View Full Version : Petrol station 'Fun'!

14-12-02, 05:15 PM
lol, heres a good one....

I'm currently driving on my provisional, so whenever i need to go anywhere i've got to have the old girl in the car with me :cry:

Anyway, I planned on leaving the house last night to see my g/f at 5:30, my mother however decided that she'd return from her shopping trip at 6:30. On her return to the house she then decided to make food for the family (not just cook it!) - Including desert! So by the time food was finished and eaten it was 7:30. At this point I commented that If i was going to be at my destination this side of 9:00 it would be a miracle.

So we left the house. Somewhere along the way my mother decided the Nova needed some petrol so I pulled into the nearest garage for a top-up.
The car being new to me, my mother was not upto date with the pump nozzle attachment to the car. She twisted it this way and that, while muttering "Its not like this on our Honda". I reply with "Take your time now Mam". No sooner have I finished my sentance, she decides the nozzle is suitably attached and pulls the trigger.... resulting in 4-star Unleaded being sprayed over the side of the car and my formerly clean designer jeans.

After exchanging blows, I returned home showered and changed and set out for my destination once again. I reached it at 8:45... a miracle indeed :wink:

It just goes to show you - Don't trust women with ANYTHING!!

14-12-02, 05:51 PM
lol m8 y didnt u put the feul in?
end of da day ya lass can wait 2 b banged but the nova cant wait 4 feul

14-12-02, 06:30 PM
lol we spent 30 mins in the petrol station the other day, i couldnt figure out how to take the fuel cap off as it was the first time i'd filled the car up since i got it, cos i havent been anywhere in it, when my mate got out the car and tried he couldnt do it, we looked like a right couple of planks!! we finally figured it out :oops:

14-12-02, 09:30 PM
lol i think everyone was like that the first time they filled up!

its only when you read the owners handbook you get when you buy the car brand new you realise how to do it properley!

swap it for a novatech alloy one - u know u wanna!

how did the petrol splash?

15-12-02, 12:32 PM
i did too, the first time i had it, coz u have to keep the key turned while unscrewing it, ive now got a crome alloy'ie type one and its a half turn with the key and it's off. easy!

15-12-02, 01:03 PM
lmao! so how much petrol did u actually get in the tank?! :lol:

first time i filled up my nova i just couold not get the nozzle in the hole looked like a right dick. :oops:

got the hang of it now tho :D

Matt Finary
15-12-02, 01:03 PM
I can't wait to see the looks when I fill up the flying machine because I will have open the drivers side butterfly door and fill the car from the B-pillar. But no one can find the filler cap on the flying machine, even with the doors off.

Matt :D

15-12-02, 01:51 PM
I'm gonna get a Novatech fuel cap soon, when i can afford it!!!! they r very dear!!

15-12-02, 02:02 PM
matt is that b4 or after,fixing all the rust,
ladys and gentleman,matt must be the first person to drive a piece of fiber glass,and call it a nova :lol:
messing matt soz

Ric 16v
15-12-02, 03:39 PM
I got an alloy filler car (proper metal and not shitty plastic) for ?35 from my local auto spares :D :D :D

15-12-02, 04:06 PM
Cheers for that ian :( its not my fault my car is held together with rust!!!

15-12-02, 04:15 PM

How are you lot allowed on the roads if you can't even unscrew the petrol cap, heheheh.

I use to fill my mum & dads astra up for them whenever we stopped at petrol stations. I was 15 at the time so I had built experience of removing vauxhall fuel caps, heheh. Did you know you're not allowed to fill a vehicle with fuel unless your 15 or over.


Chris LR
15-12-02, 04:17 PM
My driving instructor said he was going to give me practice at filling a car up. I told him to fcuk off as I paid him to teach me to drive not spend 20mins putting ?2 into a car.

15-12-02, 04:20 PM
matt sorry but ya gotta have a laugh,
sorry but any 1 who cant get a feul cap off must be stupid,
and by the way jim its 16 not 15 in buckhinghamshire

15-12-02, 05:00 PM
novatech caps are a bit expensive considering what they are - but they are VERY well made andstick on replacements or anything else i have seen dont quite compare.

i rate em for the money

i was lucky enough to get mine for ?25 including postage off novatrader a while back

16-12-02, 03:31 AM
Erm, what's wrong with you people!? Fuel caps!! A fuckin' monkey could do it!

16-12-02, 12:33 PM
i got mine for about ?15 and it's propper crome, weighs a fair bit and perfect fit. anyone got a pic of this one your lot r talking about...?

16-12-02, 12:54 PM

its ?45.00 including p&p but looks damn nice, i want one but cant afford it :cry:

16-12-02, 12:58 PM
they are nice, mines bit like that, it's a crome one.
ill buy u one matty.

16-12-02, 01:35 PM
Micky go and wash ur mouth out with soap :lol: [/quote]

16-12-02, 02:52 PM
thats the ones

Matt Finary
16-12-02, 05:19 PM
I will have to post a pic of The Flying Machine fuel cap, once I can get the pic to upload :x . It nothing like I have seen before :twisted:

Matt :)

16-12-02, 10:34 PM
does it take much doing? do you just route your pipes behind the trim piece beside the seats..........?

Matt Finary
16-12-02, 10:59 PM
I cut a hole in the B-pillar to the size of the pipe and the welded three nuts on the inside of the pillar, the I used three bolts to pull the pipe up tight. then I just smoothed it in to the body. You will see in the pics, once I can upload them :x

Matt :)

16-12-02, 11:28 PM
lol @ Chris. Spot on.

I tell you chaps it was a miracle i didnt bite her fucking head off!! She's not touching the car again!

17-12-02, 10:14 AM
Nice one neil, i'll ave the bottom one :wink: