View Full Version : Coming at you from the pits.

20-01-09, 05:40 PM
Evening Y'all,

It's now 18.33... I've been here since 8am this morning, and it's cold and wet... lol Did a 14hour day yesterday as well.
Instead of being shipped to Parc Algar, Ferrari changed their mind last minute, so I'v ebeen shipped to Mugello, Italy.
Met Kimi, doesn't say much lol Got Massa testing the next two days.

Can't really say too much obviously. Game on :wtf:


20-01-09, 06:31 PM
so much for the low budget testing ban etc......
do the new cars look any good????????????

dhdev (Oli)
20-01-09, 06:53 PM
Sweet, not jealous much at all :cry::cry::cry:

20-01-09, 06:58 PM
The new cars look a bit odd. But I am sure we will get used to them.


20-01-09, 07:15 PM
Have a look on Autosport. There's been a few released...

As for low budget, Its only one car testing, and no season testing. The other teams are in the Algarve and Valenecia. KERs seems to be the main pain in the a**e for the teams.

Lack of aero is the main thing. They look like pre 2000 cars.

20-01-09, 07:27 PM
This is a good comparison picture
BMW Sauber F1.09 and BMW Sauber F1.08; Valencia, Spain; Tuesday January 20th, 2009.

20-01-09, 07:28 PM
have a giggle at the renault front end :) That is a good comparisson, shows the simplicity...

20-01-09, 07:30 PM
steel wishbones!!!!!!!!! I've said it before and I'll say it again, give them steel wishbones so that if the cars touch, the suspension isnt wrecked so it permits more daring overtaking :D

20-01-09, 09:11 PM
^^i agree with that one, f1 is more and more becoming an overpaid girly party.

20-01-09, 09:16 PM
^^i agree with that one, f1 is more and more becoming an overpaid girly party.
Like football

21-01-09, 07:03 PM
An update... Left the pits at 10pm yesterday :( will probably be the same tonight. Had a meeting with kimi's engineer, massa's engineer and Chris Dyer, nice people!
Met Fillipe today, and Rob Smedley. Massa is actually a really nice bloke! Came over over in the morning said hello, shok our hands, asked how we all were, and during the day, he takes time to talk about the tyres/grip situtation etc. Kimi just gave a yes/no and never said a word to us...

21-01-09, 07:28 PM
Gay boy.. get on LIVE lol

21-01-09, 07:31 PM
So, verdict is Kimi is an ignorant @unt lol lol

21-01-09, 07:33 PM
Gay boy.. get on LIVE lol

don't worry... I'm off work all day monday, I'll kick your ass then lol lol Or just blow myself up, not quite sure...

21-01-09, 07:33 PM
So, verdict is Kimi is an ignorant @unt lol lol

No comment lol

21-01-09, 08:19 PM
/\/\ kimi simply doesn't do people outside of his circle of friends......

21-01-09, 10:03 PM
don't worry... I'm off work all day monday, I'll kick your ass then lol lol Or just blow myself up, not quite sure...

Lol remember no martadom on Hardcore lol:wtf:

21-01-09, 10:10 PM
So, verdict is Kimi is an ignorant @unt lol lol

Shock horror. ive always thoght the bloke was a complete cock. :thumb:

08-02-09, 08:18 PM
Right, update...

I'm now in Bahrain :) it's currently 11.16pm, Its 16degrees lol and I'm here for a 12day trip which consists of 2 4day tests back to back. Upsides, I get a couple of days off to enjoy the place.
Got my own challet/hut place, with flatscreen etc :) has doors which open out onto the beach... ;) Oh yeh...

Hows the snow lol hehehe

08-02-09, 08:20 PM
Right, update...

I'm now in Bahrain :) it's currently 11.16pm, Its 16degrees lol and I'm here for a 12day trip which consists of 2 4day tests back to back. Upsides, I get a couple of days off to enjoy the place.
Got my own challet/hut place, with flatscreen etc :) has doors which open out onto the beach... ;) Oh yeh...

Hows the snow lol hehehe

c@nt !!!

tom reid
08-02-09, 08:25 PM


08-02-09, 08:29 PM
c@nt !!!

