:36 PM
Ahh did you mate I couldn't remember or not

Quite a lot of members in the region now

Will we be seeing this Nova out and about in 09 ?

25-02-09, 11:12 PM
Fingers crossed, yes. Not going to rush it though, it will be done when it's done because i want everything done proper.

25-02-09, 11:16 PM
Christ, she had a rotten bottie.
Hope the metal around the rear beam mount was nice and think.

25-02-09, 11:31 PM
makes me feel sick just looking at all that rot lol

26-02-09, 07:38 PM
fook............ME! lol

That was worse than i thought!

I cant believe where some of your rot was, hope you have checked all the inner rear arches mate, as my mate mikes were really bad, and missed it at first.


26-02-09, 07:49 PM
do you mean check them from inside the car or outside? i'm hoping that next weekend i can get it in my garage and get under it with the wire brush and get rid of all the underseal already on there.

got a hold of some galvanised paint to protect under the car :)

26-02-09, 07:56 PM
do you mean check them from inside the car or outside? i'm hoping that next weekend i can get it in my garage and get under it with the wire brush and get rid of all the underseal already on there.

got a hold of some galvanised paint to protect under the car :)

I mean in the iner arch under here, under that underseal we found lot and lots of bad rot on my mates, and we had no idea it was there.


hope there is none though, but as yours is quite bad els where im not sure you'll be so lucky..:(


26-02-09, 08:57 PM
i'll give these areas extra attention then, cheers for the heads up.

i'm dying to get out and get it started!!

26-02-09, 09:13 PM
well done for saving the shell as Scott.Parker said check the inner arch i had a nasty shock when i checked some idiot had wanged a load of filler in mine and re-under sealed .:thumb: Keep up the good work

30-03-09, 10:44 PM
Wow, over a month since i last posted on this!

Well only a little bit to update, finally got the car inside at the weekend and put it up in the air on axle stands. Took the rear beam off and front struts & hubs. checked the beam for holes....none found :D Going get the beam and hubs sent off to get sandblasted sometime soon hopefully.

Checked the rear inner arches for rot with a big poking device....once again nothing found :D but to be sure i am going to set about it with a wire brush on the drill at the weekend

When the drivers footwell was being welded, a bit of the sound proofing caught fire and caused a little damage....so tonight i decided to take the dash out and investigate. Didn't get the best of starts, took the trim of the top of digi dash and it was all melted in one corner. When i took it right out, the back was enihilated along with all the inside of that part of the dash. In tradition with this car though, worse was to come....the wiring!! It's screwed basically, quite a bit of it melted in some way or another. So now looking for a new dash and interior loom :(

The joys!!


30-03-09, 10:52 PM
good on ya buddy looks like you have your work cut out:(

30-03-09, 11:22 PM
Wow, over a month since i last posted on this!

Well only a little bit to update, finally got the car inside at the weekend and put it up in the air on axle stands. Took the rear beam off and front struts & hubs. checked the beam for holes....none found :D Going get the beam and hubs sent off to get sandblasted sometime soon hopefully.

Checked the rear inner arches for rot with a big poking device....once again nothing found :D but to be sure i am going to set about it with a wire brush on the drill at the weekend

When the drivers footwell was being welded, a bit of the sound proofing caught fire and caused a little damage....so tonight i decided to take the dash out and investigate. Didn't get the best of starts, took the trim of the top of digi dash and it was all melted in one corner. When i took it right out, the back was enihilated along with all the inside of that part of the dash. In tradition with this car though, worse was to come....the wiring!! It's screwed basically, quite a bit of it melted in some way or another. So now looking for a new dash and interior loom :(

The joys!!


Deja vu lol

Mike (mikec123) had the same thing happen dude!
He was gutted (so was the dash/loom) so we whant on the look out for new parts, he's got 99% of it now i think.

Look around in the for sale section, put an ad in the wanted part too, you'll find all the bit's in time mate (with any luck)

Good luck mate.


