View Full Version : 2 litre 16 valve?

Ben Ritchie
16-12-02, 12:19 PM
I just want to get some info from yous.i was wondering about sticking a 2 litre lump under my bonnet.how much would this cost and is it easy to fit yourself. i wouldn't mind a 2 litre turbo :twisted: but i guess that would cost a lot more.can you give me some websites or people to contact to try and get it sorted. cheers guys :D

Matt Finary
16-12-02, 12:46 PM

I have put mine in for just under ?500, thats with me doing all the work.

Matt :)

Ben Ritchie
16-12-02, 01:01 PM
cheers mate :D ,
thats not to bad a price.is there a lot of effort into putting a 2 litre lump under my bonnet. i only have a 1.4 sr so i imagine everything needs to be strengthened?

Matt Finary
16-12-02, 01:24 PM
I seam weld the engine bay and plated it aswell, I got my gearbox and CV's for free, Drive shafts for ?40, Tank, lines and pump for ?20.

Matt :)

Ben Ritchie
16-12-02, 01:27 PM
cool well i will prob get that done. have you got any cool parts for a 1.4 sr for sale :?:

Chris LR
16-12-02, 02:12 PM
He's got an air-vent, but not for much longer, hopefully.

Matt Finary
16-12-02, 04:51 PM
Sorry Chris, I have been so busy with work and things that I haven't had time to go and pick the vent up, but I have tomorrow off work so I will go and get it then :)

Matt :D

Chris LR
16-12-02, 08:39 PM

17-12-02, 12:15 AM

Decent 2 litre engines cost upwards of that alone.

Chris LR
17-12-02, 12:25 AM
If you got yourself a 2.0 Cav for ?500 you could flog the parts, with the money u make you can tune the engine and fit it.

Job Done.

Matt Finary
17-12-02, 11:29 AM
That my local scrappy for ya, I know the bloke who works there he's got a mint Nova GTE. The engine was ?350 :P it didn't have a loom or ECU that because I had all really had them away, it had 100,000miles on the clock. But it is rebuilt and sitting a shed. My ?500 didn't include the rebuild.

Matt :)

18-12-02, 03:05 AM
Nice one!

So, since it's in this forum, how has everyone 'styled' theirs? :D

18-12-02, 11:15 AM
ive styled my 2ltr into miraculously looking like a 1.4 !

fools the insurance people!

the performance and looks ALMOST fools the untrained eye too!


18-12-02, 05:45 PM
lol, Mike, u wanna c my 2.0- 1.2 lookalike, goes like a 1.2 also!

18-12-02, 11:40 PM
shocking isnt it locky mate :lol:

cant wait for this RWYB day 8)

jim sri
25-12-02, 10:45 AM
i paid 400 for the 2 litre xe, with everything, all mounts, f20 gearbox, extended gear selector, ecu, loom&injectors+a fuel computa blah blah blah.
but i paid ?150 for driveshafts&hubs etc. so = ?550 altogether, but i have done all the work myself with 2 mates. i think if a garage does it they will charge over a grand in labour, so best to do it yourself.

25-12-02, 11:21 PM
Just a suggestion, mayeb you should try this link::


They can prob help you if you e-mail em!! click on the conversions link.... there are some prices there, for driveshafts etc, all are brand new though, so not that cheap but still!!! Just trying to help :P

26-12-02, 01:49 AM
now heres a question

apart from the engine is it best to buy used parts or new ones..........?

jim sri
26-12-02, 12:44 PM
depends on ur budget, second hand i suppose as long as you consider the parts to be up to the job. eg, i bought second hand courtenay driveshafts, defo suitable for the job, and at prob less than half the price.
no-one has loadsa money to waste unnecessarily. :o

Ben Ritchie
26-12-02, 01:50 PM
cheers for the advice guys i will try the websites and try and get something sorted out but it will have to wait cuz xmas presents totally made me skint :evil:

Ben :)