View Full Version : £2.3billion bail out

27-01-09, 06:45 PM
£2.3 billion pound bail out for UK based car manufacturer's was announced earlier this evening on't news.......along with talks of Corus Steel Holding's going into administration!

Bad times ehhh!

27-01-09, 07:31 PM
i dont know how your country cant afford to fill holes in the road or pay for trains, until it has NO money, then it can suddenly pull hundreds of billions of pounds out of no where to pay for self-inflicted debt, bad investments and bad management.

what a strange place

27-01-09, 07:41 PM
Pfft. British car manufacturers are doing fine. Ariel seem to be churning out a decent amount of new vehicles anyway.

Although I doubt the likes of Caterham, Morgan, AC, Noble, Ascari, Westfield etc would have seen any of that, even if they were in trouble.

If that £2.3bn has gone to the likes of Honda, Vauxhall factories etc, thats a drop in the ocean.

27-01-09, 09:05 PM
Corus steel make rail, not suprising really.

27-01-09, 09:07 PM
did tax payers play for it ?

27-01-09, 09:23 PM
what i find amusing, is that people find it hard to justify keeping british business afloat... yet are quite happy for the goverment to send millions to Gazza...

27-01-09, 09:26 PM
The Uk has always stuggled financially (apparently), but as soon as something happens in another country we always seem to find huge wads hidden up some PMs ****.

28-01-09, 08:08 AM
Its called the National Debt. Britain imports more than it exports as well - in 2007 we exported $442.2bn worth of goods and services. Yet imported $621.4bn worth of goods and services. At 2007 exchange rates, thats about £150 BILLION (US$200bn) shooting off out the country.

The government also keeps borrowing on pension funds too. Fine for short term cash, but as we now have more >65 year olds than <16 in this country, that is a very risky move that could go very very wrong in the near future.

lmfao @ sending money to "Gazza" lol lol lol If you mean "Gaza" then you will probably find any money our government sends will be going directly into the pockets of the Israelis. Always wise to keep them on side.

28-01-09, 08:47 AM
£2.3billion will last all of 20 minutes really lol.

Its to keep all the Tier 1/2/3/4/5/6 suppliers afloat too as they employ far more than the Car makers alone.

Thankfully as of the 6th of Feb I no longer need to care how the automotive industry is doing :D

28-01-09, 04:51 PM
Its to keep all the Tier 1/2/3/4/5/6 suppliers afloat too as they employ far more than the Car makers alone.

Not going to work though as many car makers are having long shut down periods so if no cars being built no parts needed.

TBH you know it's bad when Honda and Toyota are getting worried.

But meh if you want to buy a new car there is no better time.

28-01-09, 05:08 PM
i dont care tbh, my emigration papers came today........