View Full Version : epic mince.....

26-01-09, 03:56 PM
right, friday night, we all went out for a drive. pulls into the local car park, when my mate with his xe corsa shouts me over.... "mate look at this" looking at his engine the buggers sat pi$$ed. upon further inspection, the front gearbox mount had sheared all 3 bolts off into the box, letting it drop quicker than a hoes panties. anyway, after deciding that, a. the daewoo box was buggered, and b. we cba to drill the bolts out, we decided to swap the box for my f20. only prob being its still in my nova attached to the xe block....
so we towed it the 1/2 a mile to mine and abandoned it on the road outside, ready for sat morning. bright and early i got up, and ventured out into a cold and foggy saturday. weighing up the task ahead, i started ripping the nova lump out. pete turned up 10mins later and we got stuck in. 20mins later the xe was sat on the deck! we jacked the shell up, pulled the offending lump out of the way and dragged the nova down my tight single drive (i have no garage) pete then decided to drive the corsa up the ramp and onto my drive. halfway through this manouvre the n/s ineer c.v joint shat its internals, so we pushed the heavy bugger up. needless to say the daewoo paperweight was on the deck in 2hrs, and the f20 bolted in and ready for its new c.v and n/s shaft when the bloody c.v turns up. i finished at 6, tidied up and went to the pub. monday. i got up and checked everything over. 1 bolt loose, and a disconnected reverse light feed. i then set about wiring up his transducer, as some tail at vaux fitted leccy clocks. i also fitted a new vaux vectra b inlet pipe, refitted the tps plug (hanging off, god knows how or why....) and tidied up stuff. i'd like to say a big "thanks" to pete, for assisting, leon, for fetching stuff, chaz for enthusiasm, and everyone else who's been laughing at my builders bum, and petes gearbox oil hair..... and, a big "no thanks" to dale and jay, for being general assholes and letting their mates down. and to daewoo, who made such a good gearbox, that took more hammer in 5 months than it did in its former leganza home... :thumb: i dont have a garage, i had limited tools, and alot of pizza.... cheers everyone!

26-01-09, 04:08 PM
Nice write up.

So he owes you a gearbox now?

Oh and a "hoes panties", did u time them both?

26-01-09, 04:15 PM
he's paid £50 to supply and fit, then helped anyway!!! and i live on your typical council estate, panties are for special occaisions and they come off quick, esp. if i've got owt to do with it. btw the reason for the rush is that my rents come back from their holiday tomorrow morning.... "...and no fooking cars on the drive...." lol

26-01-09, 04:16 PM
:thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Well done :)

26-01-09, 04:23 PM
thanks bud, i'm just waiting for him to get here with his spare n/s shaft, but he's not getting here for 3 hrs.... then its done. its a tidy car tbh, goes ok for a c18xe, he's looking at gsxr1000 bodies, cams, and a maqnifold. its been rr'd at 142bhp iirc.

26-01-09, 04:28 PM
Get something done with the Mk1 Cav you doss!!

26-01-09, 04:29 PM
mate, its being painted as we speak. colours a secret(not beige...) lol

26-01-09, 05:05 PM
"...and no fooking cars on the drive...." lol[/quote]

lol nice i won over that one me ive got the drive and the front garden the place is full off novas

i like the way you got it done before they got home though

i managed to strip my mates 306 on the street today like my mum was'nt botherd though when she found out a guy was coming for it before 5 lol

the kids loved it though on the way home from school watching us remoove whats left from a bare shell lol

good work though mate getting it done in time for the old dears :thumb:

26-01-09, 05:09 PM
yeah, they deserve a car free drive tbh, theres been a nova on it for 5 years.... good work on the pug matey.... i'm fooked now tho...

26-01-09, 05:15 PM
yea same here no good for you is it lol mine deserve one and a garden but there not getting one ive got too novas that need homes lol

26-01-09, 05:19 PM
haha i'vwe just got rid of mine. and my cav isnt home yet...

