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dhdev (Oli)
19-01-09, 11:26 AM
Just had my first 2hr exam of the semester, walked out with a swagger cos it was so easy after 1hr 06mins. I'm strolling home on the phone to the other half, telling her how amazing I am, when the penny drops........I only answered 3 instead of 4 of the 7 questions ****ing **** :mad::mad::mad:
My own stupid fault, but now instead of using this module to improve the average grade I'll be lucky to get a 2.2 in it :cry::cry::cry:

19-01-09, 11:27 AM

19-01-09, 11:28 AM

hc coupe
19-01-09, 11:30 AM
ARGH, I did it before, never turned the last page over.When I left everyone asks about a question I didn't even read.

Hope you done well on the three you did...

dhdev (Oli)
19-01-09, 11:31 AM
Ouch and Doh! sum it up nicely :(

Pistol Pete
19-01-09, 11:34 AM

19-01-09, 11:37 AM
:( Hopefully you will still have done well enough dude!

19-01-09, 11:44 AM
Yes you are. :p

19-01-09, 11:51 AM
What a numpty ;)

Does this affect the rest of your exams then?

19-01-09, 11:52 AM
last time i done an exam many moons ago i was swinging on my chair and fell off and the examiner burst out laughing lol

19-01-09, 12:10 PM
When I did my HND a fella did exactly the same thing. His face when he realised what he'd done was a picture lol

They gave him a 0 for not completing the exam correctly BUT they did allow him a free retest in the summer, which he then passed.

dhdev (Oli)
19-01-09, 12:19 PM
They take an average across the modules, 10 modules this year count for approx 18% of my degree, so in the big scheme of things its not a big problem, just funking annoying. I need an average of 50% (IIRC) to continue on the MEng course as opposed to 40% for the BEng, to none uni students this will sound easy, but trust me its not! I'm aiming for high 60's/low 70's but it would have been nice to have this one in the bag as they get harder from here :tard:
On this module alone the affect will be as follows:-
Max 75%
if I answer 80% correct (a bloody high %) then I get 60% for the exam
if I answer 70% correct (minimum first class) then I get 53%
and 60% would give me a real world 45% :(

19-01-09, 12:36 PM
Fail..?(no pun)

19-01-09, 12:40 PM
You doosh bag!

19-01-09, 12:51 PM
not good dude, what subject are you studying, and in my degree i have NO exams at all in 3 years and my dissertation is only 8000 words, which im now starting lol

19-01-09, 04:28 PM
In my degree, in the first year the grades from essays and exams didnt count towards my final grade. 2nd year was 30% and 3rd year (this year) is 70%. Pity this is the year im ****ing up :(

19-01-09, 04:51 PM
Gutted for you missing a whole question fella! lol

I'm in my first year of my Architectural Technology degree of which we don't have exams for. So as this is the exam period I now have 2 weeks off until semester 2 starts :cool:. Don't have any in the summer either so I'm going to end having just over 4 months off in the summer! Good times!


19-01-09, 05:17 PM
Oh dear, oh dear Mr Danker, im sure you feel bit of a plonker...

Is there any way you could explain to the bord what happend and try re-sit it??

Good luck though mate.


dhdev (Oli)
19-01-09, 06:07 PM
I emailed the lecturer before the exam had finished lol But he said it was tough luck, which I expected tbh.

19-01-09, 06:14 PM
Oh well dude, just means you will pay much more attention in the future exams eh.

19-01-09, 09:42 PM
Just had my first 2hr exam of the semester, walked out with a swagger cos it was so easy after 1hr 06mins. I'm strolling home on the phone to the other half, telling her how amazing I am, when the penny drops........I only answered 3 instead of 4 of the 7 questions ****ing **** :mad::mad::mad:
My own stupid fault, but now instead of using this module to improve the average grade I'll be lucky to get a 2.2 in it :cry::cry::cry:

Was each question 25 marks each??
TBH if you're **** hot you'll get 65/70%

Final year exams?

P.S You won't do that again will ya ;)

dhdev (Oli)
27-02-09, 10:12 AM
I got 62% in the module that I missed 25% of in the exam. So that'd equate to 83%, really could've done with that to bring the average up :( Learnt my lesson!

27-02-09, 10:24 AM
Thats still not too bad a score to say you missed part of it off dude, just have to make sure you score as much as you can for the rest of it all now!

dhdev (Oli)
27-02-09, 10:30 AM
True that, really need to pull my finger out my bum now!

27-02-09, 05:07 PM
You still on the part of the course where doing as little work as possible to hit 40% is the aim? or is it counting towards the degree? lol (might have been answered earlier on, i'll admit to only reading the first/last post)

dhdev (Oli)
27-02-09, 05:40 PM
This is second year now, so it starts to count (although only marginally). I still managed to hit 40% in one module though :(

27-02-09, 05:48 PM
That sucks then :( Least it's only marginally counting though, give the rest of the exams a decent go and and balls out in the last year and you're laughing :thumb:

27-02-09, 06:04 PM
I did something very similar to this in my exams at christmas. Missed 25% of exam but came out with a high 60/low 70 luckily

What course you doing?

Count Vaux Alot
27-02-09, 06:33 PM
You really dropped that like it was hot....major bum.

dhdev (Oli)
27-02-09, 07:09 PM
I did something very similar to this in my exams at christmas. Missed 25% of exam but came out with a high 60/low 70 luckily

What course you doing?

You must have aced your exam! I'm doing a Masters in Mechanical Engineering.