View Full Version : Welcome to the Jungle!

Ben (lurk75)
14-12-02, 03:30 PM
Here's another email i have pasted for you lot!

Vietnam is much better than our hostile reception, in Saigon there is quite a lot today although it is bloody hot!!!

Yesterday we went to the museum of American war crimes (what a class name!) There were some disgusting photos of american soilders with vietmanese heads in there hands and the bodies led on the floor, the soilders were laughing there heads off!
Also lots of photos taken of american soilders with knives up against kids throats etc, was very daunting!

Today was more fun we went to the tunnels of Cui Chi wich is a complex network of around 200km that run all under Saigon and the south, they had a hole there for you to get down, i didnt fit!!! Cheecky b*stard said when i tried "dont go your too big we would leave you to starve for few days if you get stuck".
And as you know i aint that fat, My brother is coming here in 1 month now that will be funny!
Whilst at the tunnels they had some more for us to go in that are "apparently" high enough to walk through, i really dont think this guy liked me as it was about 3"6 and me being 6ft6 and 17st struggled a bit. When i got out the other side i said i though you said i could walk and he laughed and said "normal people yes you no".
After nearly throwing him into a big pit by us (decided not to as he was driving us the 100km home) we went to a firing range where you could choose any weapon you liked from an: M16, Mini Gun, AK47, 9mm Revolver etc etc.
Me and Kath had a go on the AK47, this time another bloke, i said does it kick back much, "no not at all" he says, it nearly ripped my p*ssing arm off!! Cant wait for the Cambodian version with the rocket launchers etc, it was 75pence per bullet you fired today, and i picked every shell up to get all my moneys worth!
They really dont like the americans, but seems like they didnt like me much either!
There was also a girl there from my Village who was in the year above me at school and her boyfriend lives about 3 miles away as well, last night in a pub drinking there 30pence a pint lager and a guy walked in with a Bristol City shirt on, i went over and started talking to him and Kath thought i had known him for years!

Will post again after been to Cambodia should be about 7 days! Laters :lol: :lol: :lol:

14-12-02, 09:44 PM
this sounds class!

is it a holiday or an organised trip..........?

14-12-02, 10:16 PM
thats the amercians 4 ya aint it