30-03-09, 11:36 PM
wow was there anything holding the car together? I might need his skills soon on much less rusty shell where is the chap located?

30-03-09, 11:38 PM
you got some rot then but well done to how ever is doin the work for you

good luck :)

30-03-09, 11:51 PM
keep going with it mate, your luck will turn,
try emailing colin "nova rally" he might have
all the parts you need :thumb:

31-03-09, 01:22 AM
Is the whole loom gone? Only prob like that, if one bit goes it up it usualy takes a fook load with it!

As long as it didnt have teh battery on at the time.

31-03-09, 08:00 PM
thanks for the encouragment guys, atleast i'm now getting to the stage where there is nothing left that can go wrong lol

thanks for the tip 7ova, i'll give him a shout shortly...

the welder is in east kilbride, a little far from milton keynes i'm afraid


01-04-09, 05:07 PM
Sorry to hear about the wiring and dash. I had the same problem. Keep going like you say it can't get any worse:thumb:

01-04-09, 05:10 PM
Just out of interest what was the chasis like around the rear spring plates?

Pistol Pete
01-04-09, 05:12 PM
Just had a scan through this...crikey, it was abit rotten. Fair play for sorting it, looks a good job aswell.

Bad news about the fire. Good luck with the rest of the build.

01-04-09, 06:04 PM
mental!!!!! so much welding going into this project it would of been so much easier to re-shell. + rep for all the quality work AMAZING cant wait to see it finished

28-05-09, 11:09 AM
Any updates on this mate ? :)

16-11-09, 11:15 PM
any updates mate???????

17-11-09, 08:51 AM
Ive just spotted this.

Im giving you Rep for this, some very hard work gone into it where most people on here would of scrapped it, but you saved one more nova, respect.

01-12-09, 06:36 PM
any progress???

01-12-09, 07:30 PM
This looks awsome i must say.

01-12-09, 08:37 PM
My car looked fine when I got it, but there was loads of little holes every where, inner arches, chassis rails, front pannel etc, I have plated most places (all the structural places) I don't think any thing was week, but its still worring how much they rot and the places they rot. Glad mine isn't yours though! Just hope mine does not continue rotting now its all plated !


02-12-09, 10:37 AM
Holy **** thats a serious amount of welding !

Quite local to me as well, probably cream myself if i seen it i love silk GSI's

02-12-09, 05:49 PM
made a really good job of it tho well done mate.

02-01-10, 07:39 PM
Hi guys,

Sorry for the lack of updates but to be honest not alot has been done. Took the dash and wiring loom out, found some more rot at spring seats so put all the struts etc back on and it is now back in the garage to get sorted. Looked around the underside of the car with simon (welding magician) and decided to cut out the boot floor and change the suspension setup at the rear. The drain holes on the wheel well were getting tatty so decided it's better just to take the whole thing out as i wouldn't be using it anyway.

thats all for now, hopefully report back with pictures soon

02-01-10, 09:01 PM
Just seen this and will be keeping an eye out for more updates, excellent work have some rep !

02-01-10, 09:50 PM
some very neat working there , super job

07-01-10, 08:07 PM

Not the best as they're from my phone but can give you an idea of what's getting done




My struts came yesterday aswell so all is coming together :d

07-01-10, 08:09 PM
Wow new chassis rails... Why the roundness?

07-01-10, 09:03 PM
I've just sat and read through this whole thread as I bet most people have. I can't believe how much rot there was. I dont think I would of had the guts to attack something that major.

Looks like its coming along well though. Good luck with the rest of the project. Keep us updated!


07-01-10, 09:04 PM
Looks very bespoke underneath now mate, crack on :) Should be good to see it done

07-01-10, 09:26 PM
Mental amount of work mate, but that will be very strong! Good work :)

07-01-10, 09:36 PM
I actually cant believe the welding skills :eek: Good on you for getting this far mate. Good luck :)

08-01-10, 06:56 PM
Cheers guys

Benn, Simon makes custom exhausts for a living so he had plenty of pipe lying around to use on the car.

