View Full Version : Does anyone make....

23-01-09, 09:27 PM
mk1 5dr / saloon fibreglass arches??

Really want some, but don't want box arches or to facelift :(

Any input please guys


24-01-09, 08:44 PM

24-01-09, 09:30 PM
im afriad know one will make them because there wouldnt be much point and they wouldnt be in high demand. best bet is to make a mould yourself and do it that way or find a company that will but it will cost you the earth

24-01-09, 09:36 PM
Yep.....theres not really enough demand for hatch wings, so saloon ones (for people with saloon track cars...which are hardly any) is even less.

25-01-09, 12:39 PM
gutted!! oh well can still do bonnet and doors i spose.....

No chance of boots either then???

25-01-09, 01:07 PM
Dont think so. TBH i think a boot wouldn't be too hard to make yourself.

Or take chop loads of metal out of it, and just have skin.

Did that with my steel bonnet, took loads of weight off (enough to actually raise supension slightly)

25-01-09, 03:54 PM

they might be interested in a club/group buy

25-01-09, 08:03 PM
wondering if i should start a thread to see how many people would be interested, if it's only me it wouldn't even be worth contacting them...

Thoughts please

25-01-09, 08:05 PM
I started a thread when I was thinking of moulding myself some, but the setup costs would be too much.

You'd have to commision a company to do them, but surely most people wont want to pay delivery from france?

25-01-09, 08:08 PM
na, would use a uk firm. (i'm english by the way). looking at that link there prices seem reasonable, don't know what they'd charge for custom work though???

25-01-09, 10:39 PM
TBH its just as easy to mod the arches on a saloon to widen them, using metal. Or fibreglass matting if you want lighter weight.