View Full Version : Snow!!

19-01-09, 09:19 PM

Nice eh? I have a 24v Carlton coming this week as well. Happy days!!

19-01-09, 09:20 PM
Supposed to have Snow here in Wales tonight. After todays excursions with water I'd like a change

19-01-09, 09:22 PM
Mmmmmm snow. It jus doesnt snow down our end like it used to - back in the day.....

19-01-09, 09:24 PM
Pity you dont have a plough lol

Sorry, bad joke:roll:

19-01-09, 09:47 PM
everyones meant to get it apparently!

19-01-09, 10:36 PM
I have a Snowplough, but I'll also have a Carly that'll do it in style, til I lodge it into a large ditch probably. lol

19-01-09, 10:56 PM
still snowing here - bout time we had some...

19-01-09, 10:58 PM
Never snows enough here :p

19-01-09, 11:02 PM
Snowed here eabout 10am. Supposidly meant to be really heavy tonight. Felt cold enough for it when i was walking the dog there.

19-01-09, 11:06 PM
It doesnt snow if its too cold.. well not ment to anyway

General Baxter
19-01-09, 11:07 PM
It doesnt snow if its too cold.. well not ment to anyway

yes it dont snow where is -50 all day lol :roll:

19-01-09, 11:20 PM
I love snow,

However today well pissed me off, my brakes seem to have taken to locking up at nowt so today they did it twice on me in the snow on way home so getting worried about that. Then i get to my road (house is at top its a real hill) and the car refuses to go up just spins and spins in the snow, tried all options to get up ended up having to park down the road and walk home (as well when parking just spun all over the grass all the old people will be well p'd off)!!!

Best be 10ft thick in the morning to make up for this, snow is so limp wristed compared to when I as a boy!!

19-01-09, 11:26 PM
Had a small spatter on the hills round Baff as I made my way home earlier.

20-01-09, 06:21 AM
Snow is most defo here!

General Baxter
20-01-09, 08:48 AM
none here thank **** lol

20-01-09, 08:56 AM
Whats snow?

20-01-09, 09:08 AM
Its the stuff thats apparently been falling all night and bringing the biggest towns in the County to a stand still!!!

20-01-09, 09:17 AM
My Australian friend was Lol-ing at this last night on the drive back from brizzle, how the slightest hint of snow and the country grinds to a halt lol

20-01-09, 09:36 AM
It doesnt snow if its too cold.. well not ment to anyway
That's a myth. It's never too cold to snow.

Pistol Pete
20-01-09, 09:59 AM
No snow here.

20-01-09, 11:49 AM
You are thinking of rain...it can't rain below a certain temperature!

No snow here :( . GHay

20-01-09, 12:00 PM
This guy had 12 inches lol Informa.


20-01-09, 02:22 PM
Too Cold to Snow (http://www.theweatherprediction.com/habyhints/222/)

Interestingly, Antarctica is the driest continent in the world.

20-01-09, 06:31 PM
Its all gone now.

20-01-09, 08:25 PM
scary stuff all the black ice this morn though no gritters had been out at all in my area. my cars broke so my dad gave me lift into work and watched a fiesta lose her back end and slide into a ditch... oops she was ok though :D
funny enough the car came to our garage later that day for damage inspection (there was none nor cosmetic damage either) v.luckey she was going slow but prooves we should all take are time in these conditions. dont wanna see no novas in ditches :(