I can't help it... I am here to work... and it is hard long hours.

Put it this way, i'll be working 15hours days :( and it's expensive as well. Chicken nuggets and chips was £4 and... a can of coke was £3 lol did buy a litre of smirnoff at the airport for £10.

08-02-09, 08:30 PM


Cheers... :D

08-02-09, 08:33 PM
I can't help it... I am here to work... and it is hard long hours.

Put it this way, i'll be working 15hours days :( and it's expensive as well. Chicken nuggets and chips was £4 and... a can of coke was £3 lol did buy a litre of smirnoff at the airport for £10.

Ban him :p unless he gives us his job :wisewood:lol

08-02-09, 08:35 PM
anyone could have applied for it! I do miss working at Aston Martin though... Still, office or abroad getting a tan lol

08-02-09, 08:38 PM
anyone could have applied for it! I do miss working at Aston Martin though... Still, office or abroad getting a tan lol

Get us a job then lol

How many teams have pulled out of the F1 this year ??

08-02-09, 08:42 PM
Honda, but... Still haven't been told if they will run or not. I'm working with Fewarwi... So i'll be ok for the year.

08-02-09, 08:57 PM
Id love a job like yours travelling all over seeing all the beautiful places, good to hear its all going well :thumb:

08-02-09, 08:57 PM
I quite like working no hours a day and having been paid 9 months pay for it :D

pffft 15 hours a day is part time in F1 lol

08-02-09, 09:14 PM
I tried to get a job as a truckie/partsman for a racing team and they stated that 'must have race team experience'....... its a pretty much closed shop for the actual getting your hands mucky jobs

08-02-09, 09:27 PM
sorry to be nosey but........
what qualifications were needed for your job
as i am doing motorsport technology next year at uni and as you in the trade what job do you reckon i could get once i get full degree??
also are most jobs experience needed etc
as the jobs in back of autosport dont relly help

08-02-09, 09:47 PM
aslong as you have a good degree in something they want, and also have an interest/thesis in some form of area in F1 then you are "suited"

BUT most of it is about being/looking in the right place at the right time...

09-02-09, 12:29 AM
i know f1 is a long shot away..
but i am goin to set my targets there as it is my dream job its just once i have finished uni i dont really know what kind of job to look for, or what level of job like how big company etc etc. apparently derby uni said to me that everyone last year got jobs straight away except for one person who wanted to do/redo something again. but he said they got jobs in places like prodrive and jaguar and michilen and big names like that, but i think they were blagging it...... sorry for spamming this thread its just i think you guys especially ones in the trade are the best people to talk to about this as my college just tell me to go to connections and the only advise they give out it to go join the army!!!lol
p.s sorry for the essay

09-02-09, 08:55 AM
I think every uni says that all their students walk straight into all the big boy jobs..... load of BS imho/experience lol.

the whole motorsport/automotive world is a VERY different place to 6 months ago, and I dont hold out much hope for a big number of jobs being available by the end of the year and onwards :( I do hope it all picks up again in a few years (atleast I can come back to the automotive game then :D )

09-02-09, 06:24 PM
Don't worry about "spamming" its all general... As stusrt said... Its not something that as soon as you finish uni, you'll walk into. Not to say you wont... I did the same degree at the same place as Stu. Motorsport Engineering and Design BEng, at Swansea Institute (Now Swansea Metropolitan Uni). I was out of work when i finished for 6months, then worked in a Jap tuning garage on £150 a week as a spanner monkey, then quit as i was treated badly, then out of work 3months, then worked at jaguar land rover for 6months, then 4months at aston martin, now working here. I also have mates who did the same course, and degree (2:1) and still don't have jobs...

From my experience (all 4weeks worth) its long long hours, and I took a £7k pay drop lol However, I do get to see the world... and Do that kiddy dream... Its swings and roundabouts.

Best bit of advice, is to do you dissertation/project with a well known company so its backed and you have extra experience! I know people who did their projects with mahle and now have jobs there. Make the most of everything! Take take take... Experience and info is everything!

Update: Its Day 2 in the pits.