Going to be looking into running the brake and fuel lines inside the car, possibly just the brakes. What are peoples opinions on this and what is the best route taken? I was thinking along the tunnel at the handbrake?

08-01-10, 07:07 PM
Dam me that looks well nice, quite like the round chassis rails lol

Glad to see an update more then anything.

My lines, brake and fuel are internal, it's totally up to you ware you run them mate.


10-01-10, 01:20 PM
Good work there buddy, as for fuel and brake lines i was looking into running internal lines but decided against it and just replaced my existing ones with a copper/zinc lines which i bought through ebay;) Keep up the good work:thumb:

21-03-10, 09:54 PM
Thought i should put an update on for you guys to see

Had the car back at the house a while now but only got time to work on it in the last couple of days. I started with the brake lines, have decided to just run them outside the car. Oh the joys of bending copper pipe into shape!!

After the brake pipes i started putting the dash loom back in, i ran the behind dash part and into the engine bay...it all lined up perfect to my surprise. I sat the engine loom in place too, just waiting on a holesaw to drill the bulkhead.

Here is a couple of pics of how the engine bay is looking




I also got myself a timing belt and fired that on then put the inlet and other wee bits back on the engine. It's finally taking shape!! :d:d

23-03-10, 08:18 PM
Good times! Is the whole car painted now?

23-03-10, 08:33 PM
menatl amount of work ive scraped better shells fair play to ya

23-03-10, 08:54 PM
great work:thumb: , your welding mate must be rich by now with all that work for youlol , im in a similar position at the moment with the rust, im simply cutting the full boot floor both quarters rear panel sills front panel front legs etc etc and starting from scratch. must be something in the water up here that makes us save these rotboxes lol
hope you keep going with it:thumb:

25-03-10, 06:58 PM
it's just the engine bay that's painted, so that i can get the car running. So much easier if i can reverse it out the garage and work on it instead of in the confined space. Hopefully the engine will be slotted into place this weekend!!

Bazil, had a look at your project. I feel your pain, your pics look as nasty as some of mine did haha good luck to you!

25-03-10, 08:00 PM
haha good luck to you! lol

i'll need it, oh and im taking my wiring out before welding lol

25-03-10, 10:05 PM
haha good luck to you! lol

i'll need it, oh and im taking my wiring out before welding lol

Take out all the sound deadening and tar stuff too! :thumb:

08-04-10, 10:21 PM
hi guys,

Put the engine in tonight, looking for a pointer though...i can't get the back mount to line up. Anyone got any tips?

On the other hand, it's looking good in it's new home :d

09-04-10, 06:16 AM
What engine you got? Standard or bigger?

09-04-10, 08:01 AM
It's the bigger engine I've put in. Got the spacers for the bolts but can't get the bolts to line up on the chassis

09-04-10, 08:54 AM
are you using solid mounts ?
If so you may need to make the hole in the gearbox mount longer.I think Adam has pic's of what i mean.

09-04-10, 10:19 AM
It's just the normal mounts I'm using. I thought about making the hole a bit bigger, it's only about 10mm away from fitting

09-04-10, 02:25 PM
this is one crazy project and has had some realy good fabrication work done i would ov gave up with that one but good on you for keeping it alive

17-04-10, 07:28 PM
Another update, only 2 not great pics i'm afraid

Well the engine is in place and i've made a start on wiring/plumbing everything in.