26-01-09, 05:43 PM
right, friday night, we all went out for a drive. pulls into the local car park, when my mate with his xe corsa shouts me over....
Thats where you went wrong. What you should have done was laugh at him for having an inferior Nova and then thrown some ice cream at him. Or something.

26-01-09, 05:58 PM
yeah i guess, but i did the comversion for him, and it scares him when he opens the bonnet.... mmmm ice cream...and im liking corsas more and more.....

26-01-09, 06:27 PM
yeah i guess, but i did the comversion for him, and thats probably why it keeps breaking....

Lmfao lollollollollollol

26-01-09, 06:32 PM
cheek! haha! it was dales gearbox..... and your getting his loon.... fail

26-01-09, 06:35 PM
Not necessarily, havent gone any further than him telling me he wants rid as he has another ghey ass corsa lol

26-01-09, 06:37 PM
haha, yeah another gay corsa. i do like em more now tho.... easier to convert and work on than a nova. see msn for issues on dales loon mate...

26-01-09, 07:08 PM
just had a text= "mate the spare shaft hasnt got a cv on it, ive ordered one for tues night, sorry" looks like the rents are gonna see it afterall.....

26-01-09, 07:12 PM
Oh dear not good, could you not do a dod and shove it down the street and just say its not yours lol

26-01-09, 07:21 PM
haha its airborne atm, so nope. ah well, it be reet. (sloth awaits castration)

27-01-09, 03:37 PM
well, the rents are home, and after a 2 hr ass chewing, i think ive got away with it. apparently its entrepenural (sp?) of me, so mums happy. c.v should be here tonight and the ccar gone by 11pm........ (i hope)

27-01-09, 04:07 PM
so they caught you after all then pal!!

27-01-09, 04:12 PM
yeah, his spare shaft had no inner c.v (mk2 cav 22spline one) on it, so hes ordered one for today. hence the fact theres a red corsa sport sat on my drive (oh the shame...)
i've been told to "get a bloody unit, and go into business!" haha! hmmm.......

27-01-09, 04:45 PM
yeah, his spare shaft had no inner c.v (mk2 cav 22spline one) on it, so hes ordered one for today. hence the fact theres a red corsa sport sat on my drive (oh the shame...)
i've been told to "get a bloody unit, and go into business!" haha! hmmm.......

well you tried eh lol well by the sounds could be a plan lol im going for a garage near my mates for same sort off thing but f*ck everyone else though id just fix my cars in it lol well we'd break cars aswell allways get offerd bargains so im going to get that and strip any bargain i get thats not nova shaped lol

27-01-09, 04:49 PM
i've been looking at doing it for ages, like space for 4 cars, and a 2post ramp. i'd break and do repairs aswell. hmmm. yeah my mum knows that i tried haha!!! i'd charge mates rates for labour and do a png discount..

27-01-09, 04:57 PM
i've been looking at doing it for ages, like space for 4 cars, and a 2post ramp. i'd break and do repairs aswell. hmmm. yeah my mum knows that i tried haha!!! i'd charge mates rates for labour and do a png discount..

id only strip them like. fook fixing peoples cars daily anymoore i quit that when i realised id got vibration whitefinger last year!! i may do mates cars but id rather just strip them and make money that way!!

good ideas though you never know we just may get what we want aswell lol

27-01-09, 05:07 PM
haha yeh! i have industrial deafness in my right ear from my old airgun, so i can relate to white finger! i'd do conversions and stuff, and a bit of servicing, nothing more. having done rav 4 d4d diesel clutches in my apprentice days, i dont wanna do it again.....

27-01-09, 05:12 PM
haha yeh! i have industrial deafness in my right ear from my old airgun, so i can relate to white finger! i'd do conversions and stuff, and a bit of servicing, nothing more. having done rav 4 d4d diesel clutches in my apprentice days, i dont wanna do it again.....

yea its **** isnt it well apart from the compensation thats coming my way lol

yea ive had a few jobs like that!! i just will never do again no matter how much you pay me lol

if your only working on novas and corsas it would be ok doing conversions

oh and did you get any compensation or anything like that for your ear??