Nothing to report lol... Set up day :) measured some depths check what tyres they were running. Then took out hire car round the circuit :p great fun! Got a vid lol and took some pics of the circuit fromt he hummer off road circuit.
Finished early, came back and played volley ball for 2hours then hada swin and dins :) Then end lol

Although... I'm up at 6am... and have to be at the track for 7am as testing starts at 8 and finishes at 5.30 :( And to top it off, its going to be 27derees lol


09-02-09, 06:45 PM
Lets see this vid then mate!

i dont like you! i want your job! lol

09-02-09, 07:16 PM
Havent had a chance to upload it. Will try at the weekend when i get a day off.

Off to bed now. Night all :)

09-02-09, 09:27 PM
ok mate cool!

night night lol

09-02-09, 09:59 PM
Talking about getting into motorsport from university, right now im finding it impossible to get a placement for my 3rd year. No companies will take anyone on unless they are necessary it seems. Most getting laid off. Hopefully it will change soon.

Sounds like you're doing well though Chimp!

10-02-09, 04:41 AM
Talking about getting into motorsport from university, right now im finding it impossible to get a placement for my 3rd year. No companies will take anyone on unless they are necessary it seems. Most getting laid off. Hopefully it will change soon.

Sounds like you're doing well though Chimp!

I did my dissertation on cylinder head port design using CFD. I approached CNC Heads, and they didn't want to know. I even went and spoke to them at autosport and took a pda with work tha ti had done and they outright said it wouldn't work... I ended up completing my dissertaion with a 1st, and they still didn't want to know... You've just go to be positive...

11-02-09, 07:31 AM

I've not been at work 4.5hours and its only 10:30am :(

Play has been stopped today, due to a sandstorm... lol I will upload some pics of this when i get a chance as its really weird. It looks like orange fog. The track is now covered in sand, and it doesn't look like its going anywhere soon. Early day hopefully... :) Happy days!

11-02-09, 03:25 PM
Did sod all, all day.. :(

But, I made it on F1live.com lol

Today (http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/photos/popup/diapo.shtml?/2009/tests41/diapo_133.jpg)

There's 2 guys walking towards the camera in red tops and black shorts, I'm the one on the left :)

Kubica out on track (http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/photos/popup/diapo.shtml?/2009/tests41/diapo_107.jpg)

09-03-09, 12:40 PM
Well, this might be my last 2 test sessions in F1... Find out if i'm to go a week before Australia.

Anyhow, spent last week in Jerez on a 5day test. Worked for 3days with Ferrari as normal then 2days with Red Bull. Was a long long week, but good. Met a couple of F1 greats, Michael Schumacher and Crazy Dave. Both shook my hand and said hello. Then in the even when all is done, I was mooching the net of photos (yes i'm vain and sad) I found this:


I'm the one on the right, one for the scrap books me thinks.

In Barcelona atm, working with Mclaren. Had a day off on Sat, so we all decided to go up into the mountains and go for a ski lol Was fecking brilliant, and the weather was awesome.


I'm the one in the middle, notice the jeans and full bridgestone attire...

I hope this isn't my last 2 weeks in F1, but if it is, its been memorable...

20-03-09, 12:33 PM
Well my days of F1 have come to an abrupt end... I was made redundant this morning, so I can now join the 2million or so unemployed in the UK.

No more trips abroad or skiing on my days off...

Now coming at you from my bedroom... lol

20-03-09, 12:37 PM
well at least you had a hell of a run, and did more things than most of us mere spanner monkeys will ever dream of!

so what exactly did you do with F1?

20-03-09, 12:45 PM
I was a "tyre engineer" basically analysing wear, graining, degradation etc and using telemetry from teams to calculate tyre forces etc

I was interesting, and good eye opener to the organised chaos thats formula one...

Pistol Pete
20-03-09, 03:10 PM
Gutted for you TBH...that sounds like was an ace job. All you can do is try and takes positives from it. Will look good on your CV should you wish to apply for related jobs in the future. Good luck in finding a new job.

tom reid
20-03-09, 04:10 PM
F1's overatred anyway, Onwards and upwards.........The Nova, lol