View Full Version : K&N problems

13-12-02, 04:36 PM
Under advice of Will (NovaNutter) I removed my K&N for the winter (1.2 mk2 carb). This was because the car was taking ages 2 warm up etc. SO i connected the original air box up just as it was standard. Bingo, warmed up in seconds, choke in just down the road etc. But then 15mins l8r the revs went right down, half way between 1 and 0 on the rev counter. It now hops around like a kangeroo on speed, and there is hardly any power at all. Do I just need to adjust the idle speed or is it somthing more serious?

Cheers Lads
Ant :P

14-12-02, 04:38 PM
yeah - you need to adjust the carb - less air getting in from the K&N - you'll need to twiddle the mixture knobs - best taking it to a garage to get it right (so I've recently been told in my carb post).

I'm leaving my K&N on for as long as I can - got a couple of heater hoses running to the carb which seem to do the trick (so far anyway). I'll have to wait and see how long it takes before the weather really turns sour before she packs in altogeth (carry a spare standard filter in the boot now!)