Got a couple of questions for folks, the black ignition live at the end of the fuel rail, what is the best way to join this in? I have a green wire coming from a connector on a wire at the coil, should this be attached to anything? Last but not least, where do people get the T-piece from for the coolant pipes at the header tank? I have had a good look about and can't find anything suitable :(

Anyway....I've refitted the fuel tank, fuel lines and pump. Also ran in the rest of the new car loom and it's all slotting into place nicely :)

here is the only pics i have of it recently, they were taken when i had just sat the engine in the bay on the front mounts



18-04-10, 08:18 PM
Had a poke about, is it possible that the wire coming from the coil could be my ignition live? Can't find anywhere else it should go :confused:

18-04-10, 08:29 PM
Good to see it's getting on mate, not sure about the green wire but I've seen a green wire for the rev counter ? Ask in the electrical forumz :)

05-06-10, 10:03 PM
jebus that was rotten lol looking good now mate

14-08-10, 11:57 PM
any updates cheif?

29-08-10, 11:56 PM
Sorry for severe lack of updates guys. The engine is in and runs :d small teething problem in that it dies when it returns to idle after starting but if i hold a rev on it for a few seconds it stays alive but i'll get to that soon enough. I've also put the new doors on it and put carpets and dash etc back in too....











Unfortunately i have moved house now....i'm now living in Fleet is Surrey! So the nova has been moved to a barn at the farm across the road from home


I will only get time to work on it when i visit home for a while, failing that it will be waiting on me moving back north...which could be next summer or the one after

29-08-10, 11:57 PM
Sorry for poor quality pictures....gay iphone camera!!

30-08-10, 09:55 AM
Glad to see its still alive mate, shame about the move hoting any more progress though


30-08-10, 10:13 AM
Shame about the move, are you going to take the car down south?

30-08-10, 02:11 PM
No the car is going to stay up north. Just waiting on some space freeing up at a mates work and he is going to take it in and start on the bodywork

04-12-10, 07:24 PM
Wow, nova restoration porn!! I love seing people put the effort in to save a nova, as they are slowly dying off!

The welding and fabrication displayed in this is very impressive! (does the guy deal with classic cars? You can tell he isnt only good at what he does, but has a passion for it aswell)

Keep at it :D

04-12-10, 08:56 PM
looks real good! i was going to go with the astra bonnet vents but somebody threw away a set i bought lol so decided keep the 'original look' but they look good on yours!

04-12-10, 11:35 PM
Wow this is looking amazing mate keep up the good work.


27-06-11, 05:21 AM
any updates for the past 6 months?

27-06-11, 06:54 AM
this is an epic rebuild, i can`t believe how much rot there was, your mate has got so proper skills, when it going to be finished?

24-10-11, 06:57 PM
Any updates?

24-10-11, 07:18 PM
Any updates?

You sod! lol

24-10-11, 08:04 PM
I love this build and was hoping he had done a bit since, lmao :)

16-12-12, 05:05 PM
No updates just now. It is currently sitting in a lockup awaiting the bodywork to be started. Just need to find time for it

09-02-13, 11:37 PM
The project has restarted!!

Took it out the lockup this afternoon....



Needed some petrol and fired up no bother, was pretty chuffed with that :)

Took it up to my mates bodyshop for him to take care of it for me and he gave it a quick wash....


I've left it in his capable hands to get it back to its former glory :d

09-02-13, 11:58 PM
Excellent to see this thread revived, are you back up here now?

09-02-13, 11:58 PM
Wow! Just read from the start there and I'm amazed at the work gone into this.. I've just started an Apprenticeship and learning to weld lol :)

10-02-13, 12:59 PM
Happy to see this underway again :D

10-02-13, 01:27 PM
i thought mine was rotten but yours was on another level! some amount of work has gone into this one well done mate

10-02-13, 02:57 PM
Nice one, glad to see your back on it mate.

19-02-13, 12:15 AM
great news! on the road this summer?

20-03-13, 02:01 PM
Hi, just been looking through your thread. The sight of all that rot would have made me cry! So fair play for taking it on and saving another nova..... Looking forward to seeing the end product.

20-03-13, 07:43 PM
this is a good project mate some really good work been done i got the same sort of problem with mine on the rear legs and boot floor how much has it cost you for all that welding to be done mate ?
good work tho :)