View Full Version : Battery probs

16-12-02, 05:38 PM
hi can some 1 help me please when my car lights are on and i accelerate they get brighter and when i take my foot off the accelerator the lights go dim ,also my battery keeps dying on me .do you think the battery is f**ked or the altinator or could it be both cheers :D

Manta Mad
16-12-02, 06:04 PM
sounds like it could be the alternator. its worth checking the see if the alternator drive belt is tensioned correctly.

16-12-02, 07:20 PM
on engines smaller than 1400cc the alternator only works properly over 950rpm!! the bottom pulley is smaler than on the 1600 engine (the bigger botom pulley ensures the alternator is always giving out a good current)
it could be your batery/alt/earths

17-12-02, 10:26 AM
reminds me of my mates 125!!!! That dont have a battery so at idle the light barely glows! lol :twisted:

17-12-02, 12:04 PM
also check the alternator brushes. Much cheaper than replacing the whole thing

17-12-02, 12:08 PM
i didn't realise the alternator was user servicable?

17-12-02, 12:13 PM
don't know about any other alternators, but my Bosh ones. You undo two screws and the brushes(contact points) come out, it is sometimes these that are just worn down. They cost about ?5 to replace. SO much cheaper :D

17-12-02, 12:15 PM
do come from vaux? or do any motor factors do them?

17-12-02, 12:25 PM
I got mine from a place called Webbs. It sells most car parts e.g. brake pads, filters, exhausts, wire etc.