View Full Version : Shop a Drink Driver

16-12-02, 11:33 PM
Nice one! ?500 for shopping a drink driver?

I work in a Restaurant, so that'll be me encouraging people to drink and drive (when there's no one around to hear me). Then shopping them. :wink: :lol:

*edit*poll added by ian

17-12-02, 12:04 AM
easy way to generate more income for the mod fund

to be fair i am considering going a pub for one nite sittig by a window - and having my mobile on the brew all night!!!!!


i wondt shop friends or family though so i guess im imoral - hyprocit - cant find the word


marty - turn this thread into a poll, go in and edit your inital post

would you do it or no you wont - would be interesting

i have to say hand on heart i have drunk and drove once and that was only one drink, and around the corner (two turns and i was home!!!), simply because its not worth it, im not a big drinker anyway, and i havent really drank since ive been dirinvg :? freaky! it all goes on petrol instead!!!

17-12-02, 01:11 AM
i would definately shop a drink driver. i mean ?500 isnt bad for one phone call :D

17-12-02, 01:16 AM
but would they know it was you who snitched on em?

Matt Finary
17-12-02, 11:08 AM
I think it's a good idea, I'm down the pub evernight anyway I might aswell make some money. I know all the locals(I have been drinking in there nearly 5 years) and I know that some drink drive :evil: so that would mean some more money for them 22's :twisted:

Matt :D

17-12-02, 11:37 AM
yeah, id do it and id in front of em too i knew a young girl who was killed a few years back ( 5/6/7 not sure how old) but it was a drink driver and maybe (just maybe) if they were sober they may have stopped!:(

it was christmas eve aswell! :twisted:

feck em

on the other hand i dont mind people having the odd pint and driving as i do myself but people know when to just leavbe your car at home it could be one of your own next time!

17-12-02, 11:42 AM
done it before, but i didn't get a reward. :(

17-12-02, 11:42 AM
i agree withthe shop drink driving thing, people jus hsouldnt do it.

i wouldnt personally snithc on family but then gain i dont rekon any of them would neway, most hav one or two then drive,
(is two pints the limit??)

i can proudly say iv NEVER had a drop wen driving, dont c the point in one beer

17-12-02, 11:48 AM
I like the taste of lager, so i will have one at around 8pm and then stick to kalibers etc. No alcohol in my system when i leave at around 11.30

Matt Finary
17-12-02, 11:57 AM
A bloke I know, use to always drink and drive and didn't think anything of it. Until one night he was driving back home after driving about 20 mile while under. He was about 3 miles from his home, when he look at his speedo(he was doing 90 in a 60 country road). Then he looked back up and there was a 90 degree corner, which was too late to turn. He hit a grass back at 90mph in his Mk5 Escort. The next thing he knew was the police and that were there(He had been knocked ou for 30 mins{if he had not been, he would have legged it and said his car had been stolen}. The police took away at 3.00am and tested every hour and he didn't pass till 12.00pm( he was over 3 times over). He went to court got ban for 18 months(reduced to 14) He had to pay ?360 court costs. His insurance company paid out for his car. They paid out ?2100 for his car when he only paid ?1700 for it. So he was ?40 better off. His car was a mess, if I a pic( it wound stop anyone drink driving. The front end was under the car and engine was sitting 12inches out of the car.

Anyway he's not banned now and driving but not drinking.

But if it take that as a wake up call :roll:

Matt :)

17-12-02, 04:42 PM
I would to get 500 :D

17-12-02, 04:58 PM
heard that the lad across the road from me who bought a fully done up nova was drink driving.

ooooo i would take pride in shopping that fcuker :D

wouldnt shop friends or family tho but im against drink driving cos its always innocent lives that get taken neva the driver.

+ ?500 would get me a 1.4 16v conversion.........or 5% of the insurance premium

17-12-02, 11:44 PM
i duno if i wud or not to be honnest, i think i would yeah but its hypocritical to say you wouldnt drop your mates or family in it dont you think??

but on the whole i think yes i would

especially if they were driving a saxo or car with neon washer jets :twisted:

17-12-02, 11:56 PM
especially if they were driving a saxo or car with neon washer jets :twisted:


gotta agree with the bit about washer jets...

WHY????? What is the point in them? (/rant)


18-12-02, 12:00 AM
HAHA mike, very ture, i had them, took em back before the 12 month garanatee was up and got money back. now realise how tacky stuff like that is. thats y u saw my car at MK looking as nice and standard(apart from performance mods) as it did!


18-12-02, 02:53 AM
I'd shop anyone! People i don't know? Definitely. And i'd tell them i did it.

Friends/family - if i knew they were going to do it, i'd tell them not to do it. If they did, regardless of what i say, i'd shop them. 'For their own good'. Though it'd be spineless to just watch your friends/family do it, and shop them without warning.

Oh and i'm going to get led washer jets. Yeah baby, i'll make them cool!

18-12-02, 09:44 AM
at the end of the day, what sort of friend/family are you to let them drink drive in the first place even say to them if you do ill shop ya -

19-12-02, 12:33 AM