27-01-09, 05:18 PM
did i chuff! i was provided with ear muffs but never used em as i got shouted at to do stuff, and couldnt hear the shouts!! not sure if i could claim tbh. i'd want to do nova and corsa stuff aswell as corsa c and astra mk4 conversions, and a few other things i have ideas about.....

27-01-09, 05:21 PM
ohh thats a f*cker that you should be able to claim mate at least have a go!!

well yea man thatd not be too hard either just doing them especially with you knowing your way around vauxhalls!!!

27-01-09, 05:26 PM
thanks mate, i'm self taught on em!! i just read stuff, my bedside table has the corsa c, nova, astra g, saab 900, astra mk2 and cav mk3 haynes manuals on it.... i may see bout a claim, but i need a job first haha!

27-01-09, 05:39 PM
yea man i would dude its worth it!! you may get something!! go for no win no fee and youl be sound lol

27-01-09, 11:24 PM
well, its finally done, after waiting silly amounts of time for my dumbass mate to bring some oil, we finished it at 11pm. as i said in the first post mass thanx to all!!!!! it goes better now with the f20, and changes better aswell.

28-01-09, 12:14 PM
well at least its done dude even if you did get caught lol

28-01-09, 12:17 PM
how can you claim for damaging your hearing if you were given safety equipment ? its your oown stupid fault imo, but hey put a claim in anyway, lie about being given PPE and get some free money :roll:

28-01-09, 12:21 PM
well id have a go any way lol

28-01-09, 12:56 PM
yeah, i was thinking that draper, but apparently the ear muffs provided wern't to the right standard...... one of my old colleagues has done the same, something about frequencys?? thanks wudgey, hes well happy, he text me 10mins ago, saying " mate its far better, done 150 miles, and it faultless!! and it goes like a rocket!! thanx!" cant get better than that...

28-01-09, 01:01 PM
well if hes happy its sorted eh lol and if it makes his car faster id bet he's just out screaming it about i would be lol

28-01-09, 01:04 PM
he is.... hes got a speedo now aswell, we timed it last night, 0-60 in 6 sec flat... i stripped the daewoo box, and the bearings have **** themselves but the case and gears are ok, so they come in for spares!

29-01-09, 12:15 PM
he is.... hes got a speedo now aswell, we timed it last night, 0-60 in 6 sec flat... i stripped the daewoo box, and the bearings have **** themselves but the case and gears are ok, so they come in for spares!

i thought he would be lol well yea i supose at least youve got spares from the daewoo box lol i gather the speedo cable does not go in the daewoo box then lol

29-01-09, 03:49 PM
no, its that the corsa sports have a electric speedo, and you need a digi dash transducer to run em in a corsa. i had no transducer when i did the swap, but i since bought 6 and the wires.....

29-01-09, 06:05 PM
no, its that the corsa sports have a electric speedo, and you need a digi dash transducer to run em in a corsa. i had no transducer when i did the swap, but i since bought 6 and the wires.....

ohh thats why lol well yea if youve bought some spare if you fancy selling one i know a lad after a tranducer on here tim sr only a thought like!!

bet he feels beter now hes got a speedo when pigs come behind he knows how fast he's going!!!

29-01-09, 06:17 PM
yeh, its quick nuff to outrun our local cops anyway. i have a full digi forsale inc all wires etc £40 poted haha!

29-01-09, 06:20 PM
yeh, its quick nuff to outrun our local cops anyway. i have a full digi forsale inc all wires etc £40 poted haha!

well fook stoping then lol ill ask the lad but he's got the dash i think he just needs transducer i think lol

29-01-09, 06:39 PM
kool, ill see what i can doo matey.

29-01-09, 06:50 PM
yeh, its quick nuff to outrun our local cops anyway.

Ive never seen an XE corsa that could outrun our police scoobys before, sounds awesome lol

Btw you and wudgey either need to get a room swap numbers or go to msn lmfao..............:thumb:

29-01-09, 07:18 PM
psh you havent seen jays then..... i meant the **** protons dude. i could tell ya the story bout jay and the black scooby but